It was actually a pretty quiet weekend. Spent a fairly decent amount of time with Nauber, though. He seems fully smitten. There's a definite "dating" vibe, though neither of us has declared anything specific. I think the 2.5 weeks in China might be preventing him from getting too intense right now.
We're looking at adding a side trip to Australia within the trip to Hong Kong. That should prove fun! I need to remember to prep the camera...
This afternoon (Monday) my unemployment status page has changed slightly. It still says it is processing, but the available balance has a dollar amount in it, instead of zero. I guess that means I am approved. Income is good!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
Feeling Better
I had a cold this week. Spent a lot of time sleeping it off. Also spent a fair amount of time with Nauber. He seems to falling into BF-land. He mentioned Thursday that he wanted to be with me when he first saw me that Sunday night (3 weeks ago).
They always say you will find something when you stop looking. I've been completely honest about my plans to leave, so I haven't been leading him on, or anything like that.
And I found a pair of blue underwear under the bed. I've spoken to Nauber since, so he would have said something. It must have been the Brazilian from last Friday. It's kind of funny; he left in such a hurry, he didn't even look for his underwear.
They always say you will find something when you stop looking. I've been completely honest about my plans to leave, so I haven't been leading him on, or anything like that.
And I found a pair of blue underwear under the bed. I've spoken to Nauber since, so he would have said something. It must have been the Brazilian from last Friday. It's kind of funny; he left in such a hurry, he didn't even look for his underwear.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Charter stole Project Runway!
So, I have not had my own TV since I moved out at the end of August. That means on Wednesdays I have been going over to Ronny's so we can watch our weekly Project Runway fix. Tonight I get to Ronny's place, and he says there's something wrong with the TV - it's showing the wrong channel.
Instead of fierce fabulousness, we were subjected so some "TruTV" show about morons acting stupid on camera. Ronny wanted me to reset the channel programming. I knew that wouldn't help, but did it anyway. Meanwhile, pulled up Charter's listing online, and it still showed Bravo. When it came back, we put on the TV Guide channel (so THAT's what that channel is for!!), and no Bravo. Googled it, and found a number of people posting complaints about the recent 'channel changes' bumping Bravo into the higher cost tier.
So, now I have to call my friend with full digital cable and DVR, and ask him to save the show for us so we can watch it. I was going to ask him anyway, while I am in HK, but now we have to track down the "lost" episode from tonight, too! One more reason Charter sucks!
Instead of fierce fabulousness, we were subjected so some "TruTV" show about morons acting stupid on camera. Ronny wanted me to reset the channel programming. I knew that wouldn't help, but did it anyway. Meanwhile, pulled up Charter's listing online, and it still showed Bravo. When it came back, we put on the TV Guide channel (so THAT's what that channel is for!!), and no Bravo. Googled it, and found a number of people posting complaints about the recent 'channel changes' bumping Bravo into the higher cost tier.
So, now I have to call my friend with full digital cable and DVR, and ask him to save the show for us so we can watch it. I was going to ask him anyway, while I am in HK, but now we have to track down the "lost" episode from tonight, too! One more reason Charter sucks!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Return of the Dinner Party
Years ago, when I first moved here and lived with Russell, he threw dinner parties all the time. He hadn't had one for quite a while. The dark ages (i.e. Vanessa) were fairly hostile, so he avoided bringing guests into the house. But he's reached the enlightenment (well, Christine), so set up plans to have a dinner party again on Saturday. With all of my stuff packed away, it was hard to contribute, and I wasn't really around much, anyway.
Thursday night I went to the club. Visited for a while with various people. Got home around 2am. Slept in Friday, just kinda goofed off all day. Ended up at the club again with Nish. Luther showed up, as well. There was a hunky guy standing against the wall. Lots of people there were going up to talk to him, which usually dissuades me from trying, but the 'competition' was not that good, so I gave it a shot. He turned out to be Brazilian. (Even Nish was surprised, so stop judging me...) Nice guy, seemed a little awkward. Well, I ended up winning. We got in his truck, and he drove me to my car, then followed me home. There was a baby seat in the back seat of the truck, which I asked about. He has a kid here. So, he's bi, and/or confused. But he grabbed my ass and said he wanted to F*** me. Yippee!! Then he grabbed my hand and put it in his crotch. He was ready, already! He asked if liked 'em big. Yippee!! Turned out to be a little bit wham-bam-thankyou-ma'am. And had more resistance to kissing than the straight guy from Labor Day weekend. Which means I wasn't as Appreciative as I really wanted to be. He finished off, though. Went to sleep for maybe 30 minutes. Then we went round 2. I nearly made it, but again, a couple kisses would have helped me out. He finished off, again. Then went home. I asked for his number. He took mine instead. I am assuming he won't ever call. I don't exactly want to date him, but would love playing with that again! I won't drink that time, which may help, too.
