Saturday, November 12, 2005


Thursday was the 7 month anniversary for Ronny and I seeing each other. Not that seven month is that big of a deal in anniversary circles, but it's relevant to me in that Sergio and I last exactly seven months. That was previously my longest relationship, and it ended on our 7-month. So, as of now, Ronny is my longest relationship.
In an odd twist of fate, we didn't see each other that night. I was over by Nish's place playing Balderdash with Nish and Prema. I called Ronny about 10:15 to say I'd be home in about 20 minutes. He said he'd be about 10 minutes, so he'd see me there, and not to rush. I got home about 25 minutes later, and he was not there, yet. So, I put some stuff away, tidied up, took my contacts out and brushed my teeth. Waited a few minutes more. Still no Ronny. It had been a half hour now that I had been home, so I called. He said, "Oh, you're home now."
I replied that I had been home for a half hour. He asked why I didn't call earlier. I said I thought he was on his way over. He said he was waiting for me to call. By now, it's after 11pm, and I'm ready for bed, and he's at his house, so we just called it a night.
In a even more disturbing twist of fate, that day was Sergio's 40th birthday. At one point in time, this person was the sole purpose of my being, and a 40th birthday is a fairly prominent event. It was bouncing in my mind too much, I needed to acknowledge the day, or I'd go nuts.
So, I sent a simple little email wishing him well. He wrote back with a Thank you, how sweet.
It was fairly interesting to me how meaningless the email was. It was just pixels on the screen. There was no connection between the words I saw, and any real person, feelings, or events. That made me a little sad. I do not know where the line is drawn that defines "moved on" but I have a feeling that irrelevance is a huge flag on the moved-on side. I will always love him and wish we hadn't broken up, and part of me will probably always want him back, but I don't desire it anymore. I think the passion has finally withered and fallen away.
The following day, one of the engineers at work turned 40. He's kinda cute, very sexy hands. Married, 3 kids, and as follows could stand to lose 20 pounds, but still fairly attractive. The fact that he is one day younger than Sergio kinda hit me hard. I dated someone older than him. That means I'm old... I have friends / ex-bf's around the same age as the entrenched, been around forever, workers I deal with at my job. There's just this auro of "old" tied to certain levels of people you work with. The nearing-retirement group is obvious, but also the ones that have been there 15 years, developed routines for every aspect of the job, have no intention of leaving. They aren't actually older than I am anymore. That's scary.
(P.S. Bom Aniversario is Portuguese for Happy Birthday. Like in French, it's named for the anniversary of your birth.)

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