Monday, August 25, 2008


Friday night I had my second attempt at inviting all my friends over. Nish came, and brought Manny along. It was difficult to be flirty to Manny in front of Nish. And Manny has not called, otherwise. Then Luther showed up. Nish bought two little kitchen items. The other two bought NOTHING. But they drank up some of my booze that needs to go...

Nish and Manny headed out to go to the townie bar. Luther stayed a bit longer. We visited for a little while. Ended up making out in front of the TV (i.e. on the rug). Then we decided to head to the club. Nish had called to say he was heading over there, and Luther said his ex would be there, too. A bit of awkwardness with Keniah. He came up to me later and specifically asked if I'd had sex with Luther, and asked me to not do it again. After a bit of conversation, I said that was fine. He apparently thought we'd been messing around for a lot longer than we had, which explains the attitude that night on the dance floor.

I danced with Ronny and Cris. Cris said he was trying to get a hold of Diego, but he wasn't answering the phone. I thought it odd that he would point that out to me, so I asked if Diego was with a boyfriend still. Cris said no, not now. Ronny flirted with the new door guy, Todd, who has a hubby. He was also interested in the new bartender, Peter. Peter is very cute. Ronny wondered aloud if Peter was a top, so I called him over and said Ronny wanted to know if he was a top. Ronny got very embarrassed, and Peter dodged the question. I followed up later, and he claims to be vers. The new shotboy, Steven, was trying to get me buy a shot, but I didn't.

Saturday met up with Brad, Rick, and Joe and Jen to play some games all afternoon. When we finished, I stopped in at the club again. Nish was there, dancing with some random guy he had flirted with (while Drunk) the night before. Diego came in, by himself, and met up with some friends, but I managed to say hi and ended up hanging out with him for a bit. I went for broke, and invited him over. I even mentioned it was the last night I'd be at my place. But, he said he had to work early in the morning, and needed to go home to sleep. He did, however, give me his phone number and said I should come over to his place sometime. As we parted (with a side-kiss), I said - in Portuguese - that I had the hots for him. He got a surprised look on his face, which I assumed was because of the (well practiced) expression I had uttered in well pronounced Brazilian Portuguese. But he looked a little surprised, and said, "Me??" I said of course ("Claro").

Danielle had stopped me at the front desk when I had first gotten there to tell me that she saw my condo for rent on Craigslist. She recognized the pictures, and said it was going for $700/mo. I was very surprised that he hasn't closed yet, and was already posting it up for rent. At about half of what I would have charged, were I to rent it out. She was very excited at the opportunity, because she liked my place. I thought it would be a great idea, too, because I could just leave all my stuff behind. I wouldn't have to pack up and haul away all that junk, and she'd get a ton of free stuff. We both win!

Sunday I met Ronny for breakfast at IHOP. He told me that last weekend, after they all left my place, Diego was asking him about me. He claimed to be interested and thought I was very cute. I mentioned the condo being for rent, and Ronny wanted it. Then he went home to get a truck. The guy from the yard sale day showed up with a friend and a van, and took the futon and the chair away. Joe and Jen came over and took the last of the stuff they had bought. I mentioned the Craigslist posting again, and Joe said he'd take it, too.

Later, Danielle called. She had gotten a hold of the guy posting the ad. He said he and his wife loved the place, but had to move to Africa, so were renting it out. The friend that was supposed to show it and manage the rental was in Spain at the time, so she would have to send him the rent money, and he'd mail her the keys. Apparently, MY condo is the pictorial bait in an online scam! That's kinda scary, but at the same time, rather flattering.

Ronny came back with this adorable Latino kid named Miguel that he works with, who was helping him move. Ronny was flirting with him the whole time. At one point, he tells me that Miguel has an 8" dick. I ask how on earth he knows that. He simply says they work together. Right. Like that's what -I- talk about at work... He did modify that to say that Miguel's girlfriend is one of his good friends, so she had told him, and that Miguel would freak out if he found out that she had told Ronny. We moved the bed and the bookcase, then Ronny and I met up with Brad and Cris at Coldstone for ice cream. His other friend Rick was there, too. We went back to Rick's after to hang out for a while. Andre was still at work, so he didn't get to see any of us, but he's quite anti-social, anyway.

So, we shall if anything ever comes of talking to Diego. I think that would be a great send-off as I leave New England for the other end of the country...


Christine Staley said...

I totally just went to craigslist to see if I could find your apt listed... I didn't...

so bizarre!!!

Daemian said...

Wow... yer featured by scam artists. Well it is a nice place man.

When are you coming to Boston?

By the way... where'd you hear a rumor that I was coming to Worcester tonight? I have to work tomorrow. LOL.

Gosh... I can't believe yer leaving me here.