Saturday morning got up early and went over to Brad's house. Rick and Joe were there, and we played Arkham Horror again. Screwed up the first time, so scrapped it and started over. Did much better the second time around, but I had to leave about 4 to get back home for the dinner party, so they finished without me. Cris was at Russell's house cleaning (he hired him to do a monthly clean), and Ronny came over as my guest. When he finished, Russell invited him to stay for dinner, and he said sure. The new downstairs tenant came, with his girlfriend, and her sister. Brian and Irma came. Russell's friends Moe and Moe's wife (I can't remember her name) came from Boston, as well. Moe is South African, and kinda cute.
Cris quickly took charge of the grill, and they put me in charge of pina coladas, which were a big hit. Russell had picked up Malibu instead of regular rum, so they were not that strong, but very tasty. I picked the olives out of my salad, so someone commented incredulously that they couldn't believe someone would not like olives. Brian chimed in that he doesn't like olives, either. Moe responded with "Well, you just haven't tried MY olives!" I couldn't help but laugh, which triggered a serious round of laughter around the whole table. Moe got a little embarrassed and admitted he walked right into that one. Russell commented that he needs to "know his audience", which I don't think he caught. Later Irma tried to convince us that she is taller than I am, so we ended up back-to-back. Somehow, Moe got caught up in it, too, and next thing I know he grabs my hand, and is back-to-back with me. Not that I minded.
Later, they switched to margaritas. I declined. Said I don't drink tequila, after a bad experience. Moe asked "how ugly was she?" I said "Not that kind of experience; I just got drunk." He never clued in, apparently.
Then Ronny, Cris, and I headed back to Brad and Cris's to watch a movie. "Shelter" Gay coming of age story. Not bad. The sister was despicable, but that happens. Brad and Cris were both getting tired, so they went to sleep, and Ronny headed home. Nish called from the club, so I headed down there. Chatted with hotdog guy for a bit. Nish was dancing with cute black guy, Reggie. At the end of the evening, they convinced me to come along to an after-party. Sokun was there with a big bowl full of sex-on-the-beach. And a stack of straws. I got home about 4am.
At 10am, Ronny called to go get breakfast. Cris came along, and we went to IHOP. Stopped in at Taco Bell, but no Nauber, so I called him. He said he told me he doesn't work TB on weekends. So, we made plans to meet up later that night when he finished his other job. When I picked him up, his allergies were pretty bad, and he was quite apologetic. He also had a full tray of fudge brownies for me. We went back to my place, and made him some tea. He spent the night. In the middle of the night, we started gettin' busy. I made a mess on him, and then we went back to sleep. In the morning, we finished what had started earlier. This time we both got off, but he of course was able to throw his away, while I just made another mess on him.
He's not as impressively endowed as the one from Friday, but he loves to kiss, and has that aura about him that gets me going. He also told me that Sunday afternoon he was talking with his mother back in Brazil, and he told her about me. That kind of confirms the 'relationshippy' tendency. Not that I mind, but I did clearly state that I plan to leave MA in a couple months. Ronny of course is hoping I fall in love and decide to stay in MA for at least 2 more years. I told him not to count it.
Thursday night I went to the club. Visited for a while with various people. Got home around 2am. Slept in Friday, just kinda goofed off all day. Ended up at the club again with Nish. Luther showed up, as well. There was a hunky guy standing against the wall. Lots of people there were going up to talk to him, which usually dissuades me from trying, but the 'competition' was not that good, so I gave it a shot. He turned out to be Brazilian. (Even Nish was surprised, so stop judging me...) Nice guy, seemed a little awkward. Well, I ended up winning. We got in his truck, and he drove me to my car, then followed me home. There was a baby seat in the back seat of the truck, which I asked about. He has a kid here. So, he's bi, and/or confused. But he grabbed my ass and said he wanted to F*** me. Yippee!! Then he grabbed my hand and put it in his crotch. He was ready, already! He asked if liked 'em big. Yippee!! Turned out to be a little bit wham-bam-thankyou-ma'am. And had more resistance to kissing than the straight guy from Labor Day weekend. Which means I wasn't as Appreciative as I really wanted to be. He finished off, though. Went to sleep for maybe 30 minutes. Then we went round 2. I nearly made it, but again, a couple kisses would have helped me out. He finished off, again. Then went home. I asked for his number. He took mine instead. I am assuming he won't ever call. I don't exactly want to date him, but would love playing with that again! I won't drink that time, which may help, too.
