This weekend was a little slower. Pride 2008 continued in NYC, but I was unable to attend. And most of my friends ended up not going, either.
Friday night at the club was fairly slow. There was a new hotdog vendor parked in front of the club, so hotdog guy was a little further down the street. I did not get a chance to talk to him. Luther came in, alone. We - uh - kissed for a little bit. I mentioned I heard a 'rumor'. He asked from whom. I said Daemian told me. He had no idea who that was, so where did HE hear it. I said I was assuming it was at the dive bar down the street. He seemed to think that was plausible. Then asked why I thought it was a rumor. I said that since I'd heard it from Daemian, I could only consider it a rumor. So, he tells me to consider a fact since he's telling me himself, they broke up, finished, over & done, no more. He seemed vindicated as he said it. He then mentioned that he is a confirmed bottom, will not be going through top phases anymore, and that the best we could hope for was a make-out session. I said I was fine with that, then dragged my thumb down the side of my lips, in a gesture that always conveys oral enjoyment. He made out with me a little more on his way out at the end of the night. Started to suck on and bite my neck. I pulled back, which encouraged him. I have not a hickey in years, and I just was not wanting a fresh one that night. At least not for something as minor as that. If we were goin at it, then sure, but just a glorified goodnight kiss is not worth it. He said to give him a call sometime.
I checked my neck as soon as I was done, and again in the morning. There was a tiny little red spot where he bit, but it wasn't really noticeable, and nobody would have thought anything of it.
Eddie said he wanted to go to the movies Saturday evening, and we could finally catch the Hulk. I said sure. Saturday morning, I went to the gym, and then Nish called. I showered, and picked Nish up, then picked Ronny up. We went to the movie theater and saw the 2:30 showing of Wall-E. I really liked it. It had a great script, great characters, and impressive little touches. Like having Sigourney Weaver voice the ship's computer - how perfect is that? Yes, I got choked up and shed a tear at the robot romance.
Then I took Ronny home, so he could go to work for a bit, and Nish and I headed for lunch. Went to the mexican place in town. Sam's. Kind of a college crowd, but good cheap food, and free chips and salsa. Eddie called to say he was ready, so we picked him up, but talked him into seeing Wanted instead. Nish had no interest in seeing Hulk, so he was worried Eddie would be upset that TWICE now he has ruined Eddie's plans to see it, but Eddie really wanted to see Wanted anyway, so he was up for that. We had a little time before it started, so wandered into Marshalls, Old Navy, and Coldstone Creamery beforehand.
Wanted was a very good movie, too. The plot twist was fairly easy to see coming, but it was an action thriller, so it was all about the intensity and the visuals. The way she scooped him into the Viper is my favorite scene. The Mustang scene was cool, too. Had to drop Eddie off at work, then drop Nish off at home, then go home and get ready for work myself.
I had to plunge the women's toilet twice, and there were two lesbains that almost got into a fight, but otherwise it was fairly simple evening. Decent crowd, according to the door count, but it felt emptier, and the bartenders were pretty slow, too. Both hotdog carts were there, again, but since I was floater, I had a chance to say hi to hotdog guy. Flirted a bit, got a cheap cheeseburger (he switched to sirloin, instead of ground chuck, so he couldn't really afford to gimme a total freebie), but again that's as far as it went. And I ended up tipping him the amount he discounted the burger, so it ended up a wash, except for the gratitude factor!
Spoke with Denison on the phone before work started, and made plans to hang out Sunday in Boston. In the morning, I headed to his house. The weather was humid and warm, with chance of thunderstorms. I get to his place, and he's wearing just a pair of house-shorts, and he's making lunch. He was offering me chocolates, and made me have some of the banana bread he made (it's rude to turn down homemade goodies, but I did decline the chocolates), and set out a dish of nuts, all while preparing lunch. Chicken wings, corn on the cob, and brussel sprouts. The wings were REALLY tasty, and I tried to pick off as much skin as I could.
None of our friends were around, or doing anything exciting. And the weather was lousy. The storms did roll through. The south side of Boston, though, got a mild version of what came through. The Worcester area, apparently got hammered. We ended up just staying in, and relaxing all day. Well, not ALL day... There was a particularly exciting break to the relaxation shortly after lunch.
He had to get up for work at 5am, so I left when he was about to get ready for bed. We are working on making plans for the up-coming holiday weekend.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Friday, June 27, 2008
Next week is my annual forced vacation. And I have no plans. I often have no plans for these because I can't seem to get other people to schedule the time off to go do something. So, I will be lazy and boring all week, most likely. Layin' around on the couch, watchin' TV. It'll look a lot like this:

Monday, June 23, 2008
Pride 2008 - Providence
Friday night I was at work. Boring as hell. No cuties, no hotties, no hotdog guy...
