Monday, March 03, 2008

Annoying Girl-on-Girl Action

Friday night it snowed again. I was not terribly surprised that it was fairly slow at the club. A lot more people than last weekend, but still pretty slow.

At one point, this mid-40 lesbian shows up, with an older lady and a younger girl in tow. She said she couldn't find her wallet, so didn't have her ID, but Pleaded with me to let her in. I checked the younger one (daughter?), and she was over 21. In the fracas, I unintentionally forgot to ask the older one for an ID, but she had already been declared as the 40-something's mother. If a 60 year old is at a bar, you usually assume they are over 21, and don't worry about it.

Then, Mase and Tianna showed up. They were involved in the big lesbo-fight back in January, and the owner had put them on 'probation'. They came in, and I said they needed to talk to the owner before I could let them in. He was there at the time, so they went in to talk to him. The younger friend (cousin?) along with them stayed up front, so I checked her ID. She was over 21 as well. Shortly after, I saw the owner walking around, so i asked about Mase and Tianna. He said they were OK, but needed to pay the cover. They used to be on 'permanent guest list' but their poor choices had ruined that. He said he wasn't expecting them to 'last' much longer anyway. Meaning that he figured they would soon decide to just make a different bar their standard hang out.

Maybe all of 45 minutes later, there is a loud commotion. I finished up with the incoming customer before me (who seemed very intent on making me stop and join in the commotion). I looked around the corner and saw 5 staff members and 6 lesbians (plus one random guy) in a great ball of pulling and fighting and separating. Then the supervisor sends the other security guy to get the cops. I didn't see any point in joining in myself, and I am not supposed to leave the register (i.e. cash) unattended. Turns out the fight was between Mase and Tianna and the 40-ish woman I let in earlier. The 'mom' had been punched, but she was still telling us how much fun she had been having (prior).

Two cops come, get everything settled. An ambulance shows up. The mom is OK. Then the cop comes in to ask me why "Nobody in this club has an ID". Apparently, the mom didn't have one. And Mase and Tianna didn't have any, either. Literally, the only four people in the entire building without their ID's on them were asked for an ID by the cops. GREAT. They ask for the bar supervisor. He comes. They take his ID. He gets chewed out. He gives me recriminating glances and a 'you know better' comment.

In all honesty, I got very nervous when the cop started threatening to bring in the liquor board. I could care less if I get fired, and banned from working at a bar again. But if the liquor board shuts down the whole club, that would ruin a lot of people's fun, and a couple people's livelihoods. The 40-something asked to borrow my phone to call the police sergeant. She was on with him for a good 10 minutes. The cops were still irritated, and our supervisor was obviously still irritated.

Saturday, I heard the owner chewed out the sup' for sending for the cops. I did not get any phone calls, so I do not know how much he is or is not mad at me. It is possible that he didn't call to bitch me out because he knew that M&T were his own fault, and he also is aware of our lax enforcement with regulars who are WELL over the legal drinking age. As I said, the 60-something would not have been an issue ordinarily.

I also do not know if the sergeant did pull some strings on request of the woman who called from my phone. I would assume so, though, since Saturday and Sunday came and went without a word from anybody about anything, and the club was still open. I know it is a weekend, but I have a feeling the liquor board is willing to come in on the weekend to shut down a bar.

The rest of the weekend I relaxed. Visited a couple friends, made some phone calls, watched some movies. Did not go out. I have no good prospects for dates, or hookups, or anything. I admit I didn't put much effort into it this weekend, but I have put plenty in on other weekends with no results, so did not feel too bad just staying home and going to bed at a decent hour for once.

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