Saturday morning got up early and went over to Brad's house. Rick and Joe were there, and we played Arkham Horror again. Screwed up the first time, so scrapped it and started over. Did much better the second time around, but I had to leave about 4 to get back home for the dinner party, so they finished without me. Cris was at Russell's house cleaning (he hired him to do a monthly clean), and Ronny came over as my guest. When he finished, Russell invited him to stay for dinner, and he said sure. The new downstairs tenant came, with his girlfriend, and her sister. Brian and Irma came. Russell's friends Moe and Moe's wife (I can't remember her name) came from Boston, as well. Moe is South African, and kinda cute.
Cris quickly took charge of the grill, and they put me in charge of pina coladas, which were a big hit. Russell had picked up Malibu instead of regular rum, so they were not that strong, but very tasty. I picked the olives out of my salad, so someone commented incredulously that they couldn't believe someone would not like olives. Brian chimed in that he doesn't like olives, either. Moe responded with "Well, you just haven't tried MY olives!" I couldn't help but laugh, which triggered a serious round of laughter around the whole table. Moe got a little embarrassed and admitted he walked right into that one. Russell commented that he needs to "know his audience", which I don't think he caught. Later Irma tried to convince us that she is taller than I am, so we ended up back-to-back. Somehow, Moe got caught up in it, too, and next thing I know he grabs my hand, and is back-to-back with me. Not that I minded.
Later, they switched to margaritas. I declined. Said I don't drink tequila, after a bad experience. Moe asked "how ugly was she?" I said "Not that kind of experience; I just got drunk." He never clued in, apparently.
Then Ronny, Cris, and I headed back to Brad and Cris's to watch a movie. "Shelter" Gay coming of age story. Not bad. The sister was despicable, but that happens. Brad and Cris were both getting tired, so they went to sleep, and Ronny headed home. Nish called from the club, so I headed down there. Chatted with hotdog guy for a bit. Nish was dancing with cute black guy, Reggie. At the end of the evening, they convinced me to come along to an after-party. Sokun was there with a big bowl full of sex-on-the-beach. And a stack of straws. I got home about 4am.
At 10am, Ronny called to go get breakfast. Cris came along, and we went to IHOP. Stopped in at Taco Bell, but no Nauber, so I called him. He said he told me he doesn't work TB on weekends. So, we made plans to meet up later that night when he finished his other job. When I picked him up, his allergies were pretty bad, and he was quite apologetic. He also had a full tray of fudge brownies for me. We went back to my place, and made him some tea. He spent the night. In the middle of the night, we started gettin' busy. I made a mess on him, and then we went back to sleep. In the morning, we finished what had started earlier. This time we both got off, but he of course was able to throw his away, while I just made another mess on him.
He's not as impressively endowed as the one from Friday, but he loves to kiss, and has that aura about him that gets me going. He also told me that Sunday afternoon he was talking with his mother back in Brazil, and he told her about me. That kind of confirms the 'relationshippy' tendency. Not that I mind, but I did clearly state that I plan to leave MA in a couple months. Ronny of course is hoping I fall in love and decide to stay in MA for at least 2 more years. I told him not to count it.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Gym Time
When I was working, I went to the gym in the evenings. When I stopped working, I went in the morning. There is this rather hot skinny-muscular black guy that works out in his underwear in the mornings. The past few times I went in the early afternoon. There is a younger stunningly handsome hottie there in the afternoons. The best way I can describe him is to picture Chris Evans as a pro baseball player.
I can't seem to find any pics at the gym in my collection, so here's a random hottie:
I can't seem to find any pics at the gym in my collection, so here's a random hottie:

Thursday, September 18, 2008
Why Republicans Keep Winning
Have you ever had a religious discussion with a seriously devout believer? After you finally stopped banging your head on the wall, you realized that your lucid logical arguments do you no good when the believer simply classifies them as the words of the devil and digs in his heels.
Turns out, Republicans get more convinced of their beliefs the more proof you have that they are wrong. In other words, damned if you do, damned if you don't.
Turns out, Republicans get more convinced of their beliefs the more proof you have that they are wrong. In other words, damned if you do, damned if you don't.
Time Off
The annoying thing about having a job is that you have to be there. Which makes going on vacation somewhat of a hassle.
But I am no longer encumbered by the requirement to show up at someone's business every week day. I am going on a 2-week trip to Hong Kong, compliments of my friend Phil's abundant frequent flier miles!!
Just had to get that out!!
But I am no longer encumbered by the requirement to show up at someone's business every week day. I am going on a 2-week trip to Hong Kong, compliments of my friend Phil's abundant frequent flier miles!!
