Monday, April 07, 2008

Same old

We had lousy weather again this weekend. So, we were dead Friday night. Saturday night wasn't great either, but it was at least better than Friday. There also wasn't really anyone in on Friday night that I was interested in - well, other than Junior, who won't. This one guy, however, was enamored with me. We'll call him Bolton. He was not UNattractive, but not my type, and no Zing. And, yes, he was white. And was noticeably intoxicated after his first drink from our bar. He was getting a little touchy-feely. Normally I'd have switched into full-bore bitch mode, but I was bored, and it has been a while, so I was kind of absorbing the accolades. Unfortunately, we had an audience. The cop found the whole thing quite entertaining. And Daemian was MORE than willing to join in. So, as I was trying to keep Bolton to a social level of attention, I had those two giggling like school girls in the background. I'm guessing Daemian mentioned something to Eddie (who normally isn't there on Friday's but there was a switch in the schedule this week), the bar supervisor, because he came up at one point and told the guy to leave the employees alone. I think Daemian was instigating, because at one point a little later I get an angry text from Eddie asking if I gave Bolton my phone number. I of course had not. As we were forcing people out the door, he asked if he could follow me home. I said No. He got clingy, so security forced him out the door. He got bitchy about that. I had already told him to be nice to the security. So, belligerent drunk is way not my type. He hung around outside the club for quite a while, waiting for me to come outside. But since Eddie was supervisor that night, we ended up hanging out at the bar until 4am. So, he was long gone by the time I left. The incident is nearly memorialized already, though. God forbid I should actually hit it off at the front door with someone I AM interested in...

Saturday I met up with some friends and played Hero Quest all day. We had a lot of fun. And pigged out on junk food. I of course was the one who supplied the junk food, but you can't just blame the dealer for the junkie's addiction! (Sidebar: I think Jen knows Joe has a thing for Brad.) That night I met up with Nish, and a new friend of his to dance the night away at the club. I think it is work related, but not completely sure. The guy gave me two kisses goodnight as they left. He stayed at Nish's house that night. I called Sunday for details, but got a vague nothing response, so assume he was still there at the time.

Leo was there; I said hello and kept walking. Diego was there, lookin yummy (formerly known as "Mr. Ick You're a Troll"). He said hello, without so much as a wince! Cris was on the dancefloor with us, as well. I was looking pretty good, too, that night. I hadn't shaved, and had a cute shirt on, and with my buzzed head was getting a few positive responses. The other staff especially was vocal about it. Of course, I brought in a whole bag of cookies (I am a dealer!), so they would have been gracious anyway. The guy with the near-identical twin at my gym was also there. We'll call him Twin, I guess. Twin gives me a lengthy look when he replies to my greetings, so I am not sure his deal, but he always arrives with the same guy, and they stay quite close to each other the whole time, so I'm guessing he's taken. Sigh... I was dancing with Cris at one point, and some Brazilian chick came on the floor, so Cris was all up in that. He loves to dance with girls. Not sure the draw. He then had to introduce her to everyone else on the floor (all Brazilians except me). Suddenly her friends appeared out of nowhere, and two of them were all over me shoving their asses at me, and being all booby and eywwww. I kept trying to avoid them, and ended up moving over close to Cris to dance more with him. All of a sudden the first chick and Cris are obviously talking about me, then the girls discuss, then the ass and booby ones come over to me. "Are you Gay??" Dumb-struck. I of course said YEAA. Now it was their turn. "Oh my gawd, we thought you were Straight! Are you Sure you're gay?" What?? Am I SURE?? "Trust honey!" With a flick of the wrist in diva formation. How can this be?? I know I used to flame out a lot in college, and have been much more subdued for a while, but Damn. Straight???? Am I really sending off those vibes? Is that why none of the guys approach me? Is that why I keep hookin' bottoms on Match?? Do I need to Gay It Up??

I think I have been rather duty-minded while at the front door. I just have never been good at small talk, so flirty never comes out right for me. I tend to be too direct. "I'm interested in you." "I want to kiss you." I've been scolded for not playing the game enough. Any time I have tried being 'subtle' it goes completely unnoticed, so that's why I just go for broke, and skip the Parcheesi.

I mentioned to Cris that I like Diego. He said Diego has a boyfriend. I said, yea, but he's not interested in me anyway. Cris said Diego's not interested in anybody. (I wonder if that means Cris tried, too.)

I didn't stay past close, just went home. Alone. Again...


Daemian said...

Didn't tell Eddie about the phone number. That jackass did in his drunken stooper. And Eddie came up because he noticed the drunkard was getting a drink and then disappearing to the front. I didn't want Eddie to break it up because the Cop and I were enjoying ourselves. :P Hell the Cop even went back a few times to see where the drunk disappeared to so he could signal me to get the camera ready for his return. Soooo... nope. Eddie's involvement was incidental. But in a way... made it all the better but ended the fun. Tho that drunk liked to get slapped poppin off at the mouth to me like that during closing. Closing means get the fuck out and keep your mouth shut about it.

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