This weekend was a little slower. Pride 2008 continued in NYC, but I was unable to attend. And most of my friends ended up not going, either.
Friday night at the club was fairly slow. There was a new hotdog vendor parked in front of the club, so hotdog guy was a little further down the street. I did not get a chance to talk to him. Luther came in, alone. We - uh - kissed for a little bit. I mentioned I heard a 'rumor'. He asked from whom. I said Daemian told me. He had no idea who that was, so where did HE hear it. I said I was assuming it was at the dive bar down the street. He seemed to think that was plausible. Then asked why I thought it was a rumor. I said that since I'd heard it from Daemian, I could only consider it a rumor. So, he tells me to consider a fact since he's telling me himself, they broke up, finished, over & done, no more. He seemed vindicated as he said it. He then mentioned that he is a confirmed bottom, will not be going through top phases anymore, and that the best we could hope for was a make-out session. I said I was fine with that, then dragged my thumb down the side of my lips, in a gesture that always conveys oral enjoyment. He made out with me a little more on his way out at the end of the night. Started to suck on and bite my neck. I pulled back, which encouraged him. I have not a hickey in years, and I just was not wanting a fresh one that night. At least not for something as minor as that. If we were goin at it, then sure, but just a glorified goodnight kiss is not worth it. He said to give him a call sometime.
I checked my neck as soon as I was done, and again in the morning. There was a tiny little red spot where he bit, but it wasn't really noticeable, and nobody would have thought anything of it.
Eddie said he wanted to go to the movies Saturday evening, and we could finally catch the Hulk. I said sure. Saturday morning, I went to the gym, and then Nish called. I showered, and picked Nish up, then picked Ronny up. We went to the movie theater and saw the 2:30 showing of Wall-E. I really liked it. It had a great script, great characters, and impressive little touches. Like having Sigourney Weaver voice the ship's computer - how perfect is that? Yes, I got choked up and shed a tear at the robot romance.
Then I took Ronny home, so he could go to work for a bit, and Nish and I headed for lunch. Went to the mexican place in town. Sam's. Kind of a college crowd, but good cheap food, and free chips and salsa. Eddie called to say he was ready, so we picked him up, but talked him into seeing Wanted instead. Nish had no interest in seeing Hulk, so he was worried Eddie would be upset that TWICE now he has ruined Eddie's plans to see it, but Eddie really wanted to see Wanted anyway, so he was up for that. We had a little time before it started, so wandered into Marshalls, Old Navy, and Coldstone Creamery beforehand.
Wanted was a very good movie, too. The plot twist was fairly easy to see coming, but it was an action thriller, so it was all about the intensity and the visuals. The way she scooped him into the Viper is my favorite scene. The Mustang scene was cool, too. Had to drop Eddie off at work, then drop Nish off at home, then go home and get ready for work myself.
I had to plunge the women's toilet twice, and there were two lesbains that almost got into a fight, but otherwise it was fairly simple evening. Decent crowd, according to the door count, but it felt emptier, and the bartenders were pretty slow, too. Both hotdog carts were there, again, but since I was floater, I had a chance to say hi to hotdog guy. Flirted a bit, got a cheap cheeseburger (he switched to sirloin, instead of ground chuck, so he couldn't really afford to gimme a total freebie), but again that's as far as it went. And I ended up tipping him the amount he discounted the burger, so it ended up a wash, except for the gratitude factor!
Spoke with Denison on the phone before work started, and made plans to hang out Sunday in Boston. In the morning, I headed to his house. The weather was humid and warm, with chance of thunderstorms. I get to his place, and he's wearing just a pair of house-shorts, and he's making lunch. He was offering me chocolates, and made me have some of the banana bread he made (it's rude to turn down homemade goodies, but I did decline the chocolates), and set out a dish of nuts, all while preparing lunch. Chicken wings, corn on the cob, and brussel sprouts. The wings were REALLY tasty, and I tried to pick off as much skin as I could.
None of our friends were around, or doing anything exciting. And the weather was lousy. The storms did roll through. The south side of Boston, though, got a mild version of what came through. The Worcester area, apparently got hammered. We ended up just staying in, and relaxing all day. Well, not ALL day... There was a particularly exciting break to the relaxation shortly after lunch.
He had to get up for work at 5am, so I left when he was about to get ready for bed. We are working on making plans for the up-coming holiday weekend.
Monday, June 30, 2008
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2 comments: you and Denison are diggin each other. I am so happy for you. It's about fuckin time.
Funny that Luther is a bottom. LOL... go fig. Didn't see that one coming.
I can't wait to see ya buddy... I miss you. Lonely out here in Boston.
Well, as per my life, "diggin each other" is rather premature.
I've missed you, too. But change is bound to happen...
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