Friday night I had to work, of course. Overall, it was a sucky night. Too many drunks, and an all-out fist-flingin' brawl. I was not much involved in the fights, but the owner was seriously PO'ed at me about the drunks. There was one that I admittedly let in knowing I shouldn't have, but he said there were several, and I am not aware of who they all were. One short lady in a pink shirt went storming in after I told her no. There isn't much I can do at that point, so I sent a customer to tell the bartenders.
And the best part was that I had to get up Saturday morning and go to work at my sucky day job. Again, I did get some stuff done, but I HATE going in on Saturday mornings.
Saturday night ended up at the club, hangin' out. Nothing major happened. I stayed after with the staff, and had a couple drinks. Daemian pounded a couple rum and cokes again and got too intoxicated at the end of the night. I gave him some good advice, but he seems to not recall the conversation. (Short version: "Always be yourself, and be true.") Got to bed at 6am.
So, Sunday was an icky day. I did take a long hot bath when I got up. Lazed around, played some WoW. Had a date.
Yes, you heard me!
Friday when I was at work, I got a call from Leonardo. He ended up agreeing to come in. I got a nice hello kiss and a nice good-bye kiss, but that was it. A lot of the 'zilians were there that night, so he had lots to keep him company. Saturday night, about 10pm, he texted me a "hey cutie". Sunday morning I texted back. He replied, I replied, a call was made, we decided to meet up for dinner. He said he'd come to meet me, but didn't know the town well enough. So, I said let's meet in front of the club. I know he knows how to get there at least.
We were meeting up at 7:15. The club opens at 9, so I assumed there would be nobody around. I parked about two meter spaces before the front door, and waited. I got there a couple minutes early, and he ended up being just a little late. While I was waiting, I noticed Eddie's car parked there, too. Oh great. All I need is for him to see me sitting there. He knows my car. Luckily, they all smoke inside the building prior to and after business hours. All of a sudden a car parks behind me. I'm thinking it's Leo, but it doesn't look like it through my rear-view mirror. The guy gets out, and grabs stuff from the trunk. It was the DJ. Luckily, he does not know my car, and didn't notice me. But the door was still locked, so I saw him call for Eddie to come open the door. At that point, I'm thinking GREAT. With my luck, Leo would show just in time for us to be standing there when Eddie walks out. Fortunately, that did not happen, however. He showed shortly after that, and we headed off for Italian food.
During dinner conversation, he mentioned he likes video games. Primarily Xbox Live shoot-em-ups. Military and FPS are not my favorites. He likes driving games, but prefers Need for Speed series. I prefer Burnout. He said he hasn't played that one because he doesn't like crashing. I mentioned that I haven't played a whole lot of my PS3 since I still spend a lot of time on World of Warcraft. He said he has played that, but his English wasn't good enough, and he never had any clue what he was doing. Then he said I didn't Look Like someone who would play WoW. It sounded like he had the unkempt, socially inept, geek (Comic Book Guy from Simpsons) in mind. OK... He had just said he had played it, too!
After dinner, I asked if he wanted to head home or hang out a bit more. He said it was up to me. I suggested going back to my place to play some video games. I didn't want to come across as a total tool, so I did leave him alone. If he had made a move, I would have gone with it, but let him set the pace. I got a nice kiss as we were leaving, but that was it. We actually played Burnout. He liked it a lot more than he thought he would! Everyone likes Burnout!! About 10pm he said he was tired, and I needed to go to work anyway, so I took him back to his car, and then I came home and went to bed. Alone... It was a nice time, and we got along well, and I was even trying to suss out bottom-indicators, and I think he may even be a top!
Here's hoping!
Monday, January 28, 2008
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Late again
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Work Sucks
I hate my job. I really do.
Today the temp that had started on Monday to fill in for the inspector that quit two weeks ago, also quit. Left a note at lunch and never came back.
I need a vacation!! And a buyer for my condo!!
Today the temp that had started on Monday to fill in for the inspector that quit two weeks ago, also quit. Left a note at lunch and never came back.
I need a vacation!! And a buyer for my condo!!
Yes, again
Friday night I worked. It was fun and flirty, when it wasn't slow and tedious. I made very good tips again. It's such an affirmation. I realize it is a little demented, though.
Saturday morning I had to go in to the sucky day job. I did get some necessary work done, but oh how I hated being there.