Saturday I went to Providence, but could not get a hold of Nish or Denison. Narinn was in New Hampshire. I ended up meeting up with Eddie at the mall. We went to the Cheesecake Factory, toured the festival, and then wandered the mall. (I got Ben and Jerry's new flavor Cake Batter - yellow cake batter ice cream with chocolate frosting swirl - Yummmmmmmyyyyyy!!) We checked on showtimes the the theater and decided to go see the Hulk. Meanwhile we wandered through Old Navy.
Then Nish called. He was leaving his trick's house, and said he'd meet us at the mall and go see Hulk with us. By the time he got there, he got a hold of Narinn, and decided to go to the festival instead, so we ditched the theater plans, too, and headed back to the festival grounds. Hung out with them, saw a bunch of Worcester people, including Junior, Cristiano, and Kevin.
Later, Eddie left to get to work, and we caught up with Denison and Jean. Just in time for the parade. A couple fun moments, but generally, just another damn parade. After it was over, we stopped at Subway for a quick bite, and the owner/manager was in a Foul mood. Imagine the Soup Nazi running a sandwich counter... It was a self-service soda fountain, but he turned it on only when someone was next to it. I poured a Barq's root beer, which as anyone who has had root beer knows, foams up, so you have to get rid of all that foam before you can finish filling the cup. He had shut the machine off by then, so I waited for the next person to come over, and the light came on, I finished filling the cup. He comes running out to yell at me that there are no free refills. I said I only filled it the first time. He said he saw me fill and drink and fill and drink. Whatever. Some people need to learn the value of repeat customers. So, I am issuing a Boycott of the Subway restaurant in front of the bus station at Kennedy Plaza in Providence!! Power to the People!!
We headed next to one of the bars. We walked past Wheels - lots of music and people and fun. We walked past Eagle - lots of music and people and fun. We bumped into Junior, Cristiano, and Kevin (Cristiano thought Jean was cute). They headed into Mirabar - lots of music and people and fun. We kept going, and went to Dark Lady - lots of people, no music. Nish, Jean, and I are like Let's go back to Mirabar!! Denison said Narinn was waiting for us at Dark Lady, so we went in. $15 each - apparently for a cause of some sort. Then someone said we should grab Narinn and go to Mirabar. I pointed out we could have sent in just ONE person if that was the plan, and Jean concurred that we had just dropped $60 collectively, we may as well stay. Apparently they were having some glitches with the sound system, and it did come back on. The dance floor inside the bar was going well, too. Nish bumped into Mark - the quasi-broken-up ex. They spent the entire night together; hand in hand. I spent the night hand in hand with Denison. We danced a lot, as a couple. He kept grabbing my hand, or pulling me close, or putting his arm around me. Narinn was flirting with everyone in sight, again. I've witnessed myself how it never goes anywhere, but it still amazes me what a total slut he likes to act like. Shirtless the entire time, of course. At one point, I saw weird-look guy again. We made eye-contact, but neither of us made any gesture of recognition, so I dropped it. A little later, Denison tried pointing my attention in a particular direction, and I saw Sergio. He says, "That's your ex, right?" "Yup." Nish is good friends with Denison, and I had told him a little about Sergio, and how I met Nish, so he knew who it was. I never made eye contact with Sergio, and I didn't go say hi.
They wrapped up about 2:10, and pushed everyone out. We grabbed some food (I just got a Fanta), and wandered around car to car. First we dropped Nish at his car (he went back to the trick's place). Then we headed to Jean's car. He dropped Denison, Narinn, and I at my car, then went to his friend Rob's place. The three of us went to Narinn's house, and Denison and I stayed in the guest room. Jim woke up when we came in, and there was a little tiff on display. I hate being witness to awkward domestic Things. Washed up and went to sleep. I wanted to have sex with Denison so bad, but I was not going to do that in someone else's guest room. We played around a bit, and did some more kissing and grinding, but the shorts stayed on the whole time.
We got up about noon. Narinn said Jim left for work about 8am, so it was just us. I took a shower. Then Narinn did; he left the bathroom door wide open. Then Denison went to take a shower. Narinn comes in and asks me to rub Vitamin E oil on his back, then goes in his room. About 5 minutes later, heads into the bathroom wearing only his underwear. Denison is in the shower (clear curtain). I hear N say "it's just me" and then he started shaving. They've been friends for years, and I didn't suspect anything inappropriate, but it was still just a little too strange for me. As I said he's just an absolute flirt. But still...
