Tuesday, October 18, 2005

That sinking feeling

We had about 9 consecutive days of rain here last week. After a week of non-stop rain, we had a heavy downpour on Friday night. It apparently overwhelmed the already-busy drainage system. My house is on a hill, and I'm on the fifth floor, so I was fine. In fact, I didn't even know there was a problem.
I got to work Monday morning, and saw Chino driving down the parking lot on a forklift. I thought that was strange. Walk in the door and discover why. Our main production floor had been submerged under two feet of water late Friday night. My office is raised about 4 inches higher, but we still got hit.
The clean-up has been miserable. Plus, all of our parts are made of steel. Almost everything is prone to rust. We have been going through every single part in inventory to see if it turned rusty. Most things are requiring a wipe-down now to get the moisture off. I luckily don't have to do the wiping, but I'm one of the team evaluating everything.
I think these past two months have been torture because God is tormenting me for not getting my rear in gear and moving on to my next career move (somewhere south of the snow belt). This is the "how much more obvious of a sign do you need????" moment.
Ronny agreed I need to work on changing jobs. When I reminded him what that means, he said yeah he knows...

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