Monday, January 28, 2008


Friday night I had to work, of course. Overall, it was a sucky night. Too many drunks, and an all-out fist-flingin' brawl. I was not much involved in the fights, but the owner was seriously PO'ed at me about the drunks. There was one that I admittedly let in knowing I shouldn't have, but he said there were several, and I am not aware of who they all were. One short lady in a pink shirt went storming in after I told her no. There isn't much I can do at that point, so I sent a customer to tell the bartenders.

And the best part was that I had to get up Saturday morning and go to work at my sucky day job. Again, I did get some stuff done, but I HATE going in on Saturday mornings.

Saturday night ended up at the club, hangin' out. Nothing major happened. I stayed after with the staff, and had a couple drinks. Daemian pounded a couple rum and cokes again and got too intoxicated at the end of the night. I gave him some good advice, but he seems to not recall the conversation. (Short version: "Always be yourself, and be true.") Got to bed at 6am.

So, Sunday was an icky day. I did take a long hot bath when I got up. Lazed around, played some WoW. Had a date.

Yes, you heard me!

Friday when I was at work, I got a call from Leonardo. He ended up agreeing to come in. I got a nice hello kiss and a nice good-bye kiss, but that was it. A lot of the 'zilians were there that night, so he had lots to keep him company. Saturday night, about 10pm, he texted me a "hey cutie". Sunday morning I texted back. He replied, I replied, a call was made, we decided to meet up for dinner. He said he'd come to meet me, but didn't know the town well enough. So, I said let's meet in front of the club. I know he knows how to get there at least.

We were meeting up at 7:15. The club opens at 9, so I assumed there would be nobody around. I parked about two meter spaces before the front door, and waited. I got there a couple minutes early, and he ended up being just a little late. While I was waiting, I noticed Eddie's car parked there, too. Oh great. All I need is for him to see me sitting there. He knows my car. Luckily, they all smoke inside the building prior to and after business hours. All of a sudden a car parks behind me. I'm thinking it's Leo, but it doesn't look like it through my rear-view mirror. The guy gets out, and grabs stuff from the trunk. It was the DJ. Luckily, he does not know my car, and didn't notice me. But the door was still locked, so I saw him call for Eddie to come open the door. At that point, I'm thinking GREAT. With my luck, Leo would show just in time for us to be standing there when Eddie walks out. Fortunately, that did not happen, however. He showed shortly after that, and we headed off for Italian food.

During dinner conversation, he mentioned he likes video games. Primarily Xbox Live shoot-em-ups. Military and FPS are not my favorites. He likes driving games, but prefers Need for Speed series. I prefer Burnout. He said he hasn't played that one because he doesn't like crashing. I mentioned that I haven't played a whole lot of my PS3 since I still spend a lot of time on World of Warcraft. He said he has played that, but his English wasn't good enough, and he never had any clue what he was doing. Then he said I didn't Look Like someone who would play WoW. It sounded like he had the unkempt, socially inept, geek (Comic Book Guy from Simpsons) in mind. OK... He had just said he had played it, too!

After dinner, I asked if he wanted to head home or hang out a bit more. He said it was up to me. I suggested going back to my place to play some video games. I didn't want to come across as a total tool, so I did leave him alone. If he had made a move, I would have gone with it, but let him set the pace. I got a nice kiss as we were leaving, but that was it. We actually played Burnout. He liked it a lot more than he thought he would! Everyone likes Burnout!! About 10pm he said he was tired, and I needed to go to work anyway, so I took him back to his car, and then I came home and went to bed. Alone... It was a nice time, and we got along well, and I was even trying to suss out bottom-indicators, and I think he may even be a top!

Here's hoping!

1 comment:

Daemian said...

At least you got a date out of it all in the end. And yes.. Saturday nights are pretty much my only drinking night and I must stop slamming those damn rum n cokes.