Just had to get that out!!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Having had the whole week off from work, I was trying to find people who were also available for hanging out during the day. Manny claimed to have off this past week, and works nights anyway. But he didn't call until Friday afternoon, and had to work that night.
I finally heard back from Nauber on Friday, he wanted to make plans for that evening. Started as 6pm, but then he said 7 would be better. Ended up being 8:30. Had dinner, chilled for a while, then went to the club. Danced a while, visited with some friends, then came back to my place. Russell was home, but upstairs asleep. We went to bed, but woke up a couple hours later to have "dessert". I tried to time the bathroom trips for after Russell left (he was going for a bike ride), but he changed his mind, so we had to keep Nauber inside the bathroom for a little while longer than necessary.
Nauber made a comment about how the number 24 is 'gay' in Brazil. I asked how on earth a number could be chosen as a gay term. He said it derived from a popular game played back in Brazil that assigns different numbers to different animals. The number 24 was assigned to the 'viado' which is commonly used as a gay slur. He couldn't remember the English translation, though.
Then I took him home. Showered. Met up with Ronny, drove around shopping. He needed some stuff to send his sister in Brazil, so we were at Circuit City, Target, Chinese buffet, Goodwill, a local Goodwill facsimile, and Home Depot. There was this hot latino at Circuit City and Target with his girlfriend. We also ended up seeing him again at Home Depot, but by this time he had ditched the girl. I asked Ronny about the 'viado' thing, and he totally knew what Nauber was talking about. He couldn't remember the translation either, but did manage to reference "Bambi", which brings us to the answer of 'deer'. The friendlier version is 'viadinho' (little deer), but they apparently size the term against the size of the person. A big, hefty homo would likewise get the term 'viadao' (big deer). Put a little ~ over the letter a.
I dropped Ronny off at home and met up with Nish at the club. It had been Pride here in town, but I missed the 'events' during the day. We left right away, and just hung out for a while. We met up later with his friends Lalit and Neil, and their friend visiting from NH, Ray. Stopped in at the dive bar for a drink, met up with Manny, then headed over to the club again. Lots of people were there. We actually had a lot of fun. Brad and Cris were there, and Brad had taken a happy pill, so was actually dancing as well. Ronny showed up, and introduced us to the 'doctor' he's been seeing. Not impressed. Luther was there, and was trying his best to hook up with Manny. I was being flirty and making myself known, but leaving it at a less aggressive level. Hotdog guy was there, so I got to say hello. Luther bought me a hotdog, so I didn't get a freebie from Danny himself. I was friendly and chatty, but avoided direct flirtation entirely. Diego showed up, too. He's apparently back together with his ex, which would also explain why I never heard back from him.
Nauber had left for the cape with his friend Michael, so I talked to him briefly on the phone, but he was not around.
Sunday I picked up Ronny and Cris, and met up with Nish and Manny for breakfast. The when and where turned into a big dramatic soap opera, but we ended up at 5 & Diner. Denny's was out of coffee, so we ditched there. The 'viadinho' term came up again, and Nish asked why you would call someone a deer. Cris tried demonstrating the light bounding steps (with his fingers, on the table) that brought on the original connection. It seems to make more sense if you say gazelle instead of deer.
I dropped the 'zilians back at Ronny's, so those two could go bum around and do more shopping. I headed over to Manny's to hang out with him and Nish. Spent the day relaxing, watching TV, and drinking wine. I get the feeling he wants to be just friends, so I again skipped all the flirting. He mentioned a trip to Puerto Rico, so I volunteered to accompany him. We'll see if this ever goes anywhere.
I finally heard back from Nauber on Friday, he wanted to make plans for that evening. Started as 6pm, but then he said 7 would be better. Ended up being 8:30. Had dinner, chilled for a while, then went to the club. Danced a while, visited with some friends, then came back to my place. Russell was home, but upstairs asleep. We went to bed, but woke up a couple hours later to have "dessert". I tried to time the bathroom trips for after Russell left (he was going for a bike ride), but he changed his mind, so we had to keep Nauber inside the bathroom for a little while longer than necessary.
Nauber made a comment about how the number 24 is 'gay' in Brazil. I asked how on earth a number could be chosen as a gay term. He said it derived from a popular game played back in Brazil that assigns different numbers to different animals. The number 24 was assigned to the 'viado' which is commonly used as a gay slur. He couldn't remember the English translation, though.
