Tuesday, December 06, 2005


Monday I finally set the wheels in motion and called a realtor. He's the rather questonable realtor that Russell bought his house through back a couple years ago. The guy is married, et cetera, but has an obvious crush on Russell. (As does Russell's mortgage lender...)
He also is a broker, and has his own agency. So, he's more flexible on commission rates. He offered Russell to cut the commission in half if he is also the buyer's agent. This is also his turf - he knows the area and the home values very well. He currently has two listings in my building even.
I have a vacation day next Monday, so we scheduled an appointment for him to view the condo and start the sales process. So, I have to CLEAN this weekend!! I am not sure if I should tell Ronny yet. I think he would realize the significance of having my place on the market. He has been holding onto a slim hope that I won't actually leave. I have been only honest in telling him that I will head out some day soon. His sister told me that he is not taking it well.

In honor of setting the ball in motion, today was a Horrible day at work. Three and half hours in the conference room for three back-to-back meetings that basically all ended up with people arguing over whose fault it is that everything is falling apart. We continue to have major product failures getting to our customers. Of course, since this can be described as poor quality, everyone turns to me and says, "Well, it's a QUALITY problem..."
Yes, it is a quality problem, but if YOU screw up, it's not a QC Department problem. They don't get it. They just want to drop the hot potato in someone else's lap. I got quite behind today. The piles of random problems accumulating on my desk are getting higher and deeper.
I don't want to leave on a sour note, so I am trying to keep up appearances until the last minute. Hopefully, I won't have a huge backlog of work when I go. If there is, you know they will be blaming for everything that goes wrong for the next four years...

Saturday, November 12, 2005


Thursday was the 7 month anniversary for Ronny and I seeing each other. Not that seven month is that big of a deal in anniversary circles, but it's relevant to me in that Sergio and I last exactly seven months. That was previously my longest relationship, and it ended on our 7-month. So, as of now, Ronny is my longest relationship.
In an odd twist of fate, we didn't see each other that night. I was over by Nish's place playing Balderdash with Nish and Prema. I called Ronny about 10:15 to say I'd be home in about 20 minutes. He said he'd be about 10 minutes, so he'd see me there, and not to rush. I got home about 25 minutes later, and he was not there, yet. So, I put some stuff away, tidied up, took my contacts out and brushed my teeth. Waited a few minutes more. Still no Ronny. It had been a half hour now that I had been home, so I called. He said, "Oh, you're home now."
I replied that I had been home for a half hour. He asked why I didn't call earlier. I said I thought he was on his way over. He said he was waiting for me to call. By now, it's after 11pm, and I'm ready for bed, and he's at his house, so we just called it a night.
In a even more disturbing twist of fate, that day was Sergio's 40th birthday. At one point in time, this person was the sole purpose of my being, and a 40th birthday is a fairly prominent event. It was bouncing in my mind too much, I needed to acknowledge the day, or I'd go nuts.
So, I sent a simple little email wishing him well. He wrote back with a Thank you, how sweet.
It was fairly interesting to me how meaningless the email was. It was just pixels on the screen. There was no connection between the words I saw, and any real person, feelings, or events. That made me a little sad. I do not know where the line is drawn that defines "moved on" but I have a feeling that irrelevance is a huge flag on the moved-on side. I will always love him and wish we hadn't broken up, and part of me will probably always want him back, but I don't desire it anymore. I think the passion has finally withered and fallen away.
The following day, one of the engineers at work turned 40. He's kinda cute, very sexy hands. Married, 3 kids, and as follows could stand to lose 20 pounds, but still fairly attractive. The fact that he is one day younger than Sergio kinda hit me hard. I dated someone older than him. That means I'm old... I have friends / ex-bf's around the same age as the entrenched, been around forever, workers I deal with at my job. There's just this auro of "old" tied to certain levels of people you work with. The nearing-retirement group is obvious, but also the ones that have been there 15 years, developed routines for every aspect of the job, have no intention of leaving. They aren't actually older than I am anymore. That's scary.
(P.S. Bom Aniversario is Portuguese for Happy Birthday. Like in French, it's named for the anniversary of your birth.)

Friday, October 28, 2005


Tuesday night, around 10:30, there was a knock at my door. It was Ronny. Bearing flowers. He said he was miserable without me, so decided that for as long as I am in town, he would like to still be with me. He admitted that the whole grandstanding declaration back on Sunday was more of an attempt at keeping me from leaving. The flowers have this little battery powered fiber-optic spray in them, so the bouquet blinks with red light.
Wednesday night he came over, as well. We ended up discussing the 'situation' a little more. He said that he realizes that he loves me too much to demand that I do what he wants. He wants to remain friends even after I leave, and that some day he would like me to come visit in Brazil.
I am perfectly happy to stay friends. I want to know how his life happens. And, let's be honest, who would turn down an invitation to hang out in Brazil!!
He did ask I would stay in town until his birthday. (End of February) I told him that I was not planning on staying into 2006. He mentioned that I don't go out with friends on Friday nights anymore, and that it is OK with him if I do. I told him that was more a result of Nish getting back together with his ex, because Nish was who I was usually hanging out with on Friday nights, and now that doesn't really happen anymore. The apology aspect of the comment caught my attention, though. It seems as though he is blaming things on little errors he may have made, like getting mad at me for hanging out with friends while he was at work. (long story - apparently pre-dates my blog...)

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Skiing is BAD

This past Sunday, Ronny was sitting at my computer for a while. I stopped by to see what he was doing, and he was chatting on a Brazilian gay chat room. I was not too happy that the little bit of time I get to spend with him on a Sunday afternoon (between three hours at his house, and an hour on the phone to his sister) was spent talking to random strangers.
He finally got offline, and we were eventually sitting on the couch in front of the TV. An ad came on for one of the area ski hills. He said something about us going in January or February. I said, I might not BE here come January or February. This led into the uncomfortable "Why are you leaving" discussion again. He said he thought I had changed my mind. I said I was still planning to leave.
He felt that if I did not love him enough to stick around, then there really is no point in staying together anymore. If I can just pack and leave him behind, then why is he with me? He said that if I wait another year, he would be able to go along with me. But that if I leave now, he won't want me back. I can not wait a year. My job is driving me nuts, winter is already here again, and I have to sell my condo before my adjustable rate mortgage jumps 3%. I need to leave before the dawning of 2006.
I do love him, enjoy being together, and like him a lot. But I just can't find it in my heart to wait for him. I guess I do not love him enough, just as he said. I do know that he is more in love with than I am in return. I feel badly about the situation, and it pains me to know that he is hurting. I really am not that horrible of a person that I enjoy seeing him suffer. But I think it has to be done. Now that it has come to pass, I think we both need to work on the next stages of our lives. I think that by the time I ready to head out the door, he should be ready to be friends again.
He offered once that in a few years when he goes back to Sao Paulo for a visit, that I am welcome to come along, even if we are not together anymore. He laughingly said he wouldn't even mind if I 'met' someone there. I know there was an element of "I can say it because I don't believe it will happen" but it would be nice to know he someday will be friends.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

That sinking feeling

We had about 9 consecutive days of rain here last week. After a week of non-stop rain, we had a heavy downpour on Friday night. It apparently overwhelmed the already-busy drainage system. My house is on a hill, and I'm on the fifth floor, so I was fine. In fact, I didn't even know there was a problem.
I got to work Monday morning, and saw Chino driving down the parking lot on a forklift. I thought that was strange. Walk in the door and discover why. Our main production floor had been submerged under two feet of water late Friday night. My office is raised about 4 inches higher, but we still got hit.
The clean-up has been miserable. Plus, all of our parts are made of steel. Almost everything is prone to rust. We have been going through every single part in inventory to see if it turned rusty. Most things are requiring a wipe-down now to get the moisture off. I luckily don't have to do the wiping, but I'm one of the team evaluating everything.
I think these past two months have been torture because God is tormenting me for not getting my rear in gear and moving on to my next career move (somewhere south of the snow belt). This is the "how much more obvious of a sign do you need????" moment.
Ronny agreed I need to work on changing jobs. When I reminded him what that means, he said yeah he knows...