While getting ready Nish called. He said he'd shower and meet us for brunch. As we were all finishing up and heading out the door, Nish called to ask if he could come take a shower there (the hot water was out at the trick's place). Narinn said No, we were already leaving. Nish met up with us at DownCity for brunch, a little grumpy. He hadn't showered, and kind of blamed us for not waiting. There was a total preppy blonde boy sitting at the table nearby, and Narinn went into flirt mode again. Got his number. The kid lives in South Bend, Indiana. We all wagered they'll never see each other again. Narinn made the comment that he and Denison tend to have the same taste (Narinn has flirted heavily with me, as I've noted, but again, that's nothing significant in and of itself). Then he said that he does tend to go for ones a little chunkier than Denison does. I didn't outwardly react, but it struck me. Not sure if I should 'read' anything into that, as it may or may not relate to me. Nish had said once that I am not really Denison's type. I guess I better get working on that 'lose 10 pounds' goal one of these days! (Still at 12 from the WI visit.)
After a eating, we wandered around for the block party. When we eventually found it, it was empty, and charging $10 to get in. So we headed over to the Eagle. Also dead, but free. From there, we were going to head back to the block party, see if it picked up, but Nish decided to go home. So, I headed down with Narinn and Denison. I had Denison's bag in my car, so I needed to establish where he was going before I just left. I suggested he ride back with me, and come over to my place a little while. If he didn't track down Jean, he'd be taking the bus home anyway, so it wouldn't matter if he bused from pride or from my place. He seemed to consider it, but didn't say "Let's go!" so I let it just drift. The block party was still empty, but we bumped into Jean and Rob out front. They hadn't eaten, so Rob was trying to get us to all go to the mall food court. D, N, and I were still full enough from our brunch, and Jean had NO interest in food court options, so eventually they wandered off to find a "gay place" to eat lunch. That left the three of us again wondering what to do. I said I should just go home. Narinn was like "why are you leaving?" I said there was no point staying if we're just gonna stand around picking our noses. Denison seemed to think that was hilarious. Maybe it was a little too apt. But we headed to my car, Denison grabbed his bag, and I drove home. He kissed me several times before I left. Real kisses. I got goodbye-kiss from Narinn, too.
It's just as well that I came home alone, though. I took a two hour nap, and then headed to the club to work all night. I agreed to cover the front door on Sunday night so Danielle could celebrate her 21st birthday. I did OK until about 1am, and then I started feeling tired. Left a little after 2, and got about 3.5 hours of sleep before getting up for work. I actually did pretty well today, too. Didn't feel any worse than any other day at that place, until after 3:30. Once everybody leaves, it slows down. Once it slowed, I started feeling tired. I'm a little droopy right now, but should make it until bedtime!
I will not be able to join anyone in NYC for next weekend's pride festivities, because of my schedule at the club. It's starting to look like time to quit there. It was fun while it lasted, but now it's interfering with fun. Denison said he probably won't go to NYC either because of his work schedule, so I said if he's in town yet, we should get together. He liked that idea!
Saturday I went to Providence, but could not get a hold of Nish or Denison. Narinn was in New Hampshire. I ended up meeting up with Eddie at the mall. We went to the Cheesecake Factory, toured the festival, and then wandered the mall. (I got Ben and Jerry's new flavor Cake Batter - yellow cake batter ice cream with chocolate frosting swirl - Yummmmmmmyyyyyy!!) We checked on showtimes the the theater and decided to go see the Hulk. Meanwhile we wandered through Old Navy.
Then Nish called. He was leaving his trick's house, and said he'd meet us at the mall and go see Hulk with us. By the time he got there, he got a hold of Narinn, and decided to go to the festival instead, so we ditched the theater plans, too, and headed back to the festival grounds. Hung out with them, saw a bunch of Worcester people, including Junior, Cristiano, and Kevin.
Later, Eddie left to get to work, and we caught up with Denison and Jean. Just in time for the parade. A couple fun moments, but generally, just another damn parade. After it was over, we stopped at Subway for a quick bite, and the owner/manager was in a Foul mood. Imagine the Soup Nazi running a sandwich counter... It was a self-service soda fountain, but he turned it on only when someone was next to it. I poured a Barq's root beer, which as anyone who has had root beer knows, foams up, so you have to get rid of all that foam before you can finish filling the cup. He had shut the machine off by then, so I waited for the next person to come over, and the light came on, I finished filling the cup. He comes running out to yell at me that there are no free refills. I said I only filled it the first time. He said he saw me fill and drink and fill and drink. Whatever. Some people need to learn the value of repeat customers. So, I am issuing a Boycott of the Subway restaurant in front of the bus station at Kennedy Plaza in Providence!! Power to the People!!
