Friday, January 27, 2012

Waiting for Good News

Wednesday I had a phone interview with a consulting firm. I thought it went very well. There are several more steps before a job offer, but crossing the first hurdle would be the biggest step forward. The guy I spoke with, Marc, said that he would forward the file with his notes and my resume to his boss for approval. Once approved, HR will send me a background/credit check form to submit. So, I am waiting for that form to show up in my email. Of course, HR could send one saying the job-hunt equivalent of "ewwwww cooties" (which I've gotten many many more times than I like), but here's hoping it is good news for once!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Wouldn't It Be Nice!

I have a phone interview scheduled for Wednesday. Trying not to get over-excited, yet, but it would be practically the perfect job. If all goes well, I will share more later, but for now, just keep your fingers crossed.

Friday, January 13, 2012


Not much happened this week. Still sending out resumes. Hoping the Stars Align one of these days and I actually get a job.

Speaking of alignment, here are a couple camera-angle pics:

Saturday, January 07, 2012


I'm in a bit of a funk. Life has been so stagnant for so long that I feel like I will never find a job, lose weight, enjoy life again... I have no money to spend, so don't like shopping or traveling right now. That makes Nauber unhappy, which makes the relationship feel unfulfilling. It's like a big downward spiral. I've been hanging all the "change" on "when I get a job" that 3.5 years of complete rejection from every employer on the face of the planet is wearing me down.

In honor of my foul mood, here's the most uncharacteristic choice I could find in my collection: