Tuesday, November 06, 2007


I completely forgot to mention the Other fun episode from last Friday night. The hunky stripper Nate was there with his brother, Rich. Twin brother. Nate apparently does personal training, as well, and is a bit more buff than Rich. Also more outgoing. I noticed Rich has a slight speech impediment, which I am sure is what led to him being more quiet.

The two of them stayed up front by me and chatted for quite a while. At one point, Mattie came over, and got around to calling Nate "the straight one". To which, I commented "That would imply YOU (looking at Rich) are 'the gay one'!" Nate said yea, Rich was lookin' for a man. I said I was, too!

Nate was working that night, and Rich was just along for support. He came over to talk to me some more by himself, while Nate was busy. We got along well enough, so I asked him about his preferences. He claims to only hook up with guys if it will help advance his career (wants to be a model). Oh, I can already envision the disappointment that is going to lead to! But I just laughed and said I'd have to figure out a way to advance his career...

They said goodnight as they left to go home at the end of the evening. Rich quickly added that he would see me next Friday. Now I also have to lose 10 pounds by then!! :)


Daemian said...

LOL... shake dat ass papi... sounds hot if it weren't for the whole... gay for career thing.

Daemian said...

Oh yeah... put some links up man. LOL. Mine first. :P

jered74 said...

I posted LINKS

Daemian said...




Daemian said...

One more thing. I was trying to say it before my phone died...

On your post about "Our #1 Holiday" you posed a serious question... What kind of music is associated with Halloween?


Halloween is a time for rock and roll papi. Ina Gadadavida for instance, anything from Alice Cooper and more! Hell even crap from The Blue Oyster Cult.