We headed next to one of the bars. We walked past Wheels - lots of music and people and fun. We walked past Eagle - lots of music and people and fun. We bumped into Junior, Cristiano, and Kevin (Cristiano thought Jean was cute). They headed into Mirabar - lots of music and people and fun. We kept going, and went to Dark Lady - lots of people, no music. Nish, Jean, and I are like Let's go back to Mirabar!! Denison said Narinn was waiting for us at Dark Lady, so we went in. $15 each - apparently for a cause of some sort. Then someone said we should grab Narinn and go to Mirabar. I pointed out we could have sent in just ONE person if that was the plan, and Jean concurred that we had just dropped $60 collectively, we may as well stay. Apparently they were having some glitches with the sound system, and it did come back on. The dance floor inside the bar was going well, too. Nish bumped into Mark - the quasi-broken-up ex. They spent the entire night together; hand in hand. I spent the night hand in hand with Denison. We danced a lot, as a couple. He kept grabbing my hand, or pulling me close, or putting his arm around me. Narinn was flirting with everyone in sight, again. I've witnessed myself how it never goes anywhere, but it still amazes me what a total slut he likes to act like. Shirtless the entire time, of course. At one point, I saw weird-look guy again. We made eye-contact, but neither of us made any gesture of recognition, so I dropped it. A little later, Denison tried pointing my attention in a particular direction, and I saw Sergio. He says, "That's your ex, right?" "Yup." Nish is good friends with Denison, and I had told him a little about Sergio, and how I met Nish, so he knew who it was. I never made eye contact with Sergio, and I didn't go say hi.
They wrapped up about 2:10, and pushed everyone out. We grabbed some food (I just got a Fanta), and wandered around car to car. First we dropped Nish at his car (he went back to the trick's place). Then we headed to Jean's car. He dropped Denison, Narinn, and I at my car, then went to his friend Rob's place. The three of us went to Narinn's house, and Denison and I stayed in the guest room. Jim woke up when we came in, and there was a little tiff on display. I hate being witness to awkward domestic Things. Washed up and went to sleep. I wanted to have sex with Denison so bad, but I was not going to do that in someone else's guest room. We played around a bit, and did some more kissing and grinding, but the shorts stayed on the whole time.
We got up about noon. Narinn said Jim left for work about 8am, so it was just us. I took a shower. Then Narinn did; he left the bathroom door wide open. Then Denison went to take a shower. Narinn comes in and asks me to rub Vitamin E oil on his back, then goes in his room. About 5 minutes later, heads into the bathroom wearing only his underwear. Denison is in the shower (clear curtain). I hear N say "it's just me" and then he started shaving. They've been friends for years, and I didn't suspect anything inappropriate, but it was still just a little too strange for me. As I said he's just an absolute flirt. But still...
While getting ready Nish called. He said he'd shower and meet us for brunch. As we were all finishing up and heading out the door, Nish called to ask if he could come take a shower there (the hot water was out at the trick's place). Narinn said No, we were already leaving. Nish met up with us at DownCity for brunch, a little grumpy. He hadn't showered, and kind of blamed us for not waiting. There was a total preppy blonde boy sitting at the table nearby, and Narinn went into flirt mode again. Got his number. The kid lives in South Bend, Indiana. We all wagered they'll never see each other again. Narinn made the comment that he and Denison tend to have the same taste (Narinn has flirted heavily with me, as I've noted, but again, that's nothing significant in and of itself). Then he said that he does tend to go for ones a little chunkier than Denison does. I didn't outwardly react, but it struck me. Not sure if I should 'read' anything into that, as it may or may not relate to me. Nish had said once that I am not really Denison's type. I guess I better get working on that 'lose 10 pounds' goal one of these days! (Still at 12 from the WI visit.)
After a eating, we wandered around for the block party. When we eventually found it, it was empty, and charging $10 to get in. So we headed over to the Eagle. Also dead, but free. From there, we were going to head back to the block party, see if it picked up, but Nish decided to go home. So, I headed down with Narinn and Denison. I had Denison's bag in my car, so I needed to establish where he was going before I just left. I suggested he ride back with me, and come over to my place a little while. If he didn't track down Jean, he'd be taking the bus home anyway, so it wouldn't matter if he bused from pride or from my place. He seemed to consider it, but didn't say "Let's go!" so I let it just drift. The block party was still empty, but we bumped into Jean and Rob out front. They hadn't eaten, so Rob was trying to get us to all go to the mall food court. D, N, and I were still full enough from our brunch, and Jean had NO interest in food court options, so eventually they wandered off to find a "gay place" to eat lunch. That left the three of us again wondering what to do. I said I should just go home. Narinn was like "why are you leaving?" I said there was no point staying if we're just gonna stand around picking our noses. Denison seemed to think that was hilarious. Maybe it was a little too apt. But we headed to my car, Denison grabbed his bag, and I drove home. He kissed me several times before I left. Real kisses. I got goodbye-kiss from Narinn, too.