Then I grabbed a bite to eat, and went to the grocery store. Picked up the supplies for another batch of decadent caramel brownies! Yes, THOSE brownies!! When I got home, I made the brownies, which always seems to take longer than you would expect. Then I cleaned. Vacuuming, dusting, swiffering, bleaching the bathroom, scrubbin' the toilet, the whole nine yards. I was having company! Randy was coming for the (rest of the) weekend. It was another Gayme night that day, and I had invited him. To be perfectly honest, I wanted to invite Roxy, but he has not answered my calls, so I invited Randy. While the bottomdar issue was there, he is a sweet guy, and we get along great.
Randy showed up, and we watched a couple episodes of More Tales of the City. It was about the first thing out of his mouth when he walked in. I had subjected him to the original on his last visit, and he was Hooked! As I popped in the DVD, I did mention that they changed the actors for Mouse and Mona. He gasped. He asked how I could not have told him head of time! I reassured him that the entire world protested, and we just had to process and move on. Yes, the new Mouse feels like an impostor, but you just have to accept it.
Then we headed over to Brad and Cris's house. We met up with Rick and Rick, and picked up Dave on the way. There was a good crowd there, and we joined in the conversation. Randy was a little hesitant at first, but he warmed up and fit right in pretty quickly. Kendall was there. Puerto Rican and black mix, extreme extrovert, life of the party type person. Once it got out that Randy was also 'Rican, the fun began!
We had great food, good drinks, played some fun games. "Apples to Apples" is surprisingly fun, and I do recommend it. The brownies were originally tucked away in the corner, with the other desserts, so I started promoting them. I didn't really need to. Once one person had one, the whole party knew they were worth diving into. But I always feel bad if nobody eats the food I bring along to a party, so I push a little.
As the party was wrapping up, Cris started canvassing for club-goers. I asked Randy if he wanted to go. He asked if this was the one I worked at, and I said Yes. He said he definitely wanted to check it out. He had a great time. Eddie was about to cut someone (probably Randy). The entire staff was all "Ooooh, who is this???" I hear that after I left, Daemian got the full interrogation. He resisted, though, and didn't divulge much of anything.
We left a little early, and went back to my place. Got ready bed, and crawled under the covers. I honestly felt SO good hitting the pillow. I was rather tired, and the bed and pillow were so soft... But instead we started kissing. We went for about an hour before I needed to quit and go to sleep. Aside from just being worn out, I was also being expected to top, and that is not my thing, so it was difficult to maintain an energy level. Got some sleep, and woke up next to him. We snuggled up for a while, and I must admit I really really like the snuggle on a Sunday morning part. Before too long that turned into more active behavior again, which eventually went into the shower. I am turned on by soapy guys, and Randy has that pheromone thing that just keeps me turned on the whole time, so I was hard through the whole shower. So, I took a few minutes to jerk off, all over him. By that point it wasn't difficult, I had built up the pressure fairly well.
We headed to Block5 for brunch, then picked up Daemian, and headed to go see Cloverfield with Brad and Cris. Turns out a whole group was there (9 people), but we were a little late. I drove to the theater by Brad's house, out of habit. Then remembered we were meeting at the one of the OTHER side of town. It was only 15 minutes later that we were in the correct theater. The movie has a very slow start, so between the previews and the movie itself, we didn't miss anything. The group was kind of split, some people loved it, some hated it. I liked the point of view. It was 'realistic' in the sense that if it really did happen, the average Joe would not have any clue what was going on. The scientists and military would not sit there and explain it all to you. The Matthew Broderick version of Godzilla was typical in that sense. You had the scene in the military transport where the scientist explained the whole thing. Cloverfield explains nothing. But that's their goal. And I feel it will have a sequel. (Skip this if you don't want to 'spoil' the movie: the creature is obviously from outer space, but obviously not capable of creating space travel, so it must have been sent as a scout. The masters will be launching a larger force next. We beat two creatures - or three - by blowing up all of Manhattan, they will send more.)
Then Randy went home to watch the championship game (Pats won, big surprise), while Daemian and I watched back episodes of Project Runway! How gay is THAT??
The big issue is that at one point Saturday night, Randy made a comment that include the phrase "you're dating me". I didn't say anything at the time. But since he is a big o' bottom, it's not gonna work. I realize I've probably sent him mixed signals. It is difficult to insist you don't want to tap that ass when you get hard around it so easily. But I don't know if he understands the 'pheromone' thing yet... He's fairly recently out, and not terribly experienced. I don't want to upset him, but we need to have a serious talk about where this ISN'T going. We have witnessed Brazilian Bottom Boy, and Lebanese Bottom Boy, and now we get Puerto Rican Bottom Boy. I'M THE BOTTOM, DAMMIT!!!!
