Another miserable weekend. Cold cold cold. It was cold outside (14°F), I had a cold, and love continues to offer up the cold shoulder. And I had to work. Friday night, at the club. And Saturday morning at the job-from-hell job. And Sunday went in to the club for a staff meeting. I left after the meeting, so it wasn't really work, but it was a time constraint on my day.
No one really worthwhile was there Friday night. Which was just as well, because I made a beeline for sleep the second we cleared the building. Saturday, I talked to Nish, and we agreed to meet up for dinner. Location was still TBD, though most likely Bocado - the tapas place owned by the Block5 people. Then Russell called to invite me to dinner. I tried to merge the two, but after an hour of phone calls, I just ended up meeting up with Nish, and his friends Vlad and Eva, at Bocado. Eva was late, so Nish, Vlad, and I walked into the restaurant and got a table. The waitress asked if we'd been there before. Nish said Oh yes, except for Vlad. She joked that we wouldn't tell him the 'secret' yet. Nish replied, "Oh, you mean about the stripping." In his mind, Vlad would have to strip. The waitress read it as they have strippers that come out, so she said something about having "him" come out later. Let's just say the waitress was surprised to discover that person number four was a girl. But we played up the stripper joke again, later, and asked the waitress when he was showing up. A few moments later one of the waiters came over (I had been eyeing numerous staff there, and this was one of them), introduced himself, and said our waitress had sent him over. We all bust out laughing! He got confused, so I said our waitress had promised us a stripper. He got kinda nervous, and when we laughed it off, he thanked us for not making him take his clothes off. Nish gave him a dollar, though, on our way out. It was my idea, and the guy thought it was funny! I should also point out, Vlad is straight.
After dinner, we ended up at Nish's and got into a rather deep conversation about religion. The participants were an atheist, a not practicing Christian, a not practicing Hindu, and a non-denominational 'spiritualist' who grew up in a post-communist country that was generally afraid of organized anything, including religion. The sword-fighting that one would imagine did ensue. But it was actually a good discussion. None of us were fanatical enough to take anything too seriously, so we could honestly discuss things, instead of devolving into bombast.
Then Nish and I went to the gay club!! He is in the midst of another break-up, separation, time off something with his long-time tumultuous BF. Nice guy, I really like him, but they have split up over the SAME issue 4 times, so I don't think it's going away. He was referencing Couples Counseling, and I was trying to talk him into Moving On. Again, I like the BF, Mark, but I think enough is enough. So, after a good hour of therapist work, we headed onto the dance floor and shook our respective groove thangs. I must confess, though, that at one point, as Nish was discussing what he wants out of a relationship, and why he thinks Mark is a rare combination of attributes, the fleeting thought ran through my mind that maybe Nish and I should... Yeah, no. That would be too incestuous. I met Nish and Mark as friends of Sergio's when I was with him. Come to find out that Mark and Sergio are exes. Then they became roommates (which freaked Nish for a while). It's too Melrose... And Nish has been with Mark (or figuring out whether or not to get back together with Mark) the entire time I've known him, so I've never looked at him as a possibility, so it's been way too long down the Friends path.
But Junior was there, with his ex. Strange night... We danced with them. Junior was awkward, but he always gets uncomfortable when he's there with his ex. They are friends, and just friends, but it's still a little tense.
And Leo was there, again, as well. I didn't actually even notice. I went up to say hello to one of the bartenders, and some guy leans over and says Hi. It was Leo, so I said Hi back, and then left. Didn't see him again the rest of the night.
Saturday night I had a nice sex dream! I was at what resembled a Vegas resort pool, just kind of hanging out. I mentioned at one point (I do not remember to whom) that I was having such bad luck attracting anyone. Next thing I know, I'm standing in the middle of a big conference room with this short chubby jovial latina match-maker woman. She's put together a 'viewing' for me. It was sort of like a X-rated reality show, only much faster. About two dozen really hot guys came into the room. All of them were fully dressed, except they each had their fly open and were at full hardon. Wuhoo! They ran the full spectrum of backgrounds, but as would be expected, I found myself most interested in a couple of the darker ones. I picked the lightest of the interest subgroup, and called him over to my side. I announced that anyone Paler than him was out, thank you for comin. Dropped to like 8 left. Then I announced only tops necessary. A few left. Then I asked any that weren't really interested in ME to go. Got it down to two guys. I decided not to choose. Had a fun little 3way! Oh if only life were like that! For me, anyway. I know some people actually do have lives like that...
Well, after that, Sunday could not possibly have anything exciting happen!
Monday, March 31, 2008
Friday, March 28, 2008
I mentioned in an earlier post about a guy who reminded me of Raoul Bova. So, for those who weren't paying attention, I figured I'd post his pic. I have two, and can't decide which to post, so I'll go with both.
First up is a long-time favorite. In addition to him being yummy, the photo is stunning.

And this is one is fairly self-explanatory... ZZZZip
First up is a long-time favorite. In addition to him being yummy, the photo is stunning.

And this is one is fairly self-explanatory... ZZZZip

Monday, March 24, 2008
Honoring Jesus
Friday night I worked again. Another slow night. Better tips, though, so at least the people that did come in were not AS cheap. I did not see many come in that I was particularly interested in, myself.
