Monday, October 02, 2006

My Big News

The other fun and excitement this past weekend was that I broke up with Ronny. It started Friday evening, and finished Sunday afternoon. Several cycles of “I don’t understand” and “You will never find happiness” and “I am strong, I’ll be fine” and “How could you do this to me” and now we are just friends. I still need to get a bit more of my privacy back. We did discuss it, and he agreed to come over under invitation like other friends, instead of unannounced like a significant other. Well, he usually wasn’t completely unannounced, it was either “I’ll be there in 30 minutes” and then some time in the next 4 hours he would randomly show up, or it was “I’m at the stoplight, I’ll be there in a couple minutes” (literally two minutes). He will gradually move his clothes back to his house, but he still wants to go to IHOP together, or have me help him study English. I don’t mind, really. This way I have somewhere to dump excess belongings when I move, and in a couple years a willing host for a lengthy visit to Brazil. I joked that if we went to Carnival in Salvador we might bump into Sergio. He looked at me quizzically and said there’s no way we would see him in a crowd that size. Then he said I’d find lots of other Baianos there to be interested in! (Probably true. Cris is also a Baiano. The super super-hot guy from the gym is half Baiano.) He did suggest I learn better Portuguese before going. Considering that about none of the Brazilians in Massachusetts spoke English when they got here (and most of them still don’t), I doubt “Voce fala Ingles?” (“Do you speak English?”) will get me very far.

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