Friday, October 21, 2011

Mood Swing

So, two weeks ago, Oct 7, Nauber calls from work at like 10:30pm to ask permission to go out to the bar with a group of coworkers when they are done. He has gone out after work countless times, and never felt the need to call me first, so I thought it was odd, but really sweet. He then included an "I love you" in the sign-off. It was sort of tossed out casually, so I breezily said "I love you, too" in reply. But it was the second time he has said it ever, and the first since Christmas Eve two years ago when I was stranded alone in DC for the night. It made my heart happy!

This morning (like 4am) I drifted awake and tossed his stuffed bear to the floor. For the past month he has been sleeping with the damn thing, and it too large to make it comfortable, so it's hard for me to fall asleep. I have complained, but he doesn't care. Anyway, just as it hit the floor, Nauber woke up and had to go pee. He comes back and says "Why is Tifum on the floor?" crawls in bed, and yanks the blanket over to cover the poor bear. This leaves me uncovered, so I pull on the blankets, but again, the bear is in the way. I grab the bear, chuck it on the floor and say something akin to "enough with the damn bear"! He gets huffy and says "what are you doing!?!" to which I reply that "I should be able to sleep better than that stupid f&%#ing bear". He grabs his pillow and the bear, says "that's why I have my own bed" and storms off. Sooo nice to know I mean less to him than a stuffed toy he found on the side of the street (aka trash).

Today is a not-speaking day. I never win those, however, since he is perfectly fine with me leaving him alone, and it drives me nuts. We had just started plans and invites for his birthday party (Nov 5, our house!), so he'll need to ask me to do stuff for him. Not that there will be remorse or an apology. Ugghhhhh...

And this one is just for Amy...

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