Saturday morning I had to go in to the sucky day job. I did get some necessary work done, but oh how I hated being there.
Then I grabbed a bite to eat, and went to the grocery store. Picked up the supplies for another batch of decadent caramel brownies! Yes, THOSE brownies!! When I got home, I made the brownies, which always seems to take longer than you would expect. Then I cleaned. Vacuuming, dusting, swiffering, bleaching the bathroom, scrubbin' the toilet, the whole nine yards. I was having company! Randy was coming for the (rest of the) weekend. It was another Gayme night that day, and I had invited him. To be perfectly honest, I wanted to invite Roxy, but he has not answered my calls, so I invited Randy. While the bottomdar issue was there, he is a sweet guy, and we get along great.
Randy showed up, and we watched a couple episodes of More Tales of the City. It was about the first thing out of his mouth when he walked in. I had subjected him to the original on his last visit, and he was Hooked! As I popped in the DVD, I did mention that they changed the actors for Mouse and Mona. He gasped. He asked how I could not have told him head of time! I reassured him that the entire world protested, and we just had to process and move on. Yes, the new Mouse feels like an impostor, but you just have to accept it.
Then we headed over to Brad and Cris's house. We met up with Rick and Rick, and picked up Dave on the way. There was a good crowd there, and we joined in the conversation. Randy was a little hesitant at first, but he warmed up and fit right in pretty quickly. Kendall was there. Puerto Rican and black mix, extreme extrovert, life of the party type person. Once it got out that Randy was also 'Rican, the fun began!
We had great food, good drinks, played some fun games. "Apples to Apples" is surprisingly fun, and I do recommend it. The brownies were originally tucked away in the corner, with the other desserts, so I started promoting them. I didn't really need to. Once one person had one, the whole party knew they were worth diving into. But I always feel bad if nobody eats the food I bring along to a party, so I push a little.
As the party was wrapping up, Cris started canvassing for club-goers. I asked Randy if he wanted to go. He asked if this was the one I worked at, and I said Yes. He said he definitely wanted to check it out. He had a great time. Eddie was about to cut someone (probably Randy). The entire staff was all "Ooooh, who is this???" I hear that after I left, Daemian got the full interrogation. He resisted, though, and didn't divulge much of anything.
We left a little early, and went back to my place. Got ready bed, and crawled under the covers. I honestly felt SO good hitting the pillow. I was rather tired, and the bed and pillow were so soft... But instead we started kissing. We went for about an hour before I needed to quit and go to sleep. Aside from just being worn out, I was also being expected to top, and that is not my thing, so it was difficult to maintain an energy level. Got some sleep, and woke up next to him. We snuggled up for a while, and I must admit I really really like the snuggle on a Sunday morning part. Before too long that turned into more active behavior again, which eventually went into the shower. I am turned on by soapy guys, and Randy has that pheromone thing that just keeps me turned on the whole time, so I was hard through the whole shower. So, I took a few minutes to jerk off, all over him. By that point it wasn't difficult, I had built up the pressure fairly well.
We headed to Block5 for brunch, then picked up Daemian, and headed to go see Cloverfield with Brad and Cris. Turns out a whole group was there (9 people), but we were a little late. I drove to the theater by Brad's house, out of habit. Then remembered we were meeting at the one of the OTHER side of town. It was only 15 minutes later that we were in the correct theater. The movie has a very slow start, so between the previews and the movie itself, we didn't miss anything. The group was kind of split, some people loved it, some hated it. I liked the point of view. It was 'realistic' in the sense that if it really did happen, the average Joe would not have any clue what was going on. The scientists and military would not sit there and explain it all to you. The Matthew Broderick version of Godzilla was typical in that sense. You had the scene in the military transport where the scientist explained the whole thing. Cloverfield explains nothing. But that's their goal. And I feel it will have a sequel. (Skip this if you don't want to 'spoil' the movie: the creature is obviously from outer space, but obviously not capable of creating space travel, so it must have been sent as a scout. The masters will be launching a larger force next. We beat two creatures - or three - by blowing up all of Manhattan, they will send more.)
Then Randy went home to watch the championship game (Pats won, big surprise), while Daemian and I watched back episodes of Project Runway! How gay is THAT??