At one point, this drunk chick came up and asked me to hold her drink. I wouldn't. I also noticed she had no wristband. Her story morphed from she had no idea, to I didn't give her one, to some "black-haired guy" was at the desk when she came in. She also insisted she came in at 9:38 exactly. I said no she didn't. I had noted much earlier in the evening that the first paying customer walked in the door at 10:15. I would have noticed her coming in at 9:38. So, I checked her ID and asked for $5 cover. She said she spent all her money on drinks, and didn't have $5. I just gave her a wristband. She asked if I was single. I said yes. She asked if I was "really" single, or just single "right now". I said I was "really really single". She claims to have a friend (Mike) who is tall dark and handsome (Armenian, model, the whole thing), likes me, and is too shy to say so. I do not know where this person was, because she left with a group of girls. No guy in sight, much less a hot one. We'll see if she ever shows up again, or if this model friend shows up.
The cop who is stationed up front by the door all night, is completely straight, and seems somewhat uncomfortable the entire evening (needs those fun gel inserts from Dr Scholls I guess), turned to me after drunk chick walked away and said, "So, you got a date tonight!" Yeah, right... If only.
The hot Brazilian that gave me the "ewwww troll" look was there again. Same friend was with him, so I'm guessing they are together. They act somewhere between the line of friends and boyfriends, so I'm not completely sure. The friend was nice, and smiling, so on their way out at the end of the night, I tossed out a "Boa Noite!" Then I went on to getting the coat for the next person. "Boa noite" means good night, so I was expecting that to be the end of it, but they were still standing in the door, and the friend said "boa noite" back. OK, I said goodnight, they said it back, I kept doin' my thing. They still stayed in the doorway, and he called out again, "Boa noite". I thought it was odd, but realized they were waiting for a reply, so I said "Tchau". Sounds and means the same as the Italian "Ciao", so when you say it to people, they all understand. That seemed to satisfy them, so they left.
Saturday morning I went to the grocery store to get supplies to finish out my cherry cheesecake, and make a lasagna. The store was insanely busy. But I got everything I needed. Went home and made puffs. The pastry shells like cream puffs or eclairs are made with. They are really easy, but my oven decided that today was not my day to make puffs. I checked on them 10 minutes EARLY, and they were all black and billowing smoke. Nice! So, I shut off the oven, plugged the vent, opened the window, and headed back to the grocery store. Picked up two ready crusts and some cherry pie filling. My original idea was not working, so a quick Plan B had to suffice. Luckily the store was not quite as insanely busy. Finished off the cheesecakes, and headed to a party.
I also got a text from Leonardo on Saturday. It was one of those annoying chain messages that used to be a popular email thing. Something about how wonderful friendship is, and if you are a "true friend" then you'll bounce the message back to the sender. As the cellphone company collects lots of fees... I was about to delete and forget, when I decided to write back: "But you were the one who pushed me away". I did not hear back.
The party was fun. We played Balderdash. I was one point behind the winner, and I gave him the point by voting for his entry. Dammit!!! Brad and Cris were there. Cris asked if I was going to the club to dance. I said yes. Brad went home to sleep (or WoW). Met up with a couple friends there, and danced my little heart out. Junior was there, as well, in a cute Captain America shirt. I had him show Daemian, who FLIPPED out. But mostly, I didn't pay any attention to Junior, so he kept grabbing me to dance with him. Soooooo predictable. But at the end of the evening, he was making out with some skanky ugly Brazilian guy. Yes, there are actually Brazilians I find less than attractive... Mr "ewwwww troll" was there again, with same friend/BF. Cris introduced us (I already knew his name, and he recognized me) so I guess I entered the realm of tolerable humans. He was even willing to converse with me! He was also surprised (?) that I know a little Portuguese.
The straight twin dancer was working again that night, too. I got a little chat time in with him, and even managed to slip TWO you-should-come-over-sometime comments into the conversation without sounding creepy!! One related to the awful manner in which he "dances". I offered to help!
The guy that was there two weeks ago and got Cris's and my phone numbers came as well. He had actually texted me earlier to see if I'd be there. I imagine Cris got a similar message. His name is Chris. (WITH an 'h' - easy to keep track!) He danced with us all night, and tried introducing us to his friends. They kind of didn't want to join in, stayed on the side, stood around drinking. I am guessing that is why Chris wanted to join our group, because he was a dancing maniac. Fit right in with Cris and me.
Leonardo was there, too. He was also with some friend who may or may not have been a BF. Hard to tell from their interaction, especially since I was making a point of not watching closely, for fear of having it look like I was pining. I did smile and say hello. He reciprocated. No comment about the text...
Sunday I picked up Daemian, then made the lasagna. I had mentioned I usually make cheese lasagna, and he said he likes meat ones, so I had picked up a little ground beef and italian sausage to add in. Ronny came over, as well. There was a little too much meat, so the lasagna was not saucy, but I don't like saucy, and it tasted great. Ronny said the cheesecake was the best one he had EVER had. We made a comment about watching a movie, and someone mentioned "The Passion" in an "It IS Easter" reference. So, I pulled out my South Park DVD of "The Passion of the Jew" - the episode where they all see Mel's movie, Cartman starts up the 'final solution' while Kyle organizes a mass apology, and Stan and Kenny go to Malibu to get their admission money back from Mel directly and find out he's cuckoo. The disc also includes child molestation episode where Father Maxie tried to convince the Vatican to ban molesting boys, while Cartman gets the whole world to start shoving food up their ass and poo'ing out their mouths (includes an hysterical scene of Martha Stewart taking a Thanksgiving Turkey!). Finally, it has the episode where Cartman starts a Christian rock band to win a bet against Kyle (for $10) to see who can earn a Platinum Album the fastest, while Kyle and Stan go on strike to protest illegal downloading. Not particularly kind to Catholics or Christians in general. We followed that up with the Warner Bros Studios mass market release of gay softcore porn: 300. Talk about sins of the flesh!! Of course, the graphic novel (no, I haven't read it) that the movie is based upon depicts them all naked. I'm guessing that was a little TOO softcore for the producers to deal with, so we ended up with leather speedos.