Then I took him home. Showered. Met up with Ronny, drove around shopping. He needed some stuff to send his sister in Brazil, so we were at Circuit City, Target, Chinese buffet, Goodwill, a local Goodwill facsimile, and Home Depot. There was this hot latino at Circuit City and Target with his girlfriend. We also ended up seeing him again at Home Depot, but by this time he had ditched the girl. I asked Ronny about the 'viado' thing, and he totally knew what Nauber was talking about. He couldn't remember the translation either, but did manage to reference "Bambi", which brings us to the answer of 'deer'. The friendlier version is 'viadinho' (little deer), but they apparently size the term against the size of the person. A big, hefty homo would likewise get the term 'viadao' (big deer). Put a little ~ over the letter a.
I dropped Ronny off at home and met up with Nish at the club. It had been Pride here in town, but I missed the 'events' during the day. We left right away, and just hung out for a while. We met up later with his friends Lalit and Neil, and their friend visiting from NH, Ray. Stopped in at the dive bar for a drink, met up with Manny, then headed over to the club again. Lots of people were there. We actually had a lot of fun. Brad and Cris were there, and Brad had taken a happy pill, so was actually dancing as well. Ronny showed up, and introduced us to the 'doctor' he's been seeing. Not impressed. Luther was there, and was trying his best to hook up with Manny. I was being flirty and making myself known, but leaving it at a less aggressive level. Hotdog guy was there, so I got to say hello. Luther bought me a hotdog, so I didn't get a freebie from Danny himself. I was friendly and chatty, but avoided direct flirtation entirely. Diego showed up, too. He's apparently back together with his ex, which would also explain why I never heard back from him.
Nauber had left for the cape with his friend Michael, so I talked to him briefly on the phone, but he was not around.
Sunday I picked up Ronny and Cris, and met up with Nish and Manny for breakfast. The when and where turned into a big dramatic soap opera, but we ended up at 5 & Diner. Denny's was out of coffee, so we ditched there. The 'viadinho' term came up again, and Nish asked why you would call someone a deer. Cris tried demonstrating the light bounding steps (with his fingers, on the table) that brought on the original connection. It seems to make more sense if you say gazelle instead of deer.
I dropped the 'zilians back at Ronny's, so those two could go bum around and do more shopping. I headed over to Manny's to hang out with him and Nish. Spent the day relaxing, watching TV, and drinking wine. I get the feeling he wants to be just friends, so I again skipped all the flirting. He mentioned a trip to Puerto Rico, so I volunteered to accompany him. We'll see if this ever goes anywhere.
Friday, September 12, 2008
I have discovered this week that my natural timer is apparently 10 hours of sleep. That could explain why the chronic 6.5 to 7 hours I was getting never felt like enough.
The claim is in, but I have not heard a decision on the unemployment. They said they are behind and it will take some time for them to get to processing my claim.
Still have plenty of money in the bank, but I'd like to know for sure about the income status before jumping into anything. I was invited to visit China this month. The $1200 airfare would be a definite NO if I have no money coming into the account.
Maybe I just need to find myself a sugar-daddy and be done with it...
The claim is in, but I have not heard a decision on the unemployment. They said they are behind and it will take some time for them to get to processing my claim.
Still have plenty of money in the bank, but I'd like to know for sure about the income status before jumping into anything. I was invited to visit China this month. The $1200 airfare would be a definite NO if I have no money coming into the account.
Maybe I just need to find myself a sugar-daddy and be done with it...

Monday, September 08, 2008
Friday night we had a little party at Brad's house to celebrate my release. A decent number of people showed up. Mostly friends I know through Brad. MY friends were still uninterested in coming over. I picked up a bunch of munchies and soda. I had dumped off all of my left-over booze back when I was moving out. There's still a fair amount of booze left, and a ton of soda remaining (a number of people brought their own beer), but I scored a hit on the food. Just enough to keep everyone happy without piles of left-overs.
A bunch of us went to the club after, and danced. Diego showed up, apologized briefly for missing the party, then ran off to chat with the friend he always spends the whole time with whenever he is there. They seemed to be arguing, and then disappeared. Not much exciting happened, and I just went home.
I spent Saturday at Brad's house. His friend Rick came over and we tried out a new game: Arkham Horror. A lot of fun, a little tricky to get right the first time through, and fairly complicated. We spent about 8 hours on it; it says playable in 3, and we lost. Next time will work better.