It's just as well that I came home alone, though. I took a two hour nap, and then headed to the club to work all night. I agreed to cover the front door on Sunday night so Danielle could celebrate her 21st birthday. I did OK until about 1am, and then I started feeling tired. Left a little after 2, and got about 3.5 hours of sleep before getting up for work. I actually did pretty well today, too. Didn't feel any worse than any other day at that place, until after 3:30. Once everybody leaves, it slows down. Once it slowed, I started feeling tired. I'm a little droopy right now, but should make it until bedtime!
I will not be able to join anyone in NYC for next weekend's pride festivities, because of my schedule at the club. It's starting to look like time to quit there. It was fun while it lasted, but now it's interfering with fun. Denison said he probably won't go to NYC either because of his work schedule, so I said if he's in town yet, we should get together. He liked that idea!
Friday, June 20, 2008
What is that?
So, I've been wearing tightly collared shirts all week, but the selection of warm weather shirts that hide large portions of the next wears thin after a couple days. The shirt I had on today was a little looser, but the marks upon my neck were getting fainter, as well, so I thought it should be OK.
About 1:30, the big loud Greek happened by my desk. All of a sudden, he goes, "Oh my God, that's a hickey!" I tried to maintain a look of "I have no idea what you are talking about." He then added, jokingly, "It was Lena wasn't it??" Lena being the flirty 85-year-old great grandmother (thrice widowed) who works in Assembly and routinely calls me her boyfriend. I could not help laughing at that one!
So, here's to kissing!! Three cheers for the french!!
About 1:30, the big loud Greek happened by my desk. All of a sudden, he goes, "Oh my God, that's a hickey!" I tried to maintain a look of "I have no idea what you are talking about." He then added, jokingly, "It was Lena wasn't it??" Lena being the flirty 85-year-old great grandmother (thrice widowed) who works in Assembly and routinely calls me her boyfriend. I could not help laughing at that one!
So, here's to kissing!! Three cheers for the french!!

Thursday, June 19, 2008
Boston Pride Addendum
Two addenda, really...
First, I completely forgot to mention that last Friday night, there was also an appearance at the club by Luther and Keniah. After a while, Luther came up front and gave me a big wet kiss. Followed by another big wet kiss. Then turned and said "Goodnight"! I called him a Tease. He objected. Gave me one last kiss, then headed out the door, without Keniah. He got a sausage and peppers from the hotdog guy. Started chatting with some tall white guy standing there, as well. When they finished their meat, they left - together. About twenty minutes later, Keniah left for the evening, with some random guy. I mentioned this episode to Daemian the other night, and he said he had heard a rumor that they had broken up. Sigh - still can't get Luther...
Second, I found a clip I'd like to share. I apparently can't post it on here, though, for it is highly pornographic! If you recall from my post about the Sunday pride block party in Boston:
"several dancers were gyrating in their briefs. My favorite was the Brazilian one – naturally"
Well, the friends I was there with were more interested in the scrawny white twink, so I had to point out I preferred the 'Zilian. Someone said he was a porn star. That seemed a little bit of a stretch, but I stared at him all evening either way. Then, Tuesday night, I was surfing porn on the web, and came across this one that looked familiar. And was like "OMG - he IS a porn star!!!" Yes, the guy dancing at Boston Pride is the top in this clip I downloaded. (For random visitors, that means he's the one getting attention, not giving it.) Just send me a message, and I'll forward the clip to you!
First, I completely forgot to mention that last Friday night, there was also an appearance at the club by Luther and Keniah. After a while, Luther came up front and gave me a big wet kiss. Followed by another big wet kiss. Then turned and said "Goodnight"! I called him a Tease. He objected. Gave me one last kiss, then headed out the door, without Keniah. He got a sausage and peppers from the hotdog guy. Started chatting with some tall white guy standing there, as well. When they finished their meat, they left - together. About twenty minutes later, Keniah left for the evening, with some random guy. I mentioned this episode to Daemian the other night, and he said he had heard a rumor that they had broken up. Sigh - still can't get Luther...