Then I get a text from my Girl Gone Green friend: "We're drinking beer and playing pool in honor of Jesus!" That was funny! Tip your glass and offer a cheer to the big J-C!
At one point, this drunk chick came up and asked me to hold her drink. I wouldn't. I also noticed she had no wristband. Her story morphed from she had no idea, to I didn't give her one, to some "black-haired guy" was at the desk when she came in. She also insisted she came in at 9:38 exactly. I said no she didn't. I had noted much earlier in the evening that the first paying customer walked in the door at 10:15. I would have noticed her coming in at 9:38. So, I checked her ID and asked for $5 cover. She said she spent all her money on drinks, and didn't have $5. I just gave her a wristband. She asked if I was single. I said yes. She asked if I was "really" single, or just single "right now". I said I was "really really single". She claims to have a friend (Mike) who is tall dark and handsome (Armenian, model, the whole thing), likes me, and is too shy to say so. I do not know where this person was, because she left with a group of girls. No guy in sight, much less a hot one. We'll see if she ever shows up again, or if this model friend shows up.
The cop who is stationed up front by the door all night, is completely straight, and seems somewhat uncomfortable the entire evening (needs those fun gel inserts from Dr Scholls I guess), turned to me after drunk chick walked away and said, "So, you got a date tonight!" Yeah, right... If only.
The hot Brazilian that gave me the "ewwww troll" look was there again. Same friend was with him, so I'm guessing they are together. They act somewhere between the line of friends and boyfriends, so I'm not completely sure. The friend was nice, and smiling, so on their way out at the end of the night, I tossed out a "Boa Noite!" Then I went on to getting the coat for the next person. "Boa noite" means good night, so I was expecting that to be the end of it, but they were still standing in the door, and the friend said "boa noite" back. OK, I said goodnight, they said it back, I kept doin' my thing. They still stayed in the doorway, and he called out again, "Boa noite". I thought it was odd, but realized they were waiting for a reply, so I said "Tchau". Sounds and means the same as the Italian "Ciao", so when you say it to people, they all understand. That seemed to satisfy them, so they left.
Saturday morning I went to the grocery store to get supplies to finish out my cherry cheesecake, and make a lasagna. The store was insanely busy. But I got everything I needed. Went home and made puffs. The pastry shells like cream puffs or eclairs are made with. They are really easy, but my oven decided that today was not my day to make puffs. I checked on them 10 minutes EARLY, and they were all black and billowing smoke. Nice! So, I shut off the oven, plugged the vent, opened the window, and headed back to the grocery store. Picked up two ready crusts and some cherry pie filling. My original idea was not working, so a quick Plan B had to suffice. Luckily the store was not quite as insanely busy. Finished off the cheesecakes, and headed to a party.
I also got a text from Leonardo on Saturday. It was one of those annoying chain messages that used to be a popular email thing. Something about how wonderful friendship is, and if you are a "true friend" then you'll bounce the message back to the sender. As the cellphone company collects lots of fees... I was about to delete and forget, when I decided to write back: "But you were the one who pushed me away". I did not hear back.
The party was fun. We played Balderdash. I was one point behind the winner, and I gave him the point by voting for his entry. Dammit!!! Brad and Cris were there. Cris asked if I was going to the club to dance. I said yes. Brad went home to sleep (or WoW). Met up with a couple friends there, and danced my little heart out. Junior was there, as well, in a cute Captain America shirt. I had him show Daemian, who FLIPPED out. But mostly, I didn't pay any attention to Junior, so he kept grabbing me to dance with him. Soooooo predictable. But at the end of the evening, he was making out with some skanky ugly Brazilian guy. Yes, there are actually Brazilians I find less than attractive... Mr "ewwwww troll" was there again, with same friend/BF. Cris introduced us (I already knew his name, and he recognized me) so I guess I entered the realm of tolerable humans. He was even willing to converse with me! He was also surprised (?) that I know a little Portuguese.
The straight twin dancer was working again that night, too. I got a little chat time in with him, and even managed to slip TWO you-should-come-over-sometime comments into the conversation without sounding creepy!! One related to the awful manner in which he "dances". I offered to help!
The guy that was there two weeks ago and got Cris's and my phone numbers came as well. He had actually texted me earlier to see if I'd be there. I imagine Cris got a similar message. His name is Chris. (WITH an 'h' - easy to keep track!) He danced with us all night, and tried introducing us to his friends. They kind of didn't want to join in, stayed on the side, stood around drinking. I am guessing that is why Chris wanted to join our group, because he was a dancing maniac. Fit right in with Cris and me.
Leonardo was there, too. He was also with some friend who may or may not have been a BF. Hard to tell from their interaction, especially since I was making a point of not watching closely, for fear of having it look like I was pining. I did smile and say hello. He reciprocated. No comment about the text...