Sunday night I went to the club again. Mostly for the sake of going out on a Sunday night. Because I don't have to go to work anymore!! Right after I got there, I saw these two guys come in. One was older dorky white guy, the other was a hot dark-skinned cutie. They knew Todd, the new doorman, who was there hanging out as well, so I got to meet them. The stripper twins were there, with little 18 year old girls they were trying to hook up with. Why they came to the gay club we're not sure. Even Nate was not sure why he was there. But friendly as always. I made the pitch to hook up, but he ignored it. Jody (bartender) also showed up to hang out; we chatted for a bit. Later on, I ended up flirting with the dark-skinned cutie. He's Brazilian. We made out. Technically, it was right in front of Eddie. I felt bad, but not enough to stop. So, Eddie and Jody kept throwing things at me (ice, lime slices...) and calling out that I've got Scabies. Aren't friends nice to have?? His name is Nauber, and his English is pretty good. He didn't have to be at work until 4pm, so I was trying to get him to come over. His friend had driven, but he lives in town, so I'd have been able to take him back. The friend seemed to be trying to get him to go home with me, too. At the end of the night, he said he was going to talk with Todd for a while, but we were both parked next to each other, so Nauber and I should chat a while at my car, and he'd meet up with shortly. By 2:45, everyone was long gone, so we figured the friend had left him there. Nauber was mostly concerned about his bag which was still in the friend's car (which did turn out to be parked right next to me). But by that time he was too tired, so we went to my place.
Tried to sleep for a while. I think he dozed off several times, but I didn't actually sleep any. After a while, I ended up triggering some activity. Thankfully, he was a top. We washed up and went back to sleep. This time I was actually able to fall asleep. Eventually drifted awake, and ended up going for round two. Would have been about 5 or 6 hours later, but I managed to make quite a mess. I even commented how unusual it is for me to succeed twice in short succession. He's got a nice body, dark tone, cute face, and triggers that desire switch in me that - uh - literally keeps me up at night!
Took a shower, and drove him home. He lives like all of a mile and a half away. He said he will be home by 10:30, and I should call him tonight. Seems a little eager, but right now I have his number, and he doesn't have mine, so it may just be that insecure feeling about not having an option of your own.
So far, going out on Sunday nights has been way more successful than months and months of Friday and Saturday nights. Who knew...
A bunch of us went to the club after, and danced. Diego showed up, apologized briefly for missing the party, then ran off to chat with the friend he always spends the whole time with whenever he is there. They seemed to be arguing, and then disappeared. Not much exciting happened, and I just went home.
I spent Saturday at Brad's house. His friend Rick came over and we tried out a new game: Arkham Horror. A lot of fun, a little tricky to get right the first time through, and fairly complicated. We spent about 8 hours on it; it says playable in 3, and we lost. Next time will work better.
Sunday night I went to the club again. Mostly for the sake of going out on a Sunday night. Because I don't have to go to work anymore!! Right after I got there, I saw these two guys come in. One was older dorky white guy, the other was a hot dark-skinned cutie. They knew Todd, the new doorman, who was there hanging out as well, so I got to meet them. The stripper twins were there, with little 18 year old girls they were trying to hook up with. Why they came to the gay club we're not sure. Even Nate was not sure why he was there. But friendly as always. I made the pitch to hook up, but he ignored it. Jody (bartender) also showed up to hang out; we chatted for a bit. Later on, I ended up flirting with the dark-skinned cutie. He's Brazilian. We made out. Technically, it was right in front of Eddie. I felt bad, but not enough to stop. So, Eddie and Jody kept throwing things at me (ice, lime slices...) and calling out that I've got Scabies. Aren't friends nice to have?? His name is Nauber, and his English is pretty good. He didn't have to be at work until 4pm, so I was trying to get him to come over. His friend had driven, but he lives in town, so I'd have been able to take him back. The friend seemed to be trying to get him to go home with me, too. At the end of the night, he said he was going to talk with Todd for a while, but we were both parked next to each other, so Nauber and I should chat a while at my car, and he'd meet up with shortly. By 2:45, everyone was long gone, so we figured the friend had left him there. Nauber was mostly concerned about his bag which was still in the friend's car (which did turn out to be parked right next to me). But by that time he was too tired, so we went to my place.
Tried to sleep for a while. I think he dozed off several times, but I didn't actually sleep any. After a while, I ended up triggering some activity. Thankfully, he was a top. We washed up and went back to sleep. This time I was actually able to fall asleep. Eventually drifted awake, and ended up going for round two. Would have been about 5 or 6 hours later, but I managed to make quite a mess. I even commented how unusual it is for me to succeed twice in short succession. He's got a nice body, dark tone, cute face, and triggers that desire switch in me that - uh - literally keeps me up at night!
Took a shower, and drove him home. He lives like all of a mile and a half away. He said he will be home by 10:30, and I should call him tonight. Seems a little eager, but right now I have his number, and he doesn't have mine, so it may just be that insecure feeling about not having an option of your own.
So far, going out on Sunday nights has been way more successful than months and months of Friday and Saturday nights. Who knew...
Friday, September 05, 2008
Today was my last day at work!