Several weeks ago I made a cheese lasagna. Big hit. But I know Ronny likes meat lasagna, so this weekend I decided to make a lasagna with beef. But I didn't have a bag full of fresh garden-grown tomatoes (that's what triggered the cheese lasagna), so I used Barilla jarred sauce. Sauteed onion and garlic, browned the beef, added alforno and cheese pasta sauces. Smelled kinda Bland. Added more garlic, oregano, pepper... Still tasted a little flat. Decided to dump in a half packet of sazon goya (a little magic in little foil packets!!). For those of you who don't know, it's this seasoning packet from the hispanic aisle that turns food bright orange and zests it up with monosodium glutamate.
Ronny loved the lasagna. Apparently that night, though, he had a major visit with the bathroom. Sunday we had more, as left-overs. That night he called and said he was major stomach issues again, the same as the night before. So, he was guessing it was the lasagna. I said the only thing I could think it would be from would be the sazon. I had no problems eating it, which is good, because now I have to finish all the left-overs. So, I'll have to keep in mind he seems to react badly to MSG...

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Yes, it has been a while since I posted. Things just have been THAT boring. Other than unbelievably horrid days at work, there hasn't been anything noticable. And I'm sure you all have enough work-related horror stories to get sick of hearing me whine.

A friend of mine was having a party this past Saturday. I asked Ronny if he wanted to go, and he said Yeah. So, I RSVP'ed. Saturday comes. He had to work in the morning, as usual. He had said he needed to talk to his brother-in-law after work, and would be over a little later. Then I get a call, he was at a children's birthday party for someone he worked with. Went with Cris, and needed a ride back. So, I went and picked him up. Meanwhile, my friend Russell called to ask what I was up to. I said we were heading to Boston, so he said to give him a call later the next week. I picked Ronny up, and we were heading back to my place, and he says he's too tired. When we got to my place, he just wanted to go to sleep. It was like 7:30 pm.

I was rather unhappy. While he drifted off to sleep, I took care of a few things, and logged on to the internet to check a couple emails, and whatever. About 8:30 he came downstairs and apologized for ruining our plans. He was lying on the couch with his head in my lap, practically falling asleep. Said we could stop and get him some RedBull and head into Boston. I knew this was an invitation to Danger. I had visions of how the night would go, so we just ended up staying up. He did stay up for a few hours before calling it a night. Oh well...

Sunday I called my friend Paola. We met in college, then she lived in NYC, and apparently a short while ago she moved in next door! Actually about two blocks away, but still oddly close. I called to see if she was ready for me to stop by, and she said there was something she needed to warn me about before I came over. She said she's Changed. I saw her in January, and was not sure how much a change could have happened, much less something that would 'frighten' me. Turns out she's pregnant. Like 9 months pregnant. And married! But she's doing well.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Three Flags

Ronny had gotten three passes to Six Flags from work. So, Saturday we headed to Agawam with his sister. She was apparently REALLY excited about going. Her husband was staying home to babysit. The instant we pulled away from the house (still within shouting distance) she started crying because she missed her baby boy.
We stopped off at a little convenience store prior to the park so Ronny could get aspirin. While we were there I pointed out they had batteries (her camera was about to go dead). Well, that led to a shopping spree... But in multiple rounds. The poor clerk. First it was batteries and trying to figure out how many aspirin packs. Then a bottle of water came in. Then another bottle of water. Then a candy bar. I had made rice krispie treats the night before, but apparently those weren't enough!
We get to the park and go on Pandemonium. Fun little ride - I thought it would be bigger, though. Then this upside-down swinging thing next to that. Then the one that reverses itself. As we get off that one, sis heads to the bushes. A little bit of her breakfast is now part of the park! Three rides in, and she refused to go on any more, except the ferris wheel. Ronny and I hit all the major rides, and went on Superman twice. The lines were nice and short, which helps 'cuz 6Flags is HORRIBLE for slow moving lines.
We had lunch at the park. Ronny only ate half of his fries. His sister finished them for him. Shortly after she got TWO ice cream cones. Although Ronny helped with one of them.
I think she spent most of the time Ronny and I were on rides stuffing herself!
We stopped around the midway games, and she was rather drawn to the ring toss. She bought a couple rings, and had no luck. So she bought a bunch more. Ronny then bought a bunch to try to beat her. Unfortunately for him, she won. I wasn't looking, and I know the operator was not watching either, but she got a ring on one of the bottles. Picked the cheetah. This thing was almost five feet tall. It was HUGE. We head back to my car to put it away while we finish going on rides, and can't quite figure out where to put it. It was larger than the back seat. It ended up going in between the front seats, with it's feet in the rear and it's head up by the rear-view mirror. I could not even see Ronny in the passenger seat, and sis was scrunched in the back. Ronny had to be my right-side mirror for me.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005


Warning: another dream story!

Last night I had a little difficulty sleeping. At one point, I did fall asleep, and my dream was about being on a road trip. I was travelling with Carrie, Samantha, and Charlotte from SATC. There was a guy with us as well, but I do not know who he was.
So, we get to the hotel room, and Samantha and I are both ready to crash, so we end up laying down on one of the two beds. Carrie and RandomGuy sit on the other, while Charlotte sits down on the floor between the beds. Somehow the conversation about whether she would be comfortable sleeping on the floor drifts to Carrie sleeping with her, and drifts to them making out. RandomGuy is SO into that concept. Samantha and I, however, are so just trying to get to sleep!
I eventually toss and turn, get fairly comfy, start drifting off, and BAM! The alarm clock goes off. The real one. I was not happy to wake up. Not that I was into the dream, I just would rather not be going to work.

Anger Management

Monday was Labor Day. I had off. Ronny did not. Before he left I asked if he was coming back over in the afternoon. He said no. I asked if he was coming back over at night. He said he didn't know.
I basically spent the day running around the digital world of warcraft. But I did unplug to go to dinner with my friend Joe for his birthday. But then Joe was tired, so he went home after dinner.
Ronny called after work (about 10:15pm) and asked if I wanted him to come over. I paused, noted how tired I felt, and said "uhh, no, that's OK."
Ronny got Really Upset. We had a rather uncomfortable talk on the phone for almost 10 minutes, which finished with him saying "bye." About a minute and a half later, there's a knock at my door. Guess who...
I have a feeling he got so mad because he was already AT my house, and was expecting me to say "Yeah come over!" To which he could reply "Ha-ha! I'm already here!!"
But we smoothed things over! And Tuesday night I stopped in at DD to visit for a little while. (The new pumpkin donuts are really tasty!)
Crisis averted!