Sunday I picked up Daemian, then made the lasagna. I had mentioned I usually make cheese lasagna, and he said he likes meat ones, so I had picked up a little ground beef and italian sausage to add in. Ronny came over, as well. There was a little too much meat, so the lasagna was not saucy, but I don't like saucy, and it tasted great. Ronny said the cheesecake was the best one he had EVER had. We made a comment about watching a movie, and someone mentioned "The Passion" in an "It IS Easter" reference. So, I pulled out my South Park DVD of "The Passion of the Jew" - the episode where they all see Mel's movie, Cartman starts up the 'final solution' while Kyle organizes a mass apology, and Stan and Kenny go to Malibu to get their admission money back from Mel directly and find out he's cuckoo. The disc also includes child molestation episode where Father Maxie tried to convince the Vatican to ban molesting boys, while Cartman gets the whole world to start shoving food up their ass and poo'ing out their mouths (includes an hysterical scene of Martha Stewart taking a Thanksgiving Turkey!). Finally, it has the episode where Cartman starts a Christian rock band to win a bet against Kyle (for $10) to see who can earn a Platinum Album the fastest, while Kyle and Stan go on strike to protest illegal downloading. Not particularly kind to Catholics or Christians in general. We followed that up with the Warner Bros Studios mass market release of gay softcore porn: 300. Talk about sins of the flesh!! Of course, the graphic novel (no, I haven't read it) that the movie is based upon depicts them all naked. I'm guessing that was a little TOO softcore for the producers to deal with, so we ended up with leather speedos.
Then I get a text from my Girl Gone Green friend: "We're drinking beer and playing pool in honor of Jesus!" That was funny! Tip your glass and offer a cheer to the big J-C!
Friday, March 21, 2008
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
South Park...
I generally love to watch the show South Park. Tonight was the Britney Spears episode. It seems to have also played off the short story The Lottery, which I vaguely remember from high school English.
But overall, the episode was creepy. I understand that was kind of the point, but it had more "Good God..." moments than bust out laughing ones.
Just had to say.
But overall, the episode was creepy. I understand that was kind of the point, but it had more "Good God..." moments than bust out laughing ones.
Just had to say.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Not as Exciting as Anticipated
Yea, surprise surprise...
So, here I thought I was going in early on Friday night to get bitched out. I was fully prepared to quit if it came down to anything ridiculous. But no, the truth, as seems to be the case in my life these days, was from more mundane. They were having a private party. But the owner still wanted to collect cover from them, so he wanted me to open the 'door' early.
A plain-clothes police detail stopped by to chat with the supervisor. Of course, the clothes and walkie talkies were not typical, so I had a feeling that was what they were as they approached. No big deal, either. They just gave some advice and warnings, and went on their merry way. We already have a police detail stationed, so I guess they ran out of things to worry about.
But that means we are supposed to be especially careful about checking ID. Nobody gets in without one. Especially if the cop is standing there at the time. The one hottie that I've had my eye on for some time came in, but went on about how he didn't have his ID with him, lost it at the club on Sunday, could I let him in anyway. As I said, with the cop watching, it's nearly impossible to be lenient. So, I had to turn him away. Dammit. I did get to flirt a little bit before he left though, so who knows, maybe next time.
After close, I met up with a couple of the staff for breakfast at a nearby diner. Sabrina was telling PTown stories, and we were all in stitches the whole time. The best one involved a tale of being witness to an interruption. A couple people chased a drunken friend down to the "dick docks" - semi-secluded space with lots of guys gettin' it on. Underneath a coastal dock. Sand, surf, old water-logged wood. As they were looking for their friend, a sudden loud "brrrrrrrrrrpppppppptttttttt" ripped through the muffled slurping sounds. The activity did not stop, pause, or even skip a beat. All the same, the storyteller mentioned getting a mental image of some guy rimming someone out, then turning in disgust as they got a warm face full of methane. In the tipsy state of mind he was in at the time, that image started a giggling fit. As would be expected, that environment is not fond of giggles. He tried to leave quickly, but was laughing too hard to see clearly, and couldn't find the path out. So, Saturday, the joke du jour was to make a farting sound...
Met up with Russell on Saturday. Ran to Lowe's. He helped me figure out what to buy to fix my leaky toilet. I helped him look at rugs. I was spotted by a club coworker who works at that Lowe's, too. I waved, but kept going. We went to a Vietnamese place for dinner, then he had to go home and back for a business trip to Vegas.
I worked at the club again that night. I was supposed to be floater - per the supervisor on duty. The back-door guy tried to convince me he was floater that night, but I dodged that one. Of course, I ended up covering for him for like 15 minutes, and then got stuck at the front door for a half hour, and missed the Shake Your Sheleleigh contest. (yea, I have NO idea how to spell that) There was one hottie there. Kind of like a latino version of Raoul Bova. There were two regulars (a short cutish latino and a tall older white guy, and they are a couple) who were apparently friends with him. I saw the latino friend out on smoking patio, while I was covering out there anyway, so mentioned I thought his friend was hot. Visiting from Boston ("figures"), really nice guy, really great in bed. I managed to say hello once when making eye contact, and then he avoided eye contact the rest of the night. See, that's how my life works. It wasn't as bad as the "go away troll" look I got a few months ago (oh, he was there that night, too - still hot), but still nice to know I am that repulsive...
After close, we were all hanging out again. The shot-boy - married, to a girl - was being rather flirty all night. I was trying to tell if was just the same flirtiness he shows everyone, or if it was out of the norm. They asked who that was I went to Lowe's with. I said just a friend. They were about to delve into detail, but - shiny object! - got distracted.
Sunday played WoW most of the day. Nothing exciting...