The big issue is that at one point Saturday night, Randy made a comment that include the phrase "you're dating me". I didn't say anything at the time. But since he is a big o' bottom, it's not gonna work. I realize I've probably sent him mixed signals. It is difficult to insist you don't want to tap that ass when you get hard around it so easily. But I don't know if he understands the 'pheromone' thing yet... He's fairly recently out, and not terribly experienced. I don't want to upset him, but we need to have a serious talk about where this ISN'T going. We have witnessed Brazilian Bottom Boy, and Lebanese Bottom Boy, and now we get Puerto Rican Bottom Boy. I'M THE BOTTOM, DAMMIT!!!!
Friday, January 18, 2008
Change up
I noticed that my Parade may be giving you the wrong impression. One of my hottie black friends accused me once of being racist in the sense that I didn't like white guys. I am not sure if he was kidding or not, but I did tell him that isn't true. So, as proof, I will include a caucasian in the Parade of Hotties!

This is Rusty Joiner. He's from Alabama. They say he's a true southern gentleman.

This is Rusty Joiner. He's from Alabama. They say he's a true southern gentleman.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Roxy Heart
OK - it is now Saturday night at 2:45 am. Technically, it is Sunday morning. I got up Saturday early to go to work at my sucky day job, so was a Little tired. But, went out to the club tonight anyway. I didn't have to work, because now that Daemian has moved here and started working at the club, he is the go-to cover-for-me guy. He wants the extra shifts...
I had talked with Brad, and he said he would come to Blu to hang out with me, since Cris was staying in CT again tonight (since Thursday...) but he never showed up. Partially my fault. I had given him World of Warcraft for his birthday last year, and he finally signed up. And he has become an addict REALLY REALLY quickly. So, when I got home, I logged in quick to check the guild member status, and he was online until about 1am. He ditched me for WoW.
This would have bothered me, since that would have left me with no one to chat with socially. However, I found a cutie there tonight, and actually approached him. I am SO bad at small talk and flirting, but I just went up and said hello and introduced myself. The conversation flowed from there, and I ended up with his email and phone number, in addition to a kiss in the parking lot. In retrospect, that may have been a bad idea (straight clubs next door, lots of uptight hetero boys wandering around), but at the time, I just really wanted to kiss him. He was there with a straight friend. The friend was Brazilian. He (not the friend) said he was Portuguese, but does not speak it - his father insisted that they were Americans and should speak English. I offered to let them crash at my place since he had been drinking quite a bit, and I live a LOT closer than he does. The straight friend even was trying to convince him to do it. And there was talk about him him fucking me, versus "cuddling" with the straight friend, so I may have found a top, too! But in the end, they drove back to Boston (South Boston, to be exact). He said they were going back to his place, and they would be all snuggled up together. Which is why the straight friend (a cute Brazilian named something like Cashian, who was just married in July, and is heading back to Bahia soon to meet up with his wife in time for Carnivale) was pushing for my suggestion to let HIM sleep on my living room futon while Roxy (yes, his name is Roxy) and I stay in my room. I imagine it was the "4 minutes away" comment that really appealed to him, but Cash was actually promoting my suggestion of them staying at my place tonight. Roxy decided to head back to Southie, though. I did call when I got home, but the call disconnected. I plan to call back soon to set up something for next weekend. Now I just need to lose those 12 pounds by next Saturday...
So, to recount a bit of the tale... I was there, with a drink in hand, complements of Eddie, and there were two cuties over at the pool table. One was tall and handsome, and well dressed. The other was cute and Brazilian looking, and wearing athletic gear style clothes. The tall one was Roxy, a gay guy from "Southie", there to hang out with his straight friend. He said he had called a friend of his who has moved to Florida, and the friend suggested our club as a Fun place to hang out. They did both seem to have a good time. I did talk to the straightie for a while, to make nice with the friend. Always a good idea to make the friends think you are a good choice! And since he was Brazilian (and heading to Bahia for Carnivale!), it was easy for me to make conversation with him. I even tossed in a few Portuguese terms to make him impressed with me. (Imagine their drive back to South Boston. An hour drive with nothing else to talk about but the events of this past evening...)