Last week I became homeless, now I'm unemployed, as well. I plan to file for unemployment benefits next week. And Russell's letting me stay at his place pretty cheap.
Tonight is my "escape from hell" party. Hopefully a couple people show up! Diego said he would. If there is a prospect of hot Brazilian action, I may not drink as much...
Last week I became homeless, now I'm unemployed, as well. I plan to file for unemployment benefits next week. And Russell's letting me stay at his place pretty cheap.
Tonight is my "escape from hell" party. Hopefully a couple people show up! Diego said he would. If there is a prospect of hot Brazilian action, I may not drink as much...

Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Odd Weekend
First off, I finished packing up my entire life and left the keys behind on Thursday night, about 10pm. Stopped in at the bar for a drink. Had to work in the morning, so didn't drink much, or stay too long.
Friday night ended up at the club with Ronny and Cris. But they left early. I did walk them out, then went back inside. It was about 1am. Bumped into Luther. He was upset about last weekend. Keniah apparently said something about our conversation, and he figured I passed on hooking up with him because I "chose Keniah's side". Well, it took until about 4am to calm him down and get him to stay friends.
Saturday was a slow day. Made a few phone calls to people far away to fill them in on details. Like Mom. She hadn't heard from me in a while, and I knew she was curious. The internet was out, and there is no TV/cable here, so it was a little bit of work to make through a whole day by myself.
Sunday met up with Ronny, Brad and Cris, and Rick. Went to Old Sturbridge Village. Met up with Dave and Al. Al, remember, is also known as Psycho Ex. Whatever. We successfully ignored each other all day. Brad got us all in for free (WGBH "family free day") so we didn't have to pay the $20 admission, which made the ridiculously expensive lunch prices less aggravating. In all, it was a nice day. The weather was gorgeous, the one guy stationed as the cobbler was super cute, and we had a great time with friends.
Then I stopped in at Ronny's and we watched Transporter 1 and 2. Jason Statham is SO hot. After the movies, I headed over to the club. Labor Day weekend, so they had a big party. Decent crowd. I accidentally only brought $4, so did not tip as well as usual. Saw a hunky latino, ended up talking with him for quite a while. He is closeted, usually prefers girls, goes to gay bars every once in a while, and usually tries to pick up a pretty drag queen. Claimed to only top, needs straight porn on in the background to be with a guy, does not dance or anything with guys at a club, and doesn't kiss guys at all. When I asked if I was 'girly' enough for him, he kind of wandered off.
Bumped into Diego. He apologized for not calling. Said he was coming to my Quitting the Job from Hell party this Friday. Asked why I didn't invite him (Cris told him). I reminded him he never called me back...
Saw Luther and Keniah. They seemed to be arguing every time I saw them, so I waved hello when I had a chance on the dance floor.
All of a sudden Latino guy grabs me, and sits down on the couch. I sit next to him. He was not having any luck with any of the women there (I told him). He asked to go back to my place. I said sure. He has issues, but who doesn't! He leaned in and gave me a kiss. With tongue! I was rather surprised (re: not kissing guys and not doing ANYTHING in public) so didn't kiss back appropriately.
We go back to 'my' place. He brings in this straight porno. I tell him I won't watch it with him. We start doing whatever, and it very quickly progresses to condom on, bend me over. I am not turned on at this point. I need a little more romantic attention first. He seems to be enjoying himself, though, and seems to climax, so we stop. He asked if I came, and I said no. He puts his boxers on, and we go to sleep. I had my hand on his thigh, and at one point it drifted down into his crotch. When I drift awake, I feel some heft under my hand, so start rubbing, and move under the boxers. This gets me going. Soon we are jerking each other. Next thing I know, he grabs another condom and puts it on ME. Hops on (way too easily for a straight guy) and seems to be totally enjoying it. As his audio cues start to progress, it sends me higher, as well, so I - uh - rearrange. I am NOT a top, so I needed to take my own matters into my own hands. So, we basically JO balls-to-balls, then go in the bathroom to wipe up. As I'm coming out of the bathroom, he has his jeans on and asks if it's OK if he stays on the couch. Uhhh, I suppose. A little while later it starts to make me nervous to him 'loose' in my friend's house, somewhat unattended. I ask if he'd rather come to the bed, which would be more comfortable. Kinda spoon up, and he asks to put the porno back on. Uhhh OK. I was really just trying to sleep, but whatever. Well, he got all excited again. I said I couldn't do it again so soon, so he just rubbered up and got himself off again. Whatever...