So, here I thought I was going in early on Friday night to get bitched out. I was fully prepared to quit if it came down to anything ridiculous. But no, the truth, as seems to be the case in my life these days, was from more mundane. They were having a private party. But the owner still wanted to collect cover from them, so he wanted me to open the 'door' early.
A plain-clothes police detail stopped by to chat with the supervisor. Of course, the clothes and walkie talkies were not typical, so I had a feeling that was what they were as they approached. No big deal, either. They just gave some advice and warnings, and went on their merry way. We already have a police detail stationed, so I guess they ran out of things to worry about.
But that means we are supposed to be especially careful about checking ID. Nobody gets in without one. Especially if the cop is standing there at the time. The one hottie that I've had my eye on for some time came in, but went on about how he didn't have his ID with him, lost it at the club on Sunday, could I let him in anyway. As I said, with the cop watching, it's nearly impossible to be lenient. So, I had to turn him away. Dammit. I did get to flirt a little bit before he left though, so who knows, maybe next time.
After close, I met up with a couple of the staff for breakfast at a nearby diner. Sabrina was telling PTown stories, and we were all in stitches the whole time. The best one involved a tale of being witness to an interruption. A couple people chased a drunken friend down to the "dick docks" - semi-secluded space with lots of guys gettin' it on. Underneath a coastal dock. Sand, surf, old water-logged wood. As they were looking for their friend, a sudden loud "brrrrrrrrrrpppppppptttttttt" ripped through the muffled slurping sounds. The activity did not stop, pause, or even skip a beat. All the same, the storyteller mentioned getting a mental image of some guy rimming someone out, then turning in disgust as they got a warm face full of methane. In the tipsy state of mind he was in at the time, that image started a giggling fit. As would be expected, that environment is not fond of giggles. He tried to leave quickly, but was laughing too hard to see clearly, and couldn't find the path out. So, Saturday, the joke du jour was to make a farting sound...
Met up with Russell on Saturday. Ran to Lowe's. He helped me figure out what to buy to fix my leaky toilet. I helped him look at rugs. I was spotted by a club coworker who works at that Lowe's, too. I waved, but kept going. We went to a Vietnamese place for dinner, then he had to go home and back for a business trip to Vegas.
I worked at the club again that night. I was supposed to be floater - per the supervisor on duty. The back-door guy tried to convince me he was floater that night, but I dodged that one. Of course, I ended up covering for him for like 15 minutes, and then got stuck at the front door for a half hour, and missed the Shake Your Sheleleigh contest. (yea, I have NO idea how to spell that) There was one hottie there. Kind of like a latino version of Raoul Bova. There were two regulars (a short cutish latino and a tall older white guy, and they are a couple) who were apparently friends with him. I saw the latino friend out on smoking patio, while I was covering out there anyway, so mentioned I thought his friend was hot. Visiting from Boston ("figures"), really nice guy, really great in bed. I managed to say hello once when making eye contact, and then he avoided eye contact the rest of the night. See, that's how my life works. It wasn't as bad as the "go away troll" look I got a few months ago (oh, he was there that night, too - still hot), but still nice to know I am that repulsive...
After close, we were all hanging out again. The shot-boy - married, to a girl - was being rather flirty all night. I was trying to tell if was just the same flirtiness he shows everyone, or if it was out of the norm. They asked who that was I went to Lowe's with. I said just a friend. They were about to delve into detail, but - shiny object! - got distracted.
Sunday played WoW most of the day. Nothing exciting...
Friday, March 14, 2008
Work has sucked the living essence right out of me again this week. At my real job, the week ended up with the owner complaining I'm not getting my work done fast enough. Mind you, I have not had a chance to get to any of the tasks he had in mind because of the ceaseless barrage of daily shit. Just smile and say I'll get right on it! Ughh.
And it will only get better from there. Last night I get a text message from the owner of the club. He wants me to come in to work a half hour early tonight. Great. I'm assuming it relates to the lesbo-brawl from two weeks ago. I haven't gotten chewed out for that, and I did have a hand in it, even if I wasn't solely responsible. We shall see. I'm not too worried, because getting fired from that job wouldn't make any difference, really. But he is still a little light on staff (I have to cover this weekend on Saturday 'cuz Daemian went to PTown to hunt bears), so I doubt he'd actually do that. But I am so not in the mood for a drama scene.
I will post a lovely pic this week to cheer myself up! Hope you like it, too! I know, he is fully dressed, but still - yummm!
And it will only get better from there. Last night I get a text message from the owner of the club. He wants me to come in to work a half hour early tonight. Great. I'm assuming it relates to the lesbo-brawl from two weeks ago. I haven't gotten chewed out for that, and I did have a hand in it, even if I wasn't solely responsible. We shall see. I'm not too worried, because getting fired from that job wouldn't make any difference, really. But he is still a little light on staff (I have to cover this weekend on Saturday 'cuz Daemian went to PTown to hunt bears), so I doubt he'd actually do that. But I am so not in the mood for a drama scene.
I will post a lovely pic this week to cheer myself up! Hope you like it, too! I know, he is fully dressed, but still - yummm!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008
My dear friend Daemian (see link at right) posted a little comment about how Kristine W is his girl cuz he found a song he liked and discovered her. Like a week ago...