Saturday Ronny came over, as usual. He said Cris had called and asked if we wanted to go to Purgatorio. I asked where that was, envisioning some gay club in Providence. He said, "No, Purgatory." Well, that one wasn't hard to translate, even for me, but it didn't help.
I asked "Is that Boston or Providence?"
"No, Purgatory."
"Yes, but where is it?"
This went a couple more times, ended up going nowhere. He said he would call Cris. Well, Cris was busy, so he was going to call back.
We start watching TV. Half hour later, Cris calls. They talk. Ronny says to me, "They're in the parking lot" and points to the side of the building.
"They're here NOW??"
"Well, yeah!"
"We're heading to a club at 3?"
"It's not a club!! It's Purgatory!"
Oooooooooohhhhhhhhhh. Now I get it. Purgatory Chasm is a park out on Rte 146. A glacier dropped some giant boulders there, so it's a bit more of a rock-climbing experience than your typical walk in the woods.
Ronny and I head downstairs. Cris and Brad (his BF) are in his Jeep Cherokee. I ask who's driving. Ronny and Cris want to take the convertible. Brad is trying desperately to make the Jeep sound like a cool option... We took my car. Brad made a comment about hating convertibles, then wore a grimace of pain all the drive out to the Chasm.
Cris likes bounding around on the rocks. I, however, have NO sense of balance, and was typically lagging behind. I also have a little vertigo-ishness and didn't enjoy peering over any drop-offs.
But I did suggest going for ice cream afterwards, and that was a good suggestion. Ronny likes Coldstone Creamery (I do too...) so we stopped on the way back. Brad apparently doesn't like ice cream either. But the three of us enjoyed ours!
Then Brad & Cris headed home because Brad needed a nap. They said they'd come over later and hang out. I called about 9, Brad said he'd talk to Cris about what they wanted to do. Cris called Ronny about 9:45; they were going to the club in town. Ronny didn't want to, so he said no thanks. So, they didn't come over.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Exit the Tiger

***Re-update*** A few days later the shipping charges were credited back against my checking account. So, they did hold true to their word and do not deserve the hate.

I have checked the transaction history of my checking account, and it appears that Tiger did NOT actually give me free shipping like they said they would.
So, they lied.
That is just wrong. For a company to tell you they will do something, and then not do it leads to a lack of customer loyalty.
Therefore, I am rescinding my earlier endorsement.
Do NOT shop at TigerDirect!! They are evil!! (Must have been bought out by MicroSoft...)

Thursday, September 01, 2005


I bought a new laptop, so I needed Excel and Word again. I decided to take the plunge and buy a legit copy. But since I'm still a student (in the worldly sense) I got the Student/Teacher edition. At the stores it was $150. TigerDirect (online computer stuff store) had it for $125. Sounds like a winner to me! I got the UPS ground shipping, and the total was $131. The site said in stock and ready to ship. I placed my order! (Tuesday, 8/23) Thursday I checked the Progress. This website said they were doing an overhaul of their inventory system, and shipments would be delayed 48 hours. Not fun, but OK, whatever...
Friday, still 48 hour delay.
Saturday, still 48 hour delay. So I sent an email to the customer service email address. Basically asked how many more 48 hours it would take.
Sunday, didn't check. I figured they probably don't ship on Sundays anyway.
Monday I did check again. This time the website said the info was unavailable. Makes sense - I was griping about the delays, so they just stopped telling me what was going on!
Tuesday I checked. It said it shipped! (8/30)
Wednesday I get two emails. One was the automated system notifying me of shipment. The other was a response from customer service apologizing for the delay and saying they would not charge me for shipping. I saved another six bucks!!
I realize it is only a lousy six dollars, but the gesture made me feel so much better! So, now instead of hating them, I love them!! :) So, go people! Shop for geek crap at TigerDirect.com!!
And today the box showed up. I can now update my slightly anal-retentive budget file again. Work on my resume, too...
While I was going through the MicroSoft YOU MUST REGISTER THIS PRODUCT screen, they had a comment box, so I said "Stop treating all your customers like criminals. I didn't steal it..."
It's like voting. My comment doesn't matter, but if enough people do the same, something useful might happen.

Random cheese comment: gruyere is tasty but smells like Nasty rancid milk


Thought for the Day, compliments of my mother:

Life is like a bus. People get on, and people get off. Some stay for a longer ride than others.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005


A couple days ago, a friend of mine complained about migraines. Today he sent an email saying that he had been feeling not-so-well lately, and went to the doctor. The verdict came back that he is HIV positive. He was more than a little shocked. He claims to be holding up fairly well. He said he didn't quite understand - he always played safe.
Life can turn on you pretty quickly. I offered to help, though he lives quite far away, so admitted mostly I could only offer my prayers.
If you could offer one as well, it would be appreciated.

don't leave me this way...

Work has sucked, lately. I mean, yeah, work always sucks. Everyone thinks their job sucks. But my job has been especially sucky these past couple weeks. Which has caused me to reconsider my relocation plans.
Originally, I had been thinking of waiting until early December before leaving. That would mean job hunting / listing my condo around the end of October or so. Staying that late was in part because the annual profit sharing checks are the first week of December. A couple weeks ago we had a MAJOR product failure at work. Lots of scrap and rework. Customer returns. Costly costly costly. Now, we are not sure how much this really will or will not cost the company, but we are completely expecting that the owner will use it an excuse to not give out much money for the profit sharing. That means sticking around for that check will not be worth it.
So, the NEW plan is to spend part of the upcoming holiday weekend updating my resume to start the wheels turning of heading south / west. California would be nice, but expensive... We'll see!
I mentioned it to my parents. I needed to talk to Ronny about it, but wasn't sure how to bring it up. We went to see Valiant on Sunday (cute movie, but nothing special - a kiddie movie about WWII - what was Disney thinking??), and as the pre-show commercials and crap played, I thought I need to bring it up soon. As we headed back to my place afterward, Ronny asks me how my week at work this coming week will be. I said it should be better. (Incidentally, it hasn't been, but that's beyond the point.) He replied with "So that means you don't need to move, right?" OK - I guess the topic has come up. Let's just say Ronny was NOT pleased. He started crying, said his heart was almost broken. He said "don't leave me... alone."
I of course started crying, too. How can that not tug at your heartstrings??
Then Ronny had to go to work. Meanwhile, my father calls. Since I mentioned the chance of moving soon, he wanted to remind me of all the wonderful government jobs available at the military bases near Las Cruces, and how to find them listed on the internet.
Enough to give you a headache.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005


A couple months ago, Nish and Mark broke up. Nish started dating.
Then, one night, I was at the club with some friends, and Nish joined me. My friend Rick saw Nish and was totally smitten. So, I was trying to get him to SAY SOMETHING to Nish. But he was too chicken.
Several days later, we were all at the club again, and Rick again was expressing interest in Nish. Again, I told him to GO SAY SOMETHING. Apparently this time, Rick got up the nerve. Nish was apparently slightly receptive, yet a bit stand-offish. Nothing happened besides a few pleasantries, and it was more of a 'catch ya later' kind of thing.
I discover later that Nish was being hesitant because he had plans to meet up with Mark the next day. Skip a lot of drama, and we get to the point where they get back together.
Now skip to last Saturday night. Rick is unaware of Nish's change from single status to spoken-for. Again, everybody's at the club. Rick is apparently going to push himself a lot more. (Nish had also grown a scruffy little facial hair, which drove Rick wild with desire...) Ronny is very tired, so we leave early. Meanwhile, Rick starts flirting it up with Nish, the rest of the friends (who don't know either) are encouraging it all, and Nish is being fully stand-offish. Rick does kind of clue in, so he asks if Nish is single. Nish replies no, he is seeing someone. Rick then gets a little upset and leaves.
Nish calls me. He's concerned that Rick is mad because he thinks Rick felt that Nish made up the seeing someone thing to push Rick away. (Catch that??) So, knowing fully well why I am being briefed on the details after my departure, I offered to straighten things out. Soothe the nerves of the broken-hearted... Or at least explain the details to those who were in the dark.