Roxy emphasized that he wants me to call him. I am emphasizing to you now that I definitely will. While playing pool with the lesbians, he leaned against the table and grabbed his crotch to distract them. It, of course, didn't work too well, but I commented that he needed to do it again. Then I emphasized that it was for my benefit, not the lesbians'. Eventually, he lost, and we headed over to the bar to drink. The DJ was not playing good gay-boy dance music (too much top-40 hip hop crap). I commented that I prefer the "gay classics" like Madonna or Cher, and he totally agreed. So, we did not dance at all. I asked him if he was not going to grab his dick anymore if I should do it for him. He said yes. So I did! When I went to try grabbing it through his pants pocket, he got a little grouchy, and pulled my hand way. Said to Cashian that I was trying to grab his wallet instead! He was teasing. There were a number of other cuties I've been working on for a while there tonight. The older couple was there, too. The dark one showed up much earlier than the white-boy hubbie. When he came in, I asked if he was alone tonight. He said yes, and asked flirtatiously if I was, too. I said, oh yes, I am single tonight! When the hubby showed up later, darky stopped flirting. Hubby actually came up to me and started chatting at one point. I told him most of the same stuff I had told him several months ago. He was drinking both times, so I imagine it will all be asked again, someday. Roxy started to harass the whitie, so I told him that the two were a couple, and had been together for a while. He said I should have told him sooner.
By the way, Roxy said his father was a boxer, and named him after Shawn Roxy - apparently some well-known boxer back in the day. Like WWII era. He pulled out a couple "boxer" moves throughout the evening, but I was not really paying attention to that. I was kind of leaning into him at one point. It was more of a 'brushing up against' kind of thing, but I was getting Totally turned on, so kind of backed off a bit.
The straight guy Seth was there again, so I was flirting with him for a bit. He must have gotten a little weirded out, because he ran off for a beer, and I didn't see him again all night. The "straight one" stripper twin was hired to dance tonight, too. Since it was the first time he was dancing on a night that I did not have work, I took advantage of the opportunity to check him out (can NOT dance), and shoved money-wrapped fingers down his underwear. He seemed perfectly OK with me doing that, and even put his arm around me when I stopped up on stage to chat with him and slip him some money. He does work for tips, but he was also flirty again at 1:50, as they turned on all the lights and started shoving all the people out the door. I totally would have stayed to molest him (relax - he's like 24, and is a Stripper), but was after the Southie.
Friday had been fun, too, but other than slightly flirty Junior and Kenny (the dark latino from last weekend), nothing really major happened. Here's hoping next weekend goes well! Now I really have a reason to lose those last 12 pounds this week!! (And it is now a full hour later - 3:45am, but enjoy the post anyway!)
I had talked with Brad, and he said he would come to Blu to hang out with me, since Cris was staying in CT again tonight (since Thursday...) but he never showed up. Partially my fault. I had given him World of Warcraft for his birthday last year, and he finally signed up. And he has become an addict REALLY REALLY quickly. So, when I got home, I logged in quick to check the guild member status, and he was online until about 1am. He ditched me for WoW.
This would have bothered me, since that would have left me with no one to chat with socially. However, I found a cutie there tonight, and actually approached him. I am SO bad at small talk and flirting, but I just went up and said hello and introduced myself. The conversation flowed from there, and I ended up with his email and phone number, in addition to a kiss in the parking lot. In retrospect, that may have been a bad idea (straight clubs next door, lots of uptight hetero boys wandering around), but at the time, I just really wanted to kiss him. He was there with a straight friend. The friend was Brazilian. He (not the friend) said he was Portuguese, but does not speak it - his father insisted that they were Americans and should speak English. I offered to let them crash at my place since he had been drinking quite a bit, and I live a LOT closer than he does. The straight friend even was trying to convince him to do it. And there was talk about him him fucking me, versus "cuddling" with the straight friend, so I may have found a top, too! But in the end, they drove back to Boston (South Boston, to be exact). He said they were going back to his place, and they would be all snuggled up together. Which is why the straight friend (a cute Brazilian named something like Cashian, who was just married in July, and is heading back to Bahia soon to meet up with his wife in time for Carnivale) was pushing for my suggestion to let HIM sleep on my living room futon while Roxy (yes, his name is Roxy) and I stay in my room. I imagine it was the "4 minutes away" comment that really appealed to him, but Cash was actually promoting my suggestion of them staying at my place tonight. Roxy decided to head back to Southie, though. I did call when I got home, but the call disconnected. I plan to call back soon to set up something for next weekend. Now I just need to lose those 12 pounds by next Saturday...
So, to recount a bit of the tale... I was there, with a drink in hand, complements of Eddie, and there were two cuties over at the pool table. One was tall and handsome, and well dressed. The other was cute and Brazilian looking, and wearing athletic gear style clothes. The tall one was Roxy, a gay guy from "Southie", there to hang out with his straight friend. He said he had called a friend of his who has moved to Florida, and the friend suggested our club as a Fun place to hang out. They did both seem to have a good time. I did talk to the straightie for a while, to make nice with the friend. Always a good idea to make the friends think you are a good choice! And since he was Brazilian (and heading to Bahia for Carnivale!), it was easy for me to make conversation with him. I even tossed in a few Portuguese terms to make him impressed with me. (Imagine their drive back to South Boston. An hour drive with nothing else to talk about but the events of this past evening...)
Roxy emphasized that he wants me to call him. I am emphasizing to you now that I definitely will. While playing pool with the lesbians, he leaned against the table and grabbed his crotch to distract them. It, of course, didn't work too well, but I commented that he needed to do it again. Then I emphasized that it was for my benefit, not the lesbians'. Eventually, he lost, and we headed over to the bar to drink. The DJ was not playing good gay-boy dance music (too much top-40 hip hop crap). I commented that I prefer the "gay classics" like Madonna or Cher, and he totally agreed. So, we did not dance at all. I asked him if he was not going to grab his dick anymore if I should do it for him. He said yes. So I did! When I went to try grabbing it through his pants pocket, he got a little grouchy, and pulled my hand way. Said to Cashian that I was trying to grab his wallet instead! He was teasing. There were a number of other cuties I've been working on for a while there tonight. The older couple was there, too. The dark one showed up much earlier than the white-boy hubbie. When he came in, I asked if he was alone tonight. He said yes, and asked flirtatiously if I was, too. I said, oh yes, I am single tonight! When the hubby showed up later, darky stopped flirting. Hubby actually came up to me and started chatting at one point. I told him most of the same stuff I had told him several months ago. He was drinking both times, so I imagine it will all be asked again, someday. Roxy started to harass the whitie, so I told him that the two were a couple, and had been together for a while. He said I should have told him sooner.
By the way, Roxy said his father was a boxer, and named him after Shawn Roxy - apparently some well-known boxer back in the day. Like WWII era. He pulled out a couple "boxer" moves throughout the evening, but I was not really paying attention to that. I was kind of leaning into him at one point. It was more of a 'brushing up against' kind of thing, but I was getting Totally turned on, so kind of backed off a bit.
The straight guy Seth was there again, so I was flirting with him for a bit. He must have gotten a little weirded out, because he ran off for a beer, and I didn't see him again all night. The "straight one" stripper twin was hired to dance tonight, too. Since it was the first time he was dancing on a night that I did not have work, I took advantage of the opportunity to check him out (can NOT dance), and shoved money-wrapped fingers down his underwear. He seemed perfectly OK with me doing that, and even put his arm around me when I stopped up on stage to chat with him and slip him some money. He does work for tips, but he was also flirty again at 1:50, as they turned on all the lights and started shoving all the people out the door. I totally would have stayed to molest him (relax - he's like 24, and is a Stripper), but was after the Southie.
Friday had been fun, too, but other than slightly flirty Junior and Kenny (the dark latino from last weekend), nothing really major happened. Here's hoping next weekend goes well! Now I really have a reason to lose those last 12 pounds this week!! (And it is now a full hour later - 3:45am, but enjoy the post anyway!)
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Random guys
The Friday before Christmas I was at a great new restaurant (by the owners of Block5) with a couple friends. While waiting for everyone to show up, I noticed a table in the front with three young guys sitting there. They looked gay. One looked attractive (to me). Last night I saw the three guys come in to the gym together. The tall one that I thought was attractive was obviously the biggest girl of the group. Still gotta get that "bottomdar" fixed!
Then the hot little Brazilian guy I've been staring at for the past few months showed up. He had been wearing what looked like a wedding band on the ring finger of his Right hand. I asked Ronny about it at one point, and he said right hand is for engaged, and left is for married. He thought it was the same here, and asked why I didn't know about that. I explained that in the US men don't wear rings until married and that women wear the big ring at engagement and then add a band to it when married. (Which leads one to wonder why in this country engaged men don't wear any visible symbol of their commitment...) Brazilian hottie showed up last night with the ring moved to the Left hand. I guess he got married over the holidays. Dammit!
And the hot little latino cutie that started working as the janitor at my day job about two months ago just quit. I'm sure he was straight, and nothing could have come of it even if he was gay, but he was fun to look at!
Then the hot little Brazilian guy I've been staring at for the past few months showed up. He had been wearing what looked like a wedding band on the ring finger of his Right hand. I asked Ronny about it at one point, and he said right hand is for engaged, and left is for married. He thought it was the same here, and asked why I didn't know about that. I explained that in the US men don't wear rings until married and that women wear the big ring at engagement and then add a band to it when married. (Which leads one to wonder why in this country engaged men don't wear any visible symbol of their commitment...) Brazilian hottie showed up last night with the ring moved to the Left hand. I guess he got married over the holidays. Dammit!
And the hot little latino cutie that started working as the janitor at my day job about two months ago just quit. I'm sure he was straight, and nothing could have come of it even if he was gay, but he was fun to look at!
Monday, January 07, 2008
Workin it
Well, I did not have a restful weekend, that's for sure. I worked Friday night, got to bed at 3, got up at 9 to go to work, then worked Saturday night. Got to bed at 4. Woke up at 11 Sunday morning. Ended up hangin out with various friends, then heading to the club (obligated!!) to wish Eddie a Happy Birthday. I made him some yummy Paula Deen treats, too!
Friday night was interesting. A couple lesbians got in a fight again. Usually, as front door, fights don't affect me much, but now that I am holding their coats, it does drag me in. The two angry women who both lost their claim tickets didn't speak great English, so as I tried to tell them they would have to wait for everyone to claim their coats before I could give them what was left, they just got angrier. One leapt over the register as the other charged around the side of the desk. I blocked the charger, but not the leaper. It was getting obnoxious. The hot little black guy - Kenny - that I've been rather interested in (remember him flirting with and then ignoring me) started speaking spanish to explain the situation to the one I did block, and she calmed down a bit. (Yes, he's latino, too!) After they left, he was getting quite flirty and affectionate. Unfortunately, I still had to kick him out, especially with everyone in "crisis" mode, and clearing the place out as quickly as we could. I did thank him effusively, and tried to make it obvious that I was catching and enjoying the flirty parts. We'll see if that leads to anything.
Another little black guy was there, too. Not as hot, but better aura and personality. He was hesitantly flirty. Sunday, I bumped into him again, and he was very chatty, and seemed definitely interested. I made sure to say goodnight to him when I left, and told him to stop by and chat next time he sees me stuck up at the front desk. He said he would! His name is Adam.
And, Leonardo came in Friday night. By himself. So I asked what he was doing afterwards. He apparently had to work early in the morning, so had to leave early to go to sleep. I referenced him not calling me, and he said something about getting a new phone, and not having my number, so asked for it. It got busy again, so he left. When he came back he gave me his number, and said for me to call him. I said I would definitely call. He replied, "Yeahh, right" and walked out the door. I did call on Sunday. He seemed surprised. We chatted for a bit, but he was on his way to Boston for a farewell party for a friend moving back home to Brazil. He said he had off Monday, and I said I work until 4, so he said he'd call 4:30 and we would do something. I said OK. Monday at 5, he had not called, so I called. No answer, so I left a message. He texted back to say he was working with his dad, it was a 'crazy' day, and he'd call later. So, I made dinner for myself.
Saturday, Brad and Cris, and Junior and Cristiano all showed up. Junior was a little flirty, but of course nothing happened. I was working 'floater' so got to wander around and chat with people. I also got to throw out drunks. One needed a cab, so we called Red Cab. They never showed up, so we called Yellow, but the guy was waiting like a half hour. During that time, he asked if I was gay. I said yes, and he said I didn't look gay. (He was drunk.) Then he said I was too cute to be gay. (Okay, he was Plastered...)
Sunday I met up with Daemian, and we picked up Ronny to go to dinner. Junior was home, was rather flirty with me again, but wouldn't come to dinner with us. Ronny said Junior told him that he's gonna go back to girls because men suck. But the story Ronny told was really Junior's fault...
Friday night was interesting. A couple lesbians got in a fight again. Usually, as front door, fights don't affect me much, but now that I am holding their coats, it does drag me in. The two angry women who both lost their claim tickets didn't speak great English, so as I tried to tell them they would have to wait for everyone to claim their coats before I could give them what was left, they just got angrier. One leapt over the register as the other charged around the side of the desk. I blocked the charger, but not the leaper. It was getting obnoxious. The hot little black guy - Kenny - that I've been rather interested in (remember him flirting with and then ignoring me) started speaking spanish to explain the situation to the one I did block, and she calmed down a bit. (Yes, he's latino, too!) After they left, he was getting quite flirty and affectionate. Unfortunately, I still had to kick him out, especially with everyone in "crisis" mode, and clearing the place out as quickly as we could. I did thank him effusively, and tried to make it obvious that I was catching and enjoying the flirty parts. We'll see if that leads to anything.
Another little black guy was there, too. Not as hot, but better aura and personality. He was hesitantly flirty. Sunday, I bumped into him again, and he was very chatty, and seemed definitely interested. I made sure to say goodnight to him when I left, and told him to stop by and chat next time he sees me stuck up at the front desk. He said he would! His name is Adam.
And, Leonardo came in Friday night. By himself. So I asked what he was doing afterwards. He apparently had to work early in the morning, so had to leave early to go to sleep. I referenced him not calling me, and he said something about getting a new phone, and not having my number, so asked for it. It got busy again, so he left. When he came back he gave me his number, and said for me to call him. I said I would definitely call. He replied, "Yeahh, right" and walked out the door. I did call on Sunday. He seemed surprised. We chatted for a bit, but he was on his way to Boston for a farewell party for a friend moving back home to Brazil. He said he had off Monday, and I said I work until 4, so he said he'd call 4:30 and we would do something. I said OK. Monday at 5, he had not called, so I called. No answer, so I left a message. He texted back to say he was working with his dad, it was a 'crazy' day, and he'd call later. So, I made dinner for myself.
Saturday, Brad and Cris, and Junior and Cristiano all showed up. Junior was a little flirty, but of course nothing happened. I was working 'floater' so got to wander around and chat with people. I also got to throw out drunks. One needed a cab, so we called Red Cab. They never showed up, so we called Yellow, but the guy was waiting like a half hour. During that time, he asked if I was gay. I said yes, and he said I didn't look gay. (He was drunk.) Then he said I was too cute to be gay. (Okay, he was Plastered...)
Sunday I met up with Daemian, and we picked up Ronny to go to dinner. Junior was home, was rather flirty with me again, but wouldn't come to dinner with us. Ronny said Junior told him that he's gonna go back to girls because men suck. But the story Ronny told was really Junior's fault...
Friday, January 04, 2008
Hotties on Parade
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Well, I had to work this year for New Year's Eve. I didn't really have anything better to do, really. Randy would have spent the night with me, but he had to work during the day, and I had to work at night, so we weren't together.
As front door guy, I had a lot of hello hello kisses. The cute guy who is friends with the DJ and likes to run around shirtless gave me a nice kiss shortly before, and shortly after midnight. Luther and Keniah were there, as well. Luther stopped by around 12:30 to give me a kiss. At first I did the hello hello style kiss, but he said that was not what he wanted, so I gave him a "real" kiss. There were a couple people around who saw it, and were nearly scandalized!
Around 2:10, after we had kicked everyone out, and I was finalizing my drawer, there was a knock at the front door. Cute latino guy, asked if we were closed. I said we closed at 2, nothing was open except the diner up the street. He said he didn't speak a lot of English, so I took a shot and asked "Fala Portugues?" He, of course, got a very happy look on his face, and said yes. Surprise, surprise, he is Brazilian. I did not understand everything he said, but was able to manage well enough through the conversation. I have a feeling I might see him again soon.
But it is now Tuesday night. Tomorrow I have to go to work. Ughhhhhh.
As front door guy, I had a lot of hello hello kisses. The cute guy who is friends with the DJ and likes to run around shirtless gave me a nice kiss shortly before, and shortly after midnight. Luther and Keniah were there, as well. Luther stopped by around 12:30 to give me a kiss. At first I did the hello hello style kiss, but he said that was not what he wanted, so I gave him a "real" kiss. There were a couple people around who saw it, and were nearly scandalized!
Around 2:10, after we had kicked everyone out, and I was finalizing my drawer, there was a knock at the front door. Cute latino guy, asked if we were closed. I said we closed at 2, nothing was open except the diner up the street. He said he didn't speak a lot of English, so I took a shot and asked "Fala Portugues?" He, of course, got a very happy look on his face, and said yes. Surprise, surprise, he is Brazilian. I did not understand everything he said, but was able to manage well enough through the conversation. I have a feeling I might see him again soon.
But it is now Tuesday night. Tomorrow I have to go to work. Ughhhhhh.
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