Friday, May 28, 2010

Choose Wisely

I had an interview at the bank on Tuesday that went very well.
Wednesday I took the computerized screening test for the TSA. I thought I did poorly. I know I missed a couple of the knives in the suitcases. I also missed some pens, a rubber boot, a hammer, and potato-masher, but I figured the knives would be the most damning.
I got an email later that evening that I passed!
Don't know which one will offer me something, yet...

Friday, May 21, 2010

Step 2 Finished

Spring Semester is now over. I have two grades posted out of 4, both are "A".
The Brazil trip is being formed right now. There's a chance it will happen, but a chance they won't hit minimum enrollment.
Summer classes start June 1.
I have a birthday party developing for June 5. I would have done the 12th, but that is Pride, and not a good night to try to have a BD party.
I have an interview this afternoon with TDBank for a teller position.
I have a computerized exam on Wednesday with the TSA for an airport screener position.

Busy, busy, busy. So, here's a happy little distraction. Lady Gaga's latest song, "Alejandro," is out now, and sounded like a latin lover. The cover photo impmlies bullfighting, which would be Spain or maybe Mexico. The GUY in the photo is Brazilian. Of course...

Saturday, May 15, 2010

What am I forgetting

I kept thinking on Friday that there was something I was forgetting about. It dawned on me this morning that I hadn't done my blog post.

So, Nauber is up to three jobs now (KFC, Bertucii's, and a local place called Rudi's). I just applied as a bank teller and airport security screener. We'll see if either of those happen!

Ronny is contemplating taking on a second job, too. Busy, busy, busy!

Friday, May 07, 2010