Amazing how dating can be such a pain. I'm seeing someone. Nish is seeing someone. And there is still dating drama!


So, Ronny and I were sitting in front of the Olive Garden waiting for our pager thing to start flashing (well out of earshot), when the conversation turned to sex. Ronny was of the opinion that I was not into "crazy" sex. I asked what "crazy" meant. He was just like "well, it's Crazy!!" Yeah. So, I asked if 3-ways count. -background tidbit: I did ask him if was into 3-ways a couple weeks ago- He asked if that was like a fantasy of mine. I said it wasn't really a fantasy; that I had done it once. He said he had tried once, but it didn't work out. Didn't work? He apparently thought it would be fun, called these guys he knew, started, then realied he couldn't really bring himself to go through with it.
Then he mentioned that he would be willing to try again. I was rather surprised... Then he laughed, and said that it would have to be with someone 'unforgettable.' So, if I find a really really hot guy, I may even be able to invite him over...
So, I guess his jealous behavior from before has passed.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005


Had another poker night. Interesting group... Since I met Ronny through Psycho Ex, Ronny is friends with Psycho's friends. Four of Psycho friends came over to hang out and play poker Saturday night. Apparently they also blew off Psycho in order to come! If he ever finds out, he'll blow a fuse! And it's so evil of me to find that funny.

Work has gotten nearly unbearable. My boss actually told me today that I need to draw more attention to myself. He appreciates that I do things and do them well, but I need to jump up and down and yell out that I did it. That is SO not my style. But since the moron I replaced is REALLY good at drawing attention to himself (usually for stuff he didn't actually do), that is apparently the reason the owner thinks I am incapable of taking over for the moron. Really. I have been specifically told that THAT is the reason.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005


There is a little Brazilian specialty called Pao de Queijo, which means Cheese Bread. I LOVE it!! It may have something to do with the cheese... :)
I have been working on being able to make my own. They sell mix packages at the grocery store, but they are just kind of not really that good. I found a recipe online. Of course, I misunderstood Manioc Starch, and ended up with Cassava Flour. It's equivalent to using wheat germ instead of flour. Not pretty... So, Ronny got a recipe from his sister back home in Brazil, we went to the Brazilian market in Shrewsbury, and got the Correct bag of starch. His recipe is more like pancake batter, and you make it in muffin cups, so it's not quite right, either. Very good, of course, but not quite right. There was some batter left over, so I actually cooked it like a pancake. Hmmmm - not quite right, again.
So, my quest for homemade pao de queijo continues. Until then, Miranda Bread makes some Delish rolls for sale...

Sunday night I had another Ronny dream. I was -uh- trying to get his clothes off. So, it was one of Those kind of dreams. Turns out, Ronny was having a dream at the same time that was more about me strangling him. Odd how those concurrent dreams were not quite the same in tone... And I think it's pretty Psych 101 to see the symbolism in dreaming of being Smothered!

Thursday, August 04, 2005


Oh, and I was looking at the calendar to see where Ronny and my 6-month anniversary would fall, and I made a rather odd observation. Background tidbit: Sergio dumped me on our 7-month anniversary, so we were together exactly seven months. So, my 6-month with Ronny will be October 10. Then it kind of hits me. That means our 7-month will be November 10. The day my relationship with Ronny has lasted the same length as that with Sergio falls upon Sergio's 40th birthday. (Assuming Ronny and I are still together then.) What are the ODDS?????

dream weaver

Yes, yes, I know. More dream stories...
So, I've been playing World of Warcraft (dorky, yes, I know). Typical fantasy role playing genre - humans, elves and dwarves battling orcs trolls and the undead. It's a multiplayer online version. I am playing as an undead warlock. Warlocks get to have 'pets' - conjured things like an imp, djinni, banshee. There is another player class called hunter, which gets pets, too. Theirs are wild beasts they befriend - bears, tigers, etc.
Tuesday night,I dream I am playing the game and my warlock is walking along with a black cougar as his pet. Come upon a little encampment, meet a master warlock, and request training. This is done in the game, but training consists of a chime sound, sparkly light, and Poof, instantly trained. In my dream, in was more of a sparring match, with lovely Star-Wars-emperor-type dialogue: "Yessssss, gooooooood, feeeeeeeel your aaaaaaanger." The master also had some 'pet' that my cougar was sparring with. At the end of the 'training' the cougar says to the other animal "Te amo." (Portuguese for I love you.) I turn to the cougar and ask "Por que fala 'te amo'?" (Why do you say I love you?) First, I realize this was a sudden dream shift where I was no longer playing a computer game, but was IN the world itself. Second, I also realize I should have used the past tense "why did you" but I have not been studying my conjugations, and don't know how to say the past tense.
WHY I AM TELLING YOU THIS: This is the first time I recall speaking Portuguese in a dream. Do dreams mean anything? Why would my first comment in P. in a dream be "Why do you say I love you?"? Granted it was directed to a computer game character, but still...
Wednesday night I had another interesting dream. This time it was senior year in college, and I was moving into the dorm. It was an apartment style setup, and the tenants were just assigned a floor, and then picked whichever one they wanted on that floor. I picked the one in front, overlooking the front yard. Had a nice layout. Then was arranging where to put my furniture. Then discover that I had a roommate - Ronny. I do believe, this was the first appearance of Ronny in a dream. And again, do they mean anything? I was setting up house with him. Moving into a new home with the furniture I really have in real life. Hmmmm.

In the category of Sucky Jobs I Am Glad I Do Not Have, they started work on the roof today. For those who are not local, it was 95F and 100% humidity. (Threats of storms, but never happened.) Ick.

Monday, July 25, 2005

why it's called Rockport

Well, I stopped by the Verizon booth. The clerk told me I had it on Silent Mode. I said, no I didn't. He showed me the Silent Mode menu and said "See, it's on Silent Mode." I told him that was a menu. Just because it HAS A MENU does not mean it is ON silent mode. He finally called customer service. After a while they loaded a software upgrade over the network, and the rings came back. He said if it goes out again they can replace the phone. Hmmmmm. I guess it wasn't on silent mode after all.
Then stopped at the pet store. Got a new Betta. I'm thinking of naming this one Paulo, but we'll see. I haven't quite gotten him used to being fed, so I'm sure there's time yet for a name.

Ronny took this weekend off from work. He wanted to go to the beach. We ended up going to Rockport, MA. We there, overlook the harbor, and he says, "This is the beach?? This is nothing like in Brazil." Ummm, yeah. I had tried to explain earlier, but it wasn't coming across well. He was very noticeably disappointed. He was expecting SAND. Oddly enough, it appears he was expecting palm trees, too. New England beaches are very rocky (unless they ship in sand). Unless you head to Cape Cod, but that's a longer trip than we were up for on Sunday. We didn't hang around too long. Had lunch there, and got some ice cream. By the way, if you DO want to go Rockport, the park and ride on 127 is SO the way to go.
While we were at the beach, Ronny asked if 'o baiano' had gone to Brazil while we were together. (That's Sergio.) I said he had gone right after we met, so it wasn't really a good time to go along. He asked if that he had been back since that trip. I said this past May he had gone. Ronny asked why I didn't go. I kinda looked at him...
I was with YOU.
Yeah. You're not friends?
Why not?
I can't.
You still love him?
Well, yes.

