As usual, my weekend started out by sitting at the front door at the club. Cris showed up, Junior came in, and Ronny brought a (female) co-worker. Junior was flirty. Cris was dancing like a madman. The hotdog guy stopped by with a fried dough, and asked if I wanted "a piece of this". I did a little elevator-eyes, and said of course I wanted a piece of that. So he ripped me off a chunk of the fried dough... The rest he gave to Eddie (bartender, and manager on duty) in exchange for a drink. Eddie didn't eat any of the dough, however.
Saturday I had breakfast at IHOP with Ronny. The peach praline pancakes are pretty good! He had to go into work for a couple hours, then we met up again, and headed to Providence. There we met up with Brad and Cris, and Brad's friend from like 15 years ago, Keith. We had dinner at
Fire & Ice. My friend Narinn was planning to meet up with us later, and he had mentioned there would be a
waterfire that night. Sadly, he was wrong. But there was a music festival, and we had a nice time hanging out down by the river, anyway.
After joining up with Narinn and his friend David, we headed to Alley Cat, then Dark Lady, then Mirabar. (Gay dive bar, drag club, and dance club respectively) Narinn kind of re-hurt his foot, so wasn't dancing much. Keith is what is known as a Rice Queen, and was practically drooling on Narinn all night. Narinn of course took his shirt off at Mirabar, and Keith nearly hyperventilated. Unfortunately, Keith was rather unattractive, and not terribly exciting to be around. But he was trying. I asked Brad if Keith was aware that Narinn is unavailable, and he said No.
Around 1am, Narinn and David mentioned leaving, grabbing a bite to eat, and would meet us (Ronny and me) back at the house. Someone mentioned hanging out, so there was discussion about whether or not Brad/Cris/Keith would visit Narinn's place, too, and whether we were all going to stop for breakfast. In the end, the four of us were heading back (sans diner), and those three were going back into Mirabar. Ronny and I climb into Narinn's back seat (BMW convertible, seats 4), they get in, we are about to head out, and Keith knocks on the window. He asks if we are still doing breakfast. Narinn says no, we're just heading home. Keith kind of invites himself along, and Narinn kind of stammers, and gives in. We squeeze him into the backseat. As we pull away, I see Brad and Cris standing at the street corner, yet. I'm guessing they weren't going back inside. At that point, I felt bad about ditching them, though it was technically Keith that ditched them. I asked him if Brad at least had a copy of the room key for the hotel they were staying at. He said yes. I didn't bother asking how he intended to get back to the hotel himself.
Narinn drops Ronny and me back at my car, then I head over to his house. When we get there, Keith and David are on the porch, so we go inside to drop off our bags. I stop in the kitchen and say hello to Narinn. He's a little weirded out by the whole thing, and was trying to figure out what to serve to eat. Ronny and I were both adamant that he did not need to feed us. He said he felt bad, and I said no need, it was Keith's own fault. We chat for a little while, then David and Narinn both want to go to sleep. Narinn gets David situated, while I call a cab. Narinn did not feel comfortable letting a stranger stay over (Ronny was OK cuz he was with me), and didn't have the room anyway. Narinn lives a couple miles out of the downtown area, so I figured it would be 20 minutes or so for a cab to come. Wrong. It was 45 minutes. Narinn stayed up with him, simply because he wasn't going to leave Keith there unattended, and I stayed with them as well, just to keep Narinn 'safe'. Keith was probably cursing me in his mind, but I knew Narinn appreciated having me there. Keith would have been better off maintaining a little class and dignity that night, though. Narinn did not come away with a good impression.
In the morning, Cris called early to say they were heading home already - Brad wanted to get a lot of yardwork done on Sunday. David headed out, too, because he had things to take care of. Ronny and I got ready, and went to breakfast with Narinn. While I was getting ready, Narinn repeated his bathroom performance I described with Denison the other week. I got in the shower, and he came in the bathroom (clear shower curtain). I was a little uncomfortable, but at the same time, I had this cool comfort of knowing he considered me a friend in a similar manner to someone he has known for years. Breakfast choice #1 didn't pan out due to extensive wait. Breakfast choice #2 had no wait, but for apparent good reason. The food was mediocre to poor. We met up with Rebecca for breakfast, Narinn's "lesbian friend". She was the sporty-dyke type. Lean and tomboyish, ate scrambled egg whites for breakfast, and was taking her bicycle in for repair afterwards. They started making plans - asked if I wanted to come along to Foxwoods casino. I had to take Ronny home that afternoon, because he had a date that evening. I didn't much want to go to a casino at that point, and doubt Narinn really did, either, since he was complaining all night about how little cash he had.
So, we headed home, and they went to the gym, then to rent a movie and chill at her place. As I was getting close to home, Narinn called. He accidentally left his keys in my car. He had a spare house key, but was worried about the car key. His spare for the car didn't work on the door. He called a little later to say he worked on the door for a while, and finally managed to get it open, so he could wait a couple days for me to bring the keys back.
Never heard from Denison this past week. Nish was off hanging out with Manny. I'm guessing it was the Manny we were both interested in. If things go well for them, then he was obviously not my type anyway (top vs bottom). When I talk to Nish, I may gently probe what he knows about Denison's mindset. I still like him, and wish we could still have a little something; if nothing else, at least friends.