Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Feliz Aniversario

It's birthday time again in the land of Brazilians. There seems to be a particularly high percentage of November birthdays. I've been told this is due to the fact that it is nine months after Carnivale (which goes by Mardi Gras down in NOLA). Carnivale is celebrated pretty much nationwide, and is all about dancing, drinking, partying, and -uh- gettin' your groove on. So, they have a lot of November babies!

Friday was Nauber's. He wanted to go shopping, so we went to the outlet mall. He spent a fair chunk of money, the majority of which was at the Calvin Klein store, and a good three pounds of chocolate from Lindt. Saturday we went to the Roxy to dance. Sunday we went to see Madagascar 2; I thought the first one was better, but it's fairly funny. It was also Cris's birthday that day, so we ended up at their house later for cake. (Monday was Sergio's BD, but since he longer speaks to me, that one passed by unmarked.)

Saturday morning I made French Toast, which he said was very good. I also tossed together a banana cream pie. Monday I made pasta for lunch, and these little almond cookie things I picked up from an episode of Paula Deen's cooking show. Everybody likes those! (Except for the few blasphemers out there who don't appreciate the flavor of almond extract.)

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