Well, I just needed to say that -I- have been a huge Kristine W fan since 1994. And this is the reason why:
Well, I just needed to say that -I- have been a huge Kristine W fan since 1994. And this is the reason why:
Monday, March 10, 2008
Friday night was another 'whatever' night. Nothing terribly exciting happened. Cris came in - sans Brad. He stopped by to tell me that Junior was coming. About 1.5 seconds later, Junior and Cristiano walked in the door. Junior gave me another generous kiss hello. And then I didn't see them again all night. I didn't even get to see them leave. I was busy with the coats. And I made SUCKY tips. As a percentage, it was the worst ever since running coat check.
Saturday I met up with two of my coworkers from the club at the Chinese buffet. Jody was late because he hit a bad pothole and blew out a tire on his way. We had very heavy rains that night, and a ton of minor flooding spots on the roads. I had a pothole, too, on the way down. As we left the restaurant, Jody complained that he would have to change his tire. I looked at my car and it looked suspiciously flat, too. Sure enough. Dead tire. So, we helped each other change our tires. He thought his spare looked a little weak, so I pulled out my pressure gage, and it was fine. I popped it on my (fullsize) spare while I was at it, and mine was dead. So, we ran it over to the gas station to pump it full. Jody thought it sounded like it was hissing. Great. I got home, rested up a bit, then headed to the club. When I got down to my car, it was already down to half pressure, so I stopped at another gas station to refill it again. I parked in front of the gas station, so when I left the club later, I would be able to just pull in and refill it again to get home.
When I left (like 4:30am), it was completely dead again. So Daemian helped me refill it, and off we went. In the morning I tried to call Russell to see if he still had his portable air compressor, so I could refill it again and get to the tire center. He didn't answer or call back. So I got ahold of Ronny. He came over, we put the first tire in his trunk and dropped it off. The guy said they might not get to it until Monday morning (that rainstorm masked a lot of potholes, and they were busy). But he called about 5:15 to say it was ready, so we picked it up and put it back on. Now I need to take the car in to get the spare fixed, and I have like two other tires that have been leaky, as well, so I have a lot of tire work that needs to be done.
Saturday night at the club was fun, though. Cris, Junior, and Cristiano all came again. Brad again did not - Cris said he had no money. So I got to dance. I danced mostly with Cris, which I enjoy because he is a very high-energy dancer, and it brings my level up, too. And I was going to miss Sunday morning's trip to the gym (no car), so the cardio was helpful! Junior of course was completely ignoring me. Since I was not tied to the front register, or otherwise unavailable, he didn't want to actually express any interest this time. Whatever. I have stopped expecting anything to happen with Junior, so it's more of an amusing diversion to watch his jealousy flip-flop.
There were a couple other guys there that were relatively cute. I was a little flirty, and some seemed to respond. The one that took my number, though, was one that seemed a little too bottomy, and I had only noticed because he was hanging out all night with one that I was truly interested in. But if they are in fact friends, then it wouldn't be a bad thing to infiltrate the circle! Assuming, of course, that he ever calls. He has my number, not the other way around. The stripper started chatting with me while I was back in the employee area and he was getting ready. I thought he was cute enough, so was chatty as well. At the end of the night, after commenting on the guy who took my number (who really wanted Cris, and I think took my number just cuz I was there) seeming like a bottom, I for some reason turned to the stripper to ask A) gay or straight? He said Bi, so I asked B) top or bottom (when in such situations)? He said Top, so I made a comment about at least there was ONE! As I left the room, I heard him say "I think he likes me" or some such thing, but with a noticeable drip of distaste to his tone. I ignored it. Whatever.
One of the guys I've been working on trying for on Match (yes, I know, too many prepositions) emailed through Match Sat afternoon to say he was getting out of work and wanted to come meet me that night. I called after watching the finale of Project Runway (I wanted Rami! I mean, I wanted him to win. Well, I wouldn't mind gettin it on with him either...) to let him know that I already had dinner plans but we could meet up LATER or on Sunday. He ended up calling back Sunday evening while I was at dinner with Ronny, so I didn't answer. He left a message saying he ended up going out with friends Sat night so didn't call back, but would talk to me soon. Whatever.
Sat night while we were hanging out, Daemian and I got on a WoW discussion, so Eddie said he's going to have to join. Sunday I stopped in to wish Matty a happy birthday, and Eddie held up the box. He bought the World of Warcraft set, and was going to install on Monday. The infection spreads. At this rate we could set up our own gay guild!
Saturday I met up with two of my coworkers from the club at the Chinese buffet. Jody was late because he hit a bad pothole and blew out a tire on his way. We had very heavy rains that night, and a ton of minor flooding spots on the roads. I had a pothole, too, on the way down. As we left the restaurant, Jody complained that he would have to change his tire. I looked at my car and it looked suspiciously flat, too. Sure enough. Dead tire. So, we helped each other change our tires. He thought his spare looked a little weak, so I pulled out my pressure gage, and it was fine. I popped it on my (fullsize) spare while I was at it, and mine was dead. So, we ran it over to the gas station to pump it full. Jody thought it sounded like it was hissing. Great. I got home, rested up a bit, then headed to the club. When I got down to my car, it was already down to half pressure, so I stopped at another gas station to refill it again. I parked in front of the gas station, so when I left the club later, I would be able to just pull in and refill it again to get home.
When I left (like 4:30am), it was completely dead again. So Daemian helped me refill it, and off we went. In the morning I tried to call Russell to see if he still had his portable air compressor, so I could refill it again and get to the tire center. He didn't answer or call back. So I got ahold of Ronny. He came over, we put the first tire in his trunk and dropped it off. The guy said they might not get to it until Monday morning (that rainstorm masked a lot of potholes, and they were busy). But he called about 5:15 to say it was ready, so we picked it up and put it back on. Now I need to take the car in to get the spare fixed, and I have like two other tires that have been leaky, as well, so I have a lot of tire work that needs to be done.