Second, I found a clip I'd like to share. I apparently can't post it on here, though, for it is highly pornographic! If you recall from my post about the Sunday pride block party in Boston:
"several dancers were gyrating in their briefs. My favorite was the Brazilian one – naturally"
Well, the friends I was there with were more interested in the scrawny white twink, so I had to point out I preferred the 'Zilian. Someone said he was a porn star. That seemed a little bit of a stretch, but I stared at him all evening either way. Then, Tuesday night, I was surfing porn on the web, and came across this one that looked familiar. And was like "OMG - he IS a porn star!!!" Yes, the guy dancing at Boston Pride is the top in this clip I downloaded. (For random visitors, that means he's the one getting attention, not giving it.) Just send me a message, and I'll forward the clip to you!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Again, I NEED to Quit
This is a gripe about work post...
Two weeks ago, I was sitting at my desk, minding my own business. Possibly even getting work done. The phone rang. It was an outside line. Those always scare me. It was our main sales rep calling, with a rep from John Deere on the line. They had a few questions for me regarding an issue on one of our parts. I thought I handled the call well, answered everything correctly, took down the action items, and was lucid, professional, and helpful.
Last week, the sales rep apparently got a call from the Deere guy, who mentioned how impressed he was with my contribution to his phone call. The rep then emailed me, my boss, and the owner to mention how the Deere guy was impressed with me.
Today, my boss stopped by to tell me that the owner had spoken to him about that email, and asked him to reprimand me. Yeah, apparently when the email came through, the sales department (internal - not the reps) FREAKED OUT. So, I ended up in trouble for speaking with a customer without going through Sales.
Silly me assumed that since the sales rep called me, Sales was in on the whole thing. Apparently not. One of the engineers was in the room when I got the reprimand. He later told me that he gets yelled routinely for speaking to customers, as well.
Two weeks ago, I was sitting at my desk, minding my own business. Possibly even getting work done. The phone rang. It was an outside line. Those always scare me. It was our main sales rep calling, with a rep from John Deere on the line. They had a few questions for me regarding an issue on one of our parts. I thought I handled the call well, answered everything correctly, took down the action items, and was lucid, professional, and helpful.
Last week, the sales rep apparently got a call from the Deere guy, who mentioned how impressed he was with my contribution to his phone call. The rep then emailed me, my boss, and the owner to mention how the Deere guy was impressed with me.
Today, my boss stopped by to tell me that the owner had spoken to him about that email, and asked him to reprimand me. Yeah, apparently when the email came through, the sales department (internal - not the reps) FREAKED OUT. So, I ended up in trouble for speaking with a customer without going through Sales.
Silly me assumed that since the sales rep called me, Sales was in on the whole thing. Apparently not. One of the engineers was in the room when I got the reprimand. He later told me that he gets yelled routinely for speaking to customers, as well.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Pride 2008 - Boston
Before we begin, you may want to refresh yourself on the events of Memorial weekend, see 5/27/08. There is one addendum; the friend we met up with in Providence is actually named Narinn, not Arren. I should also mention that this Wednesday I stopped in at the club to check my schedule. I was down for Friday night only, which was good, but there was a notice for a staff meeting Saturday night at 8. Not gonna happen. I did tell the owner when I saw him Friday that I was not coming back from Boston for the meeting, but asked for July 4 off. Back to Wednesday, I saw this hunky latino guy, whose name I don't remember, that I met at Sabrina's birthday party (during which time he had a husband and an adopted son). We'll call him Rico. He was with friends, and did not have a ring on. I thought he had one at the party. I said hello, and how are you; he said “much better NOW”, which was not clear, but I didn’t ask. I had a guess, but didn’t want to suggest anything.
Friday was slow, but the hotdog guy was parked right outside our door. I waved hello, and held his drink for him at my table. I was being fairly ambivalent, as mentioned last time. Katie was there, standing by the cart all night. At one point, around 12:30 or so, hotdog guy came in holding a cheeseburger and asked what condiments I like. I said just ketchup; he put ketchup on and gave it to me. I commented on him being so nice, and he said he “needed to get rid of it”. I didn’t ask, but the first image through my mind was that it fell on the ground. A few minutes later, Katie stormed in demanding I give her the cheeseburger; she’d been trying to get a freebie from him, and he wouldn’t give her one. Interesting plot twist. She also made a comment later referencing the fact that she never did anything with him. On my way out after turning in my drawer, I stopped to flirt for a few minutes, then went home. He gave me a free hotdog.