I thought that was about it. He seemed OK with the whole thing at the time. That night, Ronny said he wanted to talk about when we were by the beach. Apparently it bothers him that I don't speak to o baiano anymore, because that means I feel too much for him, yet. Ronny seemed concerned that I was using him. I am not...
Back when Ronny and I first started seeing each other, psycho-ex told Ronny that Ronny wasn't Sergio, and I was just going to hurt him. Ronny's response (to me) was that he didn't care about Sergio at all. The fact that it's bothering him now is a little troubling. We'll see.

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Can you hear me now? No?? Hello??? HELLO?????

Well, the switch to Verizon took like 15 minutes. I was kind of surprised. They said the "port" takes care of the cancellation of old service, as well. Then about 15 minutes later I got the BEEP that my new service was fully connected. In a half hour my 5 year relationship with Cingular was GONE... Now I have a phone that doesn't work in the elevator and mysteriously stopped ringing. I have gone through the Settings several times, now. I can not figure out why the *&%^!# phone doesn't ring when someone calls. So for those of you trying to call me, I will return your call when I find out that you called... :)
Today is a sad day, though. Lilaz died. Lilaz was my Siamese Fighting Fish (betta, for short). I had bought him with Sergio the weekend before he dumped me. I had him EXACTLY 10 months. Of course, I had Sergio EXACTLY 7 months, so the fish outlasted the baiano.
Meanwhile, Ronny is a Huge Spongebob fan. And I am a fan, as you should all know, of ice cream. So, I saw Spongebob ice cream at the store and had to buy some (vanilla with chocolate cookie dough and caramel swirl). It is quite tasty!!
Five weeks now without A/C. Well, I have A/C, but it's really weak. So, I have slightly cooler and less humid air inside than it is outside. But it's not as good as it Should be. And since we've been having the humid summer of all humid summers, it is SO not fun.
And, if you are nerdy enough to be running around in the lands of World of Warcraft, and you should happen to bump into Jaeryd, Thoraedeus, or Venusia, say hello!

Saturday, July 09, 2005

"Allover" failure

Got back last night from my little vacation trip to Santa Barbara. It was a nice trip. Relaxing. Way too much ice cream... Pretty town, nice wharf, mild weather, lots of restaurants.
Ronny missed me much while I was gone. He was very happy to see me again last night. Brought me flowers! What a sweetie!! :)
The big news, though, would be that I now hate Cingular. We had been together for 5 or 6 years now. Back in Wisconsin, we got along great. After moving to Massachusetts, things got a little rockier. Just the little things always getting in the way. But the trip to California really ruined it for me. I plan to end things today. I have been checking out Verizon's package, and plan to go for it. The problem was that when I got to CA, my signal bar was GONE. Nada. I went to a Cingular store on State St in Santa Barbara, it was like a 5 minute walk. They checked that I still had a battery and the SIM card was OK. (Because I like to sabotage my own phone before complaining it doesn't work!!) After that, they were stumped. Several phone call transfers later, they said they would have it fixed that afternoon - an update would send over the network, I just needed to power-cycle my phone. Don't you love our modern era. Turning something off and then back on again has become such a routine means of "fixing" things, that we have a tech sounding name for it!!
Anyway, it didn't work. Borrowing my friend's cell on occasion, and receiving calls at the hotel room allowed me some converesations with Stefen as he tried to fixed my phone. Didn't work. By Thursday they had come down to me taking a cab to the next town over to get a new SIM card. I was flying back home Fri morning, so figured it wasn't worth it.
Friday night get back home, and guess what. My phone doesn't work. Whatever they changed to try to make it work has now screwed it up so I can't use it here, either. I get a message saying "Welcome to Cellular One. Your call can not be completed as dialed." Cellular One?????? What did they do????? Needless to say, standing at the airport with a useless cellphone is not a pleasant feeling. Luckily payphones still can be used to make phonecalls in Massachusetts. I tried one in CA, and it didn't work. You can call 911, phonecards, or call collect, but you can't actually PAY into the PHONE to make a call. Despite being a PAYPHONE. That was not a happy day...
Stefen was nice enough to credit me this month's bill, since I had gone through so much trouble. He was very nice and did his best to help. Too bad he works for a company that I don't like anymore. I had a nation-wide calling plan, and Cingular trumpets their "Allover network" as being so wonderful. Too bad it doesn't really work if you leave home... While I was sitting at the Cingular office on hold with Customer Service, a young guy came in who had just moved there from Rhode Island (I recognized the area code) and his phone didn't work. They sat him down on another phone to sit on hold with Customer Service, too. Then a lady came in who had just moved there from "out-of-state" and her phone didn't work. The clerk said the lady just needed to charge her phone up and it would work. The lady said it had been charging all night and said this morning the battery was fully charged. Didn't matter - the clerk sent her away. I was not the only one... By the way, the young guy got a new phone out of the deal, but that probably won't solve his problem, just like charging the phone probably won't help the lady.

Santa Barbara has a couple local burger mini-chains. Habit and In-and-Out. Habit was a couple blocks away and made for a nice lunch on those days I was by myself. I had a lot of cheeseburgers this past week. There was also a Coldstone Creamery next to the hotel, so had more ice cream than I should have... Went to the casino one night. Had the buffet. It was seafood night, so had a ton of shrimp and lobster. Tried the crablegs, but they had no tools for cracking them open, so didn't actually EAT any of it. But before you get the wrong idea, I did also have some classier fare. Went for Indian one night (mango chicken was Fabulous) Italian another (salmon with raspberry-tarragon sauce is quite good) and some yummy brioche french-toast one brunch...

Monday, June 27, 2005

longest relationship

Back on June 11, as Ronny and I were driving toward Cedar Point, he asked how many long-term relationships I had been in. I asked what qualified as long-term. He said more than two months. This was one day after he and I hit two months, so I said two. Him and Sergio. Then it dawned on me. I've had two LTR's now, and they were both with Brazilians. Upon further reflection, the next one in line (5 wks) was Puerto Rican. Next, at 3 weeks plus supplemental visits :) was a hot little black army boy. Tied at 3 weeks was my first (a black virgin islander opera major) and a medical resident (the only white boy on this list). I guess I DO like the dark meat, huh???

This will come in handy later, though it may sound irrelevant now: Thursday night, Ronny stayed over. On his way to his car on Friday morning, he said "See you Saturday."