He then asks to take a shower. Then says he really should go home (half hour drive or so). But we end up sitting at the dining table talking for a while. He has a lot of family and religious guilt weighing him down. I did what I could to help out. Before he left, he emptied out his pockets and said "see, I am not stealing anything"! I thought that was kind of sweet. Doubt I'll ever hook up with him again. It was too wham-bam-thank ya ma'am for me. But that's what straight guys do, so it wasn't really a surprise. And he wanted to bottom. Worst of both worlds. If I'm gonna hook up with a speedy straight guy, he should at least have the decency to be a damn top!
Friday night ended up at the club with Ronny and Cris. But they left early. I did walk them out, then went back inside. It was about 1am. Bumped into Luther. He was upset about last weekend. Keniah apparently said something about our conversation, and he figured I passed on hooking up with him because I "chose Keniah's side". Well, it took until about 4am to calm him down and get him to stay friends.
Saturday was a slow day. Made a few phone calls to people far away to fill them in on details. Like Mom. She hadn't heard from me in a while, and I knew she was curious. The internet was out, and there is no TV/cable here, so it was a little bit of work to make through a whole day by myself.
Sunday met up with Ronny, Brad and Cris, and Rick. Went to Old Sturbridge Village. Met up with Dave and Al. Al, remember, is also known as Psycho Ex. Whatever. We successfully ignored each other all day. Brad got us all in for free (WGBH "family free day") so we didn't have to pay the $20 admission, which made the ridiculously expensive lunch prices less aggravating. In all, it was a nice day. The weather was gorgeous, the one guy stationed as the cobbler was super cute, and we had a great time with friends.
Then I stopped in at Ronny's and we watched Transporter 1 and 2. Jason Statham is SO hot. After the movies, I headed over to the club. Labor Day weekend, so they had a big party. Decent crowd. I accidentally only brought $4, so did not tip as well as usual. Saw a hunky latino, ended up talking with him for quite a while. He is closeted, usually prefers girls, goes to gay bars every once in a while, and usually tries to pick up a pretty drag queen. Claimed to only top, needs straight porn on in the background to be with a guy, does not dance or anything with guys at a club, and doesn't kiss guys at all. When I asked if I was 'girly' enough for him, he kind of wandered off.
Bumped into Diego. He apologized for not calling. Said he was coming to my Quitting the Job from Hell party this Friday. Asked why I didn't invite him (Cris told him). I reminded him he never called me back...
Saw Luther and Keniah. They seemed to be arguing every time I saw them, so I waved hello when I had a chance on the dance floor.
All of a sudden Latino guy grabs me, and sits down on the couch. I sit next to him. He was not having any luck with any of the women there (I told him). He asked to go back to my place. I said sure. He has issues, but who doesn't! He leaned in and gave me a kiss. With tongue! I was rather surprised (re: not kissing guys and not doing ANYTHING in public) so didn't kiss back appropriately.
We go back to 'my' place. He brings in this straight porno. I tell him I won't watch it with him. We start doing whatever, and it very quickly progresses to condom on, bend me over. I am not turned on at this point. I need a little more romantic attention first. He seems to be enjoying himself, though, and seems to climax, so we stop. He asked if I came, and I said no. He puts his boxers on, and we go to sleep. I had my hand on his thigh, and at one point it drifted down into his crotch. When I drift awake, I feel some heft under my hand, so start rubbing, and move under the boxers. This gets me going. Soon we are jerking each other. Next thing I know, he grabs another condom and puts it on ME. Hops on (way too easily for a straight guy) and seems to be totally enjoying it. As his audio cues start to progress, it sends me higher, as well, so I - uh - rearrange. I am NOT a top, so I needed to take my own matters into my own hands. So, we basically JO balls-to-balls, then go in the bathroom to wipe up. As I'm coming out of the bathroom, he has his jeans on and asks if it's OK if he stays on the couch. Uhhh, I suppose. A little while later it starts to make me nervous to him 'loose' in my friend's house, somewhat unattended. I ask if he'd rather come to the bed, which would be more comfortable. Kinda spoon up, and he asks to put the porno back on. Uhhh OK. I was really just trying to sleep, but whatever. Well, he got all excited again. I said I couldn't do it again so soon, so he just rubbered up and got himself off again. Whatever...
He then asks to take a shower. Then says he really should go home (half hour drive or so). But we end up sitting at the dining table talking for a while. He has a lot of family and religious guilt weighing him down. I did what I could to help out. Before he left, he emptied out his pockets and said "see, I am not stealing anything"! I thought that was kind of sweet. Doubt I'll ever hook up with him again. It was too wham-bam-thank ya ma'am for me. But that's what straight guys do, so it wasn't really a surprise. And he wanted to bottom. Worst of both worlds. If I'm gonna hook up with a speedy straight guy, he should at least have the decency to be a damn top!
Monday, September 01, 2008
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