Friday, April 30, 2010

Days Go By

Two more weeks of school. Then a couple tests/papers. Then the first year of my MBA will be done. Meanwhile, the job market seems to showing slight improvement.

The summer-abroad program to Brazil is still in limbo. They haven't even gotten a sign-up sheet together. By this point, I think it's going to fall apart. That will be a shame, because what better way to take a to Brazil while unemployed than to put it on a low-interest student loan!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Friday, April 16, 2010

Cold and Rainy

It's about 45 and rainy right now. Last week we hit 90. Earlier this week we hit 70. Consistency would be nice. Maybe I wouldn't have this cold!

Friday, April 09, 2010

Interesting Dream

It's been a while since I've posted a dream. And this one isn't even about sex. But I need to document it anyway!

I was talking to some random guy, who started in on his theory about people. He said there are only two tasks people engage in that are essential: eating and working. Both of those activities he finds disgusting. If you have ever looked around you at a buffet, you'd tend to agree that eating is not a visually pleasant activity. And no one thinks fondly of work. So, I guess that makes some sense. He then postulated that any other activity, since it is not essential, can be categorized as art. Might be a stretch, but somewhat logical. He then pointed out that he, and everyone else, dislikes things other people may like, leading to a lack of tolerance for each other's tastes.

The whole thing boiled down to him claiming that people are "artistically intolerant, essentially repulsive". I googled the phrase, and it didn't turn up as a quote anywhere. I have no idea where my subconscious mind dredged this one up. It doesn't strike me as a moral philosophy, since it only describes a condition, and doesn't create a guideline to making decisions like moral and ethical doctrines would.

The phrase is somewhat resounding, though. It stuck clearly in my mind even after waking up. Maybe I'll have to start a facebook club or something!

Ricky Martin came Out

I sold the car this week. We randomly hit 90 on Wednesday, so I got to drive a little with the top down before the buyer took it away on Thursday. It is nice to not have those payments anymore, but it's a little sad to not have the car anymore. No more car insurance, either, is really really nice!

On the bright side, I found out this morning I have ANOTHER extension to the unemployment benefits, and will receive money for another 3 months.

I am sure you have heard by now the not-so-shocking news that Ricky Martin admitted on his website that he is gay. I've known since 1997 when I met his then-boyfriend Jaime. Now that it's not a secret, it's not so special anymore that I knew all along.

Friday, April 02, 2010

And Now It Is April

My statistics professor yesterday went through how little time is left before the end of the semester. It's all happening so fast! I just need to sit down...