So, Friday night we had a little dinner party for Nick, who graduated and is moving to Spain! They couldn't get organized well enough in advance to give me an opportunity to make the white chocolate cheesecake with raspberry coulis, so I did fresh banana bread and artichoke dip. Found Ben & Jerry's on sale, so brought some Karamel Sutra and Mint Chocolate Cookie. The party was at Brian and Irma's. They live like an HOUR away from here, next to a swamp. Irma got the bright idea to eat outside. I got about 30 mosquito bites before they realized we needed to move it back inside. About 11:30 I got a phone call from Ronny. He was NOT happy that I was not home. Got a little angry, actually. He apparently rushed to finish everything and got here about 10:30, to find I was not home. Saturday he was a little petulant. Said it wasn't really appropriate for me to not tell him I had plans for the night. Is he my "boyfriend" or just someone to be around with. Though, in my defense, I really did think he meant he was too tired, and didn't want to come over that night.
I guess I'm still learning. As mentioned earlier, this is my second relationship. Number one was with someone who lived about an hour away (1:15 for him, 'cuz I drove faster), so we had a pretty set schedule, and called before leaving. Or arranged things on email throughout the day. Ronny is not on email, and lives about 2 miles away. So, he has on several occassions "stopped by" and called from outside my door. I am going to have to learn a little more dating behaviors.
I spent some time calming Ronny down. I think I managed to demonstrate I really was sorry and would do better. Sunday I even bought him a Spongebob toothbrush!! He liked it. :)

Still haven't heard from or about psycho ex lately. I think he's still in Mass. I may have been right about the Arizona thing not really happening.

Thursday, June 23, 2005


OK, so last weekend was Providence pride. I was originally going to go with Nish. When Saturday rolled around I just kinda stopped feeling like going. I made up some excuses for Nish, and asked Ronny if he'd rather just go see a movie. So, I went with Ronny to see Batman (see previous post for more on Batman...) instead.
Yesterday was the 22nd. Still has Sergio connotations, even after nine months. Though, I was happy to notice that it was nowhere near as bad as it has been in the past.
Tonight I talked to Nish. Turns out Sergio was at Providence, and Nish kept bumpin' into him. Also turns out they spent like a half hour talking about me and our annihilated relationship. So, now that I know this, I'm in a 'funk' again. And I know that I shouldn't be.
It is a good thing I didn't go to Providence. Would have been a painfully awkward evening. Ronny is a total sweetie, doesn't need to be put in that situation.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

"I am Batman..."

Friday night I had another interesting dream. I've had Madonna videos, Seinfeld episodes, and several murder mystery movies. I even dreamed a Lifetime original after-school-special kind of movie once, complete with credits. That's a little freaky...
Anyway, so this one was Apparently in honor of the new movie in megaplexes right now. I was going to a dinner party with Superman and Wonder Woman at Batman's house. I think I was also a super-friend in the dream, but couldn't see my own costume, so do not know which one. (Though I think my power was pointing out the obvious. No comments from the peanut gallery!)
Dinner was going along fine until Batman FLIPPED out. Completely went nutso. SM, WW, and I kinda looked at each other with that uncomfortable grimmace, and SM and I decided to "take care" of the situation. Which of course in comic books means KILL the bad guy, who in this case was Batman. (Oh, I should mention, in THIS version, Batman lived in a boring middle class colonial in some vapid suburb.) You would think having Superman on your side would come in handy in a situation like this, but he was kind of a wuss here. After getting nowhere for a while we hatched a more formidable plan. It involved pouring lighter fluid all over the stove. Then we punched out BM so he fell backwards onto the stove. Then lit the burner, and FWOOOF - Bat Flambe!
As we head to leave, I somehow realize that WW is in the bathroom. So I open the door, she's taking a shower. (Ashy pale skin, kinda flat, not very attractive physique. Turns out her name is Wendy!) She looked a little insulted that I walked in on her, but I mentioned that the house was about to burn down and she needed to leave immediately. She was a little more grateful, then.
So SM and I leave, he's about to get in his car (Ford Explorer for those keeping track), and I realize still no WW. I said I thought we should make sure she made it out OK before leaving. He's like Oh all right... As we head back to the house, I notice the kitchen is not engulfed in flames, so we figure BM must still be on the move. We kind of hide, then hear him go into the garage. So we go in the house, SM follows BM into the garage, I go knock on the bathroom door.
"Are you COMING??"
"Do you REALIZE how difficult this suit is to get ON!?"
"Just throw on a pair of jeans and worry about the suit LATER!"
(Somehow it seemed obvious at the time that Wonder Woman would keep a spare pair jeans in Batman's bathroom.)
So, WW finally gets done in the bathroom, we head into the garage. SM is on the phone with a locksmith asking him to come over and open up the storage lockers in Batman's garage. Superman needing a locksmith. Now that's not something you normally see in a Marvel comic!! So, as SM tries to figure out where BM is hiding in the garage, WW heads outside and finds a secret door that heads to a secret basement, complete with gun-toting henchmen who are REALLY easy to knock out. I tell SM to follow. We head downstairs, WW is gone. Head around the corner, and there is a hallway of rooms. I go in one, nothing. Go in another, and there's Wonder Woman, tied down to a bed. I let her loose and we continue on. We go look for Superman. Can't find him. Now WW is gone again. I head back to the rooms. Go in another one, there's this guy Corey. Late 30's, pasty, balding, not healthy looking. He tells me that Bruce Wayne had kidnapped him and was doing experiments on him. Cue ominous music. I decide I NEED to tell SM and WW about this one. Can't find them, of course. Head back to the rooms. New room. Really dim inside. There's a woman on the bed.
"Wendy??" (Remember, that's Wonder Woman.)
"nnnn" faintly.
I go up to the woman, but can't really see her. She's too weak to talk. I keep thinking it's WW. So, she grabs a Polaroid camera and snaps one of her face, so the light will show who she is.
(Yes, I am aware that it is odd for someone too weak to speak to whip out a Polaroid camera... And, no, you are not supposed to know who Suzanna is. One of those Plot Twists! Dun-dun-duuuuuuunnn)
"I thought you were dead!!"
I lean in much closer.
"Bruce staged my death so he..."
Someone is coming down the hall. I hide behind the door. There's a fiery glow coming down the hallway that I can see through the crack under the door. BM is apparently still ablaze, but now it's become 'part' of him. (Incidentally, he was also now accompanied by a metallic rotary grinding sound - sort of like out of War of the Worlds.)
That's when I woke up. Bummer, huh?
The thought of Wonder Woman in a bathroom struggling to get into her tights is just so funny, though, isn't it?? In all those superhero comics, it was always this magical twirl or swooshing through a phone booth, and Presto! the costume change is complete. Having one sit there kvetching about it is a little refreshing!

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

More Dairy

I realized I haven't been including enough "Dairies" references to justify the title of this blog, so I will mention that at Cedar Point on Monday I had a Cheeseburger and Strawberry shake. (Kinda hit the fruits, there, too!)
Oh, and I forgot to dump the milk before I left Saturday, so it really smelled bad when I got back.

I'm officially a Mass-hole

Massachusetts drivers are known for being really bad. The nickname had developed of calling bad MA drivers Mass-holes. Well, it's official. I got an out-of-state speeding ticket for driving like any normal person in MA would normally be driving. I have become one of the dreaded Mass-holes...

I took a weekend trip to Sandusky, Ohio to ride the roller coasters at Cedar Point amusement park. Check out www.cedarpoint.com if you are unfamiliar with the world's greatest amusement park (infidel!). Drove 11 hours there and 11 hours back. Not a problem. The problem was going from the hotel to the park on the second day there. Not paying attention to the speed limit. Because in MA you never pay attention to the speed limit. I think they post them for the sake of using up the budget. Nobody - including the cops - pays any attention to them within town. (Unless it's like doing 80 in a school zone, but that's just plain dumb.) There was traffic ahead, and traffic behind, but I was kind of alone for a good 250 feet or so. Just kind of casually driving based on how far ahead the car in front of me was, talking to Ronny. The top was up, because it was a little drizzly. I saw the cop sitting in the parking lot on the right side of the road, looked down, and saw the needle was above 50. Oops. It was a 40 zone. Yeah. He probably started salivating when he saw the obviously NON-Ohio plates. (OH and MA plates do not look at ALL alike.) I wasn't really going much faster than anybody else. But, like I said, I was kind of out of the cluster, by myself. $112. Unless I want to go all the way back to Sandusky in two weeks. I'm thinking no... But this will be a major headache when the car insurance renews in August!