Saturday night at the club was fun, though. Cris, Junior, and Cristiano all came again. Brad again did not - Cris said he had no money. So I got to dance. I danced mostly with Cris, which I enjoy because he is a very high-energy dancer, and it brings my level up, too. And I was going to miss Sunday morning's trip to the gym (no car), so the cardio was helpful! Junior of course was completely ignoring me. Since I was not tied to the front register, or otherwise unavailable, he didn't want to actually express any interest this time. Whatever. I have stopped expecting anything to happen with Junior, so it's more of an amusing diversion to watch his jealousy flip-flop.
There were a couple other guys there that were relatively cute. I was a little flirty, and some seemed to respond. The one that took my number, though, was one that seemed a little too bottomy, and I had only noticed because he was hanging out all night with one that I was truly interested in. But if they are in fact friends, then it wouldn't be a bad thing to infiltrate the circle! Assuming, of course, that he ever calls. He has my number, not the other way around. The stripper started chatting with me while I was back in the employee area and he was getting ready. I thought he was cute enough, so was chatty as well. At the end of the night, after commenting on the guy who took my number (who really wanted Cris, and I think took my number just cuz I was there) seeming like a bottom, I for some reason turned to the stripper to ask A) gay or straight? He said Bi, so I asked B) top or bottom (when in such situations)? He said Top, so I made a comment about at least there was ONE! As I left the room, I heard him say "I think he likes me" or some such thing, but with a noticeable drip of distaste to his tone. I ignored it. Whatever.
One of the guys I've been working on trying for on Match (yes, I know, too many prepositions) emailed through Match Sat afternoon to say he was getting out of work and wanted to come meet me that night. I called after watching the finale of Project Runway (I wanted Rami! I mean, I wanted him to win. Well, I wouldn't mind gettin it on with him either...) to let him know that I already had dinner plans but we could meet up LATER or on Sunday. He ended up calling back Sunday evening while I was at dinner with Ronny, so I didn't answer. He left a message saying he ended up going out with friends Sat night so didn't call back, but would talk to me soon. Whatever.
Sat night while we were hanging out, Daemian and I got on a WoW discussion, so Eddie said he's going to have to join. Sunday I stopped in to wish Matty a happy birthday, and Eddie held up the box. He bought the World of Warcraft set, and was going to install on Monday. The infection spreads. At this rate we could set up our own gay guild!
Friday, March 07, 2008
For some odd reason, this morning I got the Rocky Horror tune "Touch-a touch-a touch-a touch me... I wanna feel DIRTY" stuck in my head. Not even sure where it spawned from, but there it was. It may have been my hottie little inspector. The weather is starting to warm up, so the clothing is getting slightly more revealing. Right now we are up to forearms, but I have a feeling I will do something stupid if I'm there for a summer outfit.
And I've been having some hard to recall flirty dreams this week. The first had some hot tanned muscley tattooed guy lean over shirtless so I could see down the slope of his back, as he commented on what an "exquisite back" he had. I of course replied that everything was exquisite! Then I had one that ended up with me shaving body hair off a Andrew Levitas looking cutie while he was relaxing in the bathtub. Oddly enough, the best part of that dream was the smell. I don't recall smells from dreams that often, but this one was sexy enough!!
So, in honor of Feeling Dirty, this week's hottie will be in need of a shower.
And I've been having some hard to recall flirty dreams this week. The first had some hot tanned muscley tattooed guy lean over shirtless so I could see down the slope of his back, as he commented on what an "exquisite back" he had. I of course replied that everything was exquisite! Then I had one that ended up with me shaving body hair off a Andrew Levitas looking cutie while he was relaxing in the bathtub. Oddly enough, the best part of that dream was the smell. I don't recall smells from dreams that often, but this one was sexy enough!!
So, in honor of Feeling Dirty, this week's hottie will be in need of a shower.

Monday, March 03, 2008
Annoying Girl-on-Girl Action
Friday night it snowed again. I was not terribly surprised that it was fairly slow at the club. A lot more people than last weekend, but still pretty slow.
At one point, this mid-40 lesbian shows up, with an older lady and a younger girl in tow. She said she couldn't find her wallet, so didn't have her ID, but Pleaded with me to let her in. I checked the younger one (daughter?), and she was over 21. In the fracas, I unintentionally forgot to ask the older one for an ID, but she had already been declared as the 40-something's mother. If a 60 year old is at a bar, you usually assume they are over 21, and don't worry about it.
Then, Mase and Tianna showed up. They were involved in the big lesbo-fight back in January, and the owner had put them on 'probation'. They came in, and I said they needed to talk to the owner before I could let them in. He was there at the time, so they went in to talk to him. The younger friend (cousin?) along with them stayed up front, so I checked her ID. She was over 21 as well. Shortly after, I saw the owner walking around, so i asked about Mase and Tianna. He said they were OK, but needed to pay the cover. They used to be on 'permanent guest list' but their poor choices had ruined that. He said he wasn't expecting them to 'last' much longer anyway. Meaning that he figured they would soon decide to just make a different bar their standard hang out.