Saturday morning I got up, got ready, ate the hotdog, and headed into Boston for the Pride parade. Nish was in the parade, and said he’d meet me afterwards at the block party by City Hall. He gave me Denison’s number, but he said he’d be about an hour. I called my friend Peter, but he was at a party, and said he’d meet me at the block party by Fritz. I called my friend Kenny (whom I met through Peter), and he said he was on his way, and would meet me to watch the parade over by Fritz (Kenny never showed up, and I didn’t find Peter). I watched the whole parade by myself, took a few pictures. Typical parade. Not terribly exciting. There were a bunch of Obama supporters in it, but he didn’t come (no surprise); there was no McCain entry in the parade (no surprise). There was a FTM in boydrag as Jesus. The hotties were on the Manhunt and Bacardi floats. Bacardi and Jaegermeister were both in the parade, but neither handed out samples, though I got some CD-rom from Cirque du Soleil. After the parade, I started heading towards downtown. I happened to bump into Mateus, so visited with him for a while as we headed down. Eventually met up with Nish at the City Hall party, then found his friend John, and then found Denison. Nish, John, and I headed to Fajitas & Ritas for a little bite to eat, but Denison was waiting for Jean to show up. Well, Jean never showed, so Denison joined us a little late. The food was not that good, and the service was really slow.
Denison and I headed to the Fritz party, as Nish went to shower and change at Samir’s house. Samir (yes, he’s from India) has apparently been Nish’s BF for a month now, and this was the first I was hearing of it, as well. At the party, we bumped into Jean and a bunch of their friends. I saw a couple other friends, as well, including Mateus, Diego (reformed eywww-troll-guy, who smiled and said hi), Puerto Rican Bottom Boy (see last Christmas / New Year time frame), some Worcester people, Brad’s friend Cory, and a couple familiar looking Brazilian hotties. Nish showed up right after Denison left to go to work, so I was hanging out with Nish. As we were leaving, I bumped into Rico who was also talking to that John I had been trying to get a phone number from at my club, but he hasn’t been in since saying he would stop in to see me. I said I still work Friday nights, so he should stop in, just to say hi to me. Said hi to Rico, who was with different friends, and again no ring. They must have broken up right after Memorial Day. From there, Nish and I went back to Samir’s and I showered and changed, as did Nish. I met Samir; nice guy, doctor, nice place. Nish isn’t sure if he ‘feels anything’ for Samir. Everyone is laying odds on October as when Nish and Mark get back together again. The three of us headed to a south-Asian group party, “Masala”. Lots more non-Asians there than I was expecting. Lots more cuties than I was expecting, as well. We bumped into Nish’s friends Derrick and Ben, whom I had met at Nish’s 30th BD party. Derrick is my type, but Ben is his long time BF, so off limits. Nish and I left early to head down to the Wang Center to go see Chris Rock perform.
Denison works for the Wang, kind of manages it, actually, and got us in for free. The show was great, he was very funny. Nish complained about all the pussy jokes, but really, what else would you expect. We left the Wang about 12:10 and headed across the street to the Roxy, for a night at Epic. I bumped into Roxy, the guy I had met months ago at my club, and never heard from, even though he gave me his number, and claimed to be very interested. He told us Epic was ‘sold out’ and they were only letting in people who pre-bought tickets. I chatted with him briefly, said he should call me, he said yea definitely, then he left, and I assumed he’ll never call. We started to leave, figuring we’d check at Rise what their cover was that night – rumor was $50. Denison happened to call, and Nish told him what was going on, so Denison came over, talked to the bouncers, and got us comp’ed in. So, not only did we get in when others couldn’t, but we didn’t have to pay. And Epic was charging $30 that night. Nothing special, but Junior Vasquez was DJ. And he sucked. The music was horrible. Too many of those “dramatic pauses” where the music stops for a while so everyone goes wild when it resumes. Only it was like 3 times per song, and the pauses were too long. I hate those anyway, and if I owned my own club I would forbid the DJ’s to ever do that. He also had a lot of really screechy vocals, weak bass lines, lame song choices, and not enough energy. Nish said he was just glad we didn’t actually pay for this. While at Epic, we bumped into Christian, from Memorial weekend, who then tracked down Narinn, and rubbed his hand stamp off onto Narinn’s hand so he could get in. Meanwhile Nish found Sergio, and assumed he’d be there with Mark and Chuck, and whoever else, so went over to say hi. He was not with any of them, but we said hi. It was rather awkward. He liked my head buzzed, and rubbed it a couple times. I said thank you, and Nish said I had a strained-looking smile. I had met Sergio on a dance floor, so it just triggered too much for me. Also bumped into weird-looks guy from Memorial weekend; smiled and waved, he gave me a quick glance, and then moved on.
