Friday, March 07, 2008


For some odd reason, this morning I got the Rocky Horror tune "Touch-a touch-a touch-a touch me... I wanna feel DIRTY" stuck in my head. Not even sure where it spawned from, but there it was. It may have been my hottie little inspector. The weather is starting to warm up, so the clothing is getting slightly more revealing. Right now we are up to forearms, but I have a feeling I will do something stupid if I'm there for a summer outfit.

And I've been having some hard to recall flirty dreams this week. The first had some hot tanned muscley tattooed guy lean over shirtless so I could see down the slope of his back, as he commented on what an "exquisite back" he had. I of course replied that everything was exquisite! Then I had one that ended up with me shaving body hair off a Andrew Levitas looking cutie while he was relaxing in the bathtub. Oddly enough, the best part of that dream was the smell. I don't recall smells from dreams that often, but this one was sexy enough!!

So, in honor of Feeling Dirty, this week's hottie will be in need of a shower.

1 comment:

Daemian said...

Oh my... I like the look he has on his face. Something about a grease monkey turns me on regardless of the body.