Maybe all of 45 minutes later, there is a loud commotion. I finished up with the incoming customer before me (who seemed very intent on making me stop and join in the commotion). I looked around the corner and saw 5 staff members and 6 lesbians (plus one random guy) in a great ball of pulling and fighting and separating. Then the supervisor sends the other security guy to get the cops. I didn't see any point in joining in myself, and I am not supposed to leave the register (i.e. cash) unattended. Turns out the fight was between Mase and Tianna and the 40-ish woman I let in earlier. The 'mom' had been punched, but she was still telling us how much fun she had been having (prior).
Two cops come, get everything settled. An ambulance shows up. The mom is OK. Then the cop comes in to ask me why "Nobody in this club has an ID". Apparently, the mom didn't have one. And Mase and Tianna didn't have any, either. Literally, the only four people in the entire building without their ID's on them were asked for an ID by the cops. GREAT. They ask for the bar supervisor. He comes. They take his ID. He gets chewed out. He gives me recriminating glances and a 'you know better' comment.
In all honesty, I got very nervous when the cop started threatening to bring in the liquor board. I could care less if I get fired, and banned from working at a bar again. But if the liquor board shuts down the whole club, that would ruin a lot of people's fun, and a couple people's livelihoods. The 40-something asked to borrow my phone to call the police sergeant. She was on with him for a good 10 minutes. The cops were still irritated, and our supervisor was obviously still irritated.
Saturday, I heard the owner chewed out the sup' for sending for the cops. I did not get any phone calls, so I do not know how much he is or is not mad at me. It is possible that he didn't call to bitch me out because he knew that M&T were his own fault, and he also is aware of our lax enforcement with regulars who are WELL over the legal drinking age. As I said, the 60-something would not have been an issue ordinarily.
I also do not know if the sergeant did pull some strings on request of the woman who called from my phone. I would assume so, though, since Saturday and Sunday came and went without a word from anybody about anything, and the club was still open. I know it is a weekend, but I have a feeling the liquor board is willing to come in on the weekend to shut down a bar.
The rest of the weekend I relaxed. Visited a couple friends, made some phone calls, watched some movies. Did not go out. I have no good prospects for dates, or hookups, or anything. I admit I didn't put much effort into it this weekend, but I have put plenty in on other weekends with no results, so did not feel too bad just staying home and going to bed at a decent hour for once.
At one point, this mid-40 lesbian shows up, with an older lady and a younger girl in tow. She said she couldn't find her wallet, so didn't have her ID, but Pleaded with me to let her in. I checked the younger one (daughter?), and she was over 21. In the fracas, I unintentionally forgot to ask the older one for an ID, but she had already been declared as the 40-something's mother. If a 60 year old is at a bar, you usually assume they are over 21, and don't worry about it.
Then, Mase and Tianna showed up. They were involved in the big lesbo-fight back in January, and the owner had put them on 'probation'. They came in, and I said they needed to talk to the owner before I could let them in. He was there at the time, so they went in to talk to him. The younger friend (cousin?) along with them stayed up front, so I checked her ID. She was over 21 as well. Shortly after, I saw the owner walking around, so i asked about Mase and Tianna. He said they were OK, but needed to pay the cover. They used to be on 'permanent guest list' but their poor choices had ruined that. He said he wasn't expecting them to 'last' much longer anyway. Meaning that he figured they would soon decide to just make a different bar their standard hang out.
Maybe all of 45 minutes later, there is a loud commotion. I finished up with the incoming customer before me (who seemed very intent on making me stop and join in the commotion). I looked around the corner and saw 5 staff members and 6 lesbians (plus one random guy) in a great ball of pulling and fighting and separating. Then the supervisor sends the other security guy to get the cops. I didn't see any point in joining in myself, and I am not supposed to leave the register (i.e. cash) unattended. Turns out the fight was between Mase and Tianna and the 40-ish woman I let in earlier. The 'mom' had been punched, but she was still telling us how much fun she had been having (prior).
Two cops come, get everything settled. An ambulance shows up. The mom is OK. Then the cop comes in to ask me why "Nobody in this club has an ID". Apparently, the mom didn't have one. And Mase and Tianna didn't have any, either. Literally, the only four people in the entire building without their ID's on them were asked for an ID by the cops. GREAT. They ask for the bar supervisor. He comes. They take his ID. He gets chewed out. He gives me recriminating glances and a 'you know better' comment.
In all honesty, I got very nervous when the cop started threatening to bring in the liquor board. I could care less if I get fired, and banned from working at a bar again. But if the liquor board shuts down the whole club, that would ruin a lot of people's fun, and a couple people's livelihoods. The 40-something asked to borrow my phone to call the police sergeant. She was on with him for a good 10 minutes. The cops were still irritated, and our supervisor was obviously still irritated.
Saturday, I heard the owner chewed out the sup' for sending for the cops. I did not get any phone calls, so I do not know how much he is or is not mad at me. It is possible that he didn't call to bitch me out because he knew that M&T were his own fault, and he also is aware of our lax enforcement with regulars who are WELL over the legal drinking age. As I said, the 60-something would not have been an issue ordinarily.
I also do not know if the sergeant did pull some strings on request of the woman who called from my phone. I would assume so, though, since Saturday and Sunday came and went without a word from anybody about anything, and the club was still open. I know it is a weekend, but I have a feeling the liquor board is willing to come in on the weekend to shut down a bar.
The rest of the weekend I relaxed. Visited a couple friends, made some phone calls, watched some movies. Did not go out. I have no good prospects for dates, or hookups, or anything. I admit I didn't put much effort into it this weekend, but I have put plenty in on other weekends with no results, so did not feel too bad just staying home and going to bed at a decent hour for once.
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