After they closed, we hung outside the Wang for Denison to finish up. Rise was confirmed at $50, so we all decided not to go. We stopped at a pizza place, then headed home. Narinn stayed at a friend’s place, Nish went back to Samir’s, and Denison and I went back to his place. We just went to sleep, and that was that. But later on, something went Bump In The Night. I won’t give the personal details, but let’s just say he needs A/C. Sunday morning was slow, and relaxed. It was 50’s and raining, so not a good day for the Stuart St block party. We just hung out for a while, Denison made lunch. I got a phone call from Russell, who happened to be wandering around Boston with his GF, and stumbled upon a rainbow of festivity on Stuart St. He would have gone in if not for the cover ($10), just for the fun of it. It’s just as well, there really is nothing there other than drinking and hanging out with friends. About 5:30, the weather was a little bit nicer, so we decided to go to the block party ourselves. Nish and Narinn were already there. Then Jean and their friend Eve joined, as well. Saw Mateus again; said hello. Saw my friend Kevin (Junior’s ex). I even saw the cute guy that randomly ran up and kissed me that one night at Epic; waved and said hi, as did he. Tracy Young was spinning, and several dancers were gyrating in their briefs. My favorite was the Brazilian one – naturally. The music was really good, and we danced the most at that party. Narinn’s foot was feeling better, so he was able to dance, more, too (a forklift ran over his foot at work a week earlier). Denison and I were dancing together quite a bit, though still presenting a level of interaction that was not noticeably different than before. Jean and Eve were dancing, and Denison grabbed me to go over to where they were, which ended up being right next to Mateus and his friends (several of which were very damn cute). At one point, I caught a glimpse of Mateus looking at me dancing with Denison, with a mildly jealous look. Nish expects that will trigger him to give me a call. Bumped into Roxy again, so said Hi.
The plan was to head to Fritz (and go inside the bar) after the block party to watch the Celtics game. Since I have no interest, I was going to take that opportunity to go home. Too many people, however, decided that they were hungry, wanted food, and I was not allowed to leave. While we were standing there deciding what to do, and wait for Eve and his BF Ricardo to run to the ATM, Narinn’s incessant flirting brought the attention of two New Hampshirites in town for the festivities. I heard one of them speaking Portuguese, so when they came over to talk to us, and he said I was cute, and I said he was cute, and he said “Really?”, I replied in Portuguese that Eu gosto dos Brasilieros. His name was something like Marcelini, and we kissed a few times before we headed to Fritz. I told him I work at my club job on Fri nights, and he said he’d come down. Implied that he’d enjoy staying at my place. When our group got to Fritz, the bickering began, and we ended up at Club Café instead. There, I bumped into Cory again, with his friend Dave. The seven of us got a table, and Dension, Narinn, and I sat on the end, didn’t order anything, but ended up getting kind of intertwined with legs and arms on each other. Narinn was getting very flirty with me, but he’s a huge flirt, and it never goes anywhere, since he has a BF (with a gorgeous house, as I mentioned before). He was rubbing his hand down my chest and stomach, saying stuff along the lines of “oooh” and “nice”. Since I’m way fatter than either he or his BF, it made me a little embarrassed. He indicated further toward my crotch and said “what’s down there?” to which I replied that what was in back was more important. He didn’t get it, so I whispered in his ear that I am a bottom. He seemed to like hearing that. Flirting for the fun of it, with no intentions, is something I’ve never been good at, while Narinn would randomly say “Hi Cutie” to people we passed on the street. So, again, I didn’t take it seriously. After a little bit, the three of us decided to just each go home, so we headed out. As soon as we left, they announced they wanted to stop for food in Chinatown. The food at Club Café isn’t all that great, so I understand. We went to Pho Pasteur for Vietnamese food; Denison insisted I have some of his chicken. We left there, Denison jumped on the T to go home, and I drove Narinn over to where he was parked, then went home, myself. Next week is Providence, and I jokingly said we’re all going to stay at Narinn’s house, but I think that turned into a reality. As we separated, Denison gave me a nice kiss goodnight, and what appeared to be the ‘call-me’ gesture.
In some regards, it was an even better weekend than Memorial Day, though most of it was a result of everyone I met that time. It was a little strange how many random “blast from the past” people I bumped into. But I had a great time, and am looking forward to spending next weekend with many of the same friends down in Providence!
Friday was slow, but the hotdog guy was parked right outside our door. I waved hello, and held his drink for him at my table. I was being fairly ambivalent, as mentioned last time. Katie was there, standing by the cart all night. At one point, around 12:30 or so, hotdog guy came in holding a cheeseburger and asked what condiments I like. I said just ketchup; he put ketchup on and gave it to me. I commented on him being so nice, and he said he “needed to get rid of it”. I didn’t ask, but the first image through my mind was that it fell on the ground. A few minutes later, Katie stormed in demanding I give her the cheeseburger; she’d been trying to get a freebie from him, and he wouldn’t give her one. Interesting plot twist. She