But other than that, the trip was a blast. There were threats of thunderstorms, but that never happened. The lines were nice and short, we got to ride everything. Ronny didn't like Top Thrill Dragster (420 feet, 120 mph, verticle drop), so I only went once. But that's OK, it wasn't even running Monday, and Millenium Force is way more fun. We did that several times! The new one is MaXair. One of those rocking pendulum rides. Except you are strapped to the outside of a big spinning circle. So, while spinning around, you swing 140 feet into the air. I was a little apprehensive about going on, but it was actually quite fun.

Tips for travelers: (1) Follow posted speeds in Ohio. (2) The Sandusky Clarion Inn does not merit it's 3 stars. (3) The two-day pass at Cedar Point is SO the way to go - bring water park wear, as well. (4) The ride Disaster Transport is inside a building. They are trying for a Space Mountain effect, but the ride is short and wimpy. However, since you cannot see the ride is wimpy from the tarmac, and you cannot see the length of the line, you get suckered into trying it - DON'T. It is not worth more than a 5 minute wait. (5) About 11 o'clock seek out hand stamps. You only get two, so make them count. I recommend Millenium Force and Raptor. (6) At least for now, they won't let you in line for Top Thrill Dragster wearing glasses/sunglasses. Hide them in your pocket until you are in the queue. They don't seem to care once you're inside. (7) There are 3 water rides in the regular park, all the way in the back. (8) Sunday through Thursday, the Sandusky area restaurants close at 10pm despite the deluge of park goers coming through town at about 10:30. The only one on the main drag (Milan Road) still open is Applebee's. At 10:05 we couldn't get into Olive Garden, but the next night got in at 9:55. Plan accordingly!

Ronny is a Spongebob fan. (They have the show on in Brazil...) They had Spongebobs at the midway games. The easy Spongebob was at the Guessing Booth. I won Ronny a little stuffed Spongebob on Sunday because the lady thought I was fat. (Okay, she was 5 pounds over.) I won him another one on Monday because a different lady thought I was nearing retirement... (She said 34. I just turned 31. She thought I looked OLDER than I am. Ouch.) So, now Ronny has one to keep at his place and one to keep at my place. How Cute!! :)

Friday, June 10, 2005

That's OK

Ronny needed to change his shirt last night (haircut), and I have one of his shirts in my closet. So, I asked if he wanted to wear that one.
He says, "That's OK."
I ask, "Are you sure?"
"That's OK."
"You don't want to wear this one?"
"That's OK!"
So, I put it back in the closet. Three minutes later, Ronny asks, "Where's the shirt?"
"I thought you didn't want it."
"I said, 'That's OK'."
It dawned on me, he was speaking Literally. So, I laughed, got the shirt, and pointed out that in the US we actually mean "No" when we say "That's OK".
Gets you to thinking about all the other little expressions we take for granted that make life MISERABLE for a non-native speaker. "Get out" versus "go out" comes to mind. Think about it a minute - you only ever say "get out" when you're angry.

Had dinner at 86 Winter with Ronny and Nish. Good food!

My air conditioning is on the fritz. It's running OK now, but yesterday it was DEAD. Boy was it warm in here... I have someone scheduled to come in next week to fix it. This humid humid August weather is SO not fun.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

late night

Monday I stsopped by DD to say hi to Ronny. He said he and Cris were going to a movie after he was done, and asked if I wanted to come. I said Yes. Then thought it would be better for them to come to my place. Then Ronny and I could 'snuggle' and I could go to bed very soon after the movie ended. Ronny said he NEVER gets to go to the cinema, so wanted to go there. I said I didn't feel like going to the theater. So, those two headed to Showcase and I went home. I checked showtimes when I got home and saw that they missed the last showing of anything by 15 minutes. I figured about 5 minutes and they'd call to come over. I was wrong. It was like ONE minute...

We put in Trick. The other advantage to watching at my place is that I can turn on subtitles. It's a little bit easier for them to understand if the words are written on the screen! I doubt they caught much of the subtle humor. Anything with word-play or long set-up they didn't laugh at. Needless to say, I didn't get to sleep until about 1am.

I got an email from Brad. He apologized for not coming over last weekend because of his worries about psycho-ex. He was the only one to make a conciliatory gesture about the failed party. But then again, Cris was the only person there, so Brad must have known it WAS a failure.

Monday, June 06, 2005


Friday I went to Madagascar with Nish. Funny movie! Afterwards, sat and chatted with Nish for a while. He got into a discussion of my low self-esteem issues and how I need to snap out of it. It was so reminiscent of being in college.

Saturday I had invited a bunch of people over for a party. Some people accepted, a couple declined. Most didn't reply. None came. Not so boosty to the self-esteem. But, what the hell... Ronny showed up about 11. (He was planning to come over after work.) He had Cris with him! So, TECHNICALLY, I can't say nobody came... Visited a little bit - or as much as I can with Ronny and another Brazilian who speaks far less English. Then I dropped Ronny off at home and went to the club. Cris was already there, with Brad, and that whole gang (sans the psycho ex, thankfully). Had fun! Another Brazilian joined the group. They knew him. He introduced himself - I didn't catch the name. We'll call him PushyBoy. He seemed interested in me. *sigh* I was NOT interested in him. Nish and I left a little early, but ended up standing outside chatting for like an hour. During which point PushyBoy stopped by to join us. He eventually clued in that we were talking about specific things that exluded him, and got in his car and "left". Except when I walked to my car, I discovered that he had just moved his car, then moved to the bar down street, and was stalking me. He followed me to my car. Told me how attractive I am, and I look 19, and he wants my number, and where do I live, and yadda yadda yadda. I told him I was seeing someone, but that didn't seem to phase him much. So I got in my car. Left the windows rolled up. Drove away. Luckily, he only followed me to the light, and then he went home. But it was like 70 that night, and I SO wanted to come home with the top down. Damn stalkers...
(And by the way, Ronny was NOT pleased that I had seen Madagascar without him, either.)

Sunday Nick came over to Burnout a while. Ronny called after work. Seemed a little exasperated that I was spending time with ANOTHER friend. I tell him he works too much. It should be better this weekend, when we have 4 days to ourselves (and a couple roller coasters) without him having to leave for work.

Sunday night I had a weird reality TV show dream. We were divided into teams, and had to do some project. (Don't remember the details.) But, it was in some other realm, and it was New Years Eve. The winning team (the best project - but again, I'm not sure how they were judged) got to go back home to the real world. But you had to say "Pumpkin" at the stroke of midnight. (OK, so "reality TV" may be the wrong term, but the stuff actually ON these days isn't much better!) So, we were all at this big banquet, having a blast, and midnight approached. The countdown began: FIVE....... FOUR....... THREE......... TWO........ ONE-the alarm went off. Exactly at the stroke of midnight. At first I was a little annoyed that I didn't get to see what happened - or yell out "pumpkin". Then I realized, that at the stroke of midnight, I did leave the magical realm to go back home. Kinda freaky.

Friday, May 27, 2005


It's pouring outside right now. And I need to wash my car. There is an unspeakable irony there. But this time, I really mean that I need to wash my car. There is major road construction going on right in front of where I work. They are currently tearing down the concrete ramp that used to be an on-ramp to the expressway. (I grew up calling them freeways. But there are tolls here, so it just doesn't seem right to call them that here.) Picture if you will a big Caterpillar construction back-hoe with a ten foot jackhammer mounted on it. Now picture this giant mechanical destruction tool breaking up a ramp into itty bitty pieces. That creates "dust." Thick heavy cement-like dust. Now picture my cute little convertible parked 20 feet away. While I'm at work. All day... Now those of you in the area are aware that we've been practicing for Noah's Ark here. It hasn't reached 40 days yet, but it feels like it. And those of you who have ever mixed quickrete can imagine what wet rainy conditions do when combined with that thick cementy dust. All over my car.
Would have washed it tonight, but I went with some friends to catch SWE3:ROTS (Star Wars). The review I read said it is the best of the Prequels, and the second half is as good as the original. The review also said (OK if this spoils anything, you need to get out more) that at the moment the mask is lowered and Vader takes his first assisted breath, that one breath is the only one you can hear in the theater. It was true. The room was SILENT! Gives ya goose-bumps.
While you're taking in the sights of the blogoshpere, check out http://travelingirl76.blogspot.com in another corner of this realm. My friend Mandy is in Pakistan and this is her chronicle. Makes my car-wash dilemma seem quite pathetic. And say a little prayer for her safe return.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005


I have the trip booked for 4th of July. I was trying to get to Oahu, but Luis apparently didn't REALLY want me to come visit. Not that weekend, anyway. (I think the Texan counted as a more important visitor.) After floundering around a while, I have a flight booked to Santa Barbara, California. I now need to rent Sideways, so I am prepared for all the comments I'm sure I will hear from everyone. And I don't like reds, so trust me, I won't have much merlot.
It looks as though the psycho really IS moving to Arizona. I've been getting copied on all the photo-journal emails. He met someone online from Phoenix, so is now moving there. Good luck!
(to the Arizonan...)
Ronny is having difficulty getting the Sunday off from work to come to Ohio. I told him he HAS to. I haven't heard from Ed, either, so I don't know if he is still going. If they both bail, I will be Rather Upset. Aside from cancelling the hotel, I won't get to ride the 420' coaster AGAIN.
This weekend's trip to Hampton Beach, NH looks like it will be cold and raining, so I might bail on that. Ronny wants me to spend the weekend here, anyway.

Monday, May 23, 2005

Never a bridesmaid...

Went to Pennsylvania this past weekend for Olga's wedding. Held in a town called Jim Thorpe. Quaint little town. Nice mountain views. Would have been more fun if I hadn't been there by myself, but some things are always beyond my control.
Olga is my closest friend from high school. But we never went to school together. We actually met taking the SAT test our junior year. The test was held in a gymnasium at a local college, and they sat the students at those black lab tables with the book cubby-holes in front. So, with two people to a table, I happened to sit next to this girl from Sheboygan. At some point I must have boasted that I expected to do very well on the math section. She ended up writing her address on a gum wrapper and told to me to let her know what I scored. Of course I got a perfect 800 on the math (not quite as well on the verbal - but I WAS going for Engineering), so I let her know. We started "corresponding" and over all these years have kept in touch. I was the longest-known friend there!
The wedding was beautiful. And FAST. Like 10 minutes start to finish. More time for reception, I guess. The flowers (done by the bride's dear friend Katherine) were Gorgeous. Lilies and peonies and rhododendrons. A few roses, too. All in pink and light green. I grabbed one of the centerpieces. Olga didn't toss the bouquet (she couldn't part with it!), but she asked me to keep a centerpiece.
The food was great. Bacon-wrapped scallops are ALWAYS a good idea!! The almond cake with apricot buttercream frosting was also a hit. Fresh fruit platter was a hit, too. (It's all about the dip!)

A few weeks prior, Olga mentioned a friend of theirs who Claimed to be straight but Everyone felt was gay. She was curious to know what MY opinion would be. Now, I confused this person with another attendee who would be a Known homosexual. I ended up sitting at the reception table next to "Frank." I thought he was the investigative report. Ooops. I found out AFTER the evening was over that he was the known entity. Yeah. Wouldn't have mattered, but that also meant that he knew -I- was a known entity, too. The flippant invitation for him to stay at my hotel room (which I totally didn't MEAN since I thought he was the straight / closet case one) suddenly had a different hue. Hindsight is always 20/20, even after a bunch of rum and cokes!

The next day they had a picnic at an area state park. The bride's family is all from Wisconsin. We ALL commented as we entered the park how ODD it was that they would not allow alcohol at the park. Since we were grilling out (someone even brought brats!!! YEAY!!! Grilled Bratwurst!!) all the cheeseheads were kinda wondering where the beer was... :) But we had cheese, so it was OK. I had a cheeseburger. And a hotdog - with cheese. And a brat - with cheese. And some doritoes - you guessed it, Nacho Cheese!

Olga asked if there was a 'connection' with Frank. Unfortunately, he's not my type. Her friends Brian and Michael were both pretty cute (with girlfriends in tow). My crush for the weekend was a little inappropriate. Olga's brother-in-law. Happily married, two kids. Do I know how to pick 'em!! (If you're reading this, Olga, my Deepest apologies for any offense derived.)

Ronny was very happy to see me again Sunday night. He stayed over. He had big news, too! Two big newses (I know, I know...) actually. Bad big news - he might not be able to go to Cedar Point in June. Here's hoping someone takes his Sunday shift... The main big news, however, was that he was told while partying over the weekend that my psycho-ex is moving to Arizona. I still don't really believe that it is true. He's been wildly oscillating between sanity and hysteria, so there's a part of me that thinks the AZ trip will somehow "fall through" at the end.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005


Middle of May... Some people use blogs as journals, some as sounding boards. I am not terribly political, and don't really try to force my opinions on anyone. So, I guess mine will be more diary than diatribe (is there a spell-check on this thing??)

Just put in some new flooring. Hoping that it increases the resale value! That was a lot of frustration and hassle, so it better be worth something. The place looks great, though! My parents just came for a visit, as well (from west of the Rio Grande). That was part of what motivated me to finish. My mother thinks my place is wonderful!! (Of course she does, she's my mom...)

Been with the current bf over a month now. It's going well. He's a total sweety. Immigrant. Limited english, limited earning power. Works two part time jobs, so that takes up a lot of time. I've gotten a few free donuts out of it though! (Apparently Dunkin Donuts isn't as hung up about green cards as some others, so they attract a lot of immigrants. I wonder what percentage of employees there actually speak fluent english.)

The ex from this past spring has ceased with the threats of violence and intimidation. (He thought he was being "replaced" and I can't convince him otherwise. So, he did not take well to the news that I was seeing someone new.) I am not sure if they ceased because he came to his senses, or because I've done a good job of avoiding contact with him for the past few weeks. I HAVE been rather busy, though, so I have kind of been avoiding a lot of people... Come to think of it, I haven't been receiving threats from Anyone lately! :)

This brief version is rather devoid of the Melrose Place drama that made this story so intriguing to my friends, but this is a new blog. Hopefully the next disaster my life generates will result in more captivating prose. Then again, if you're bored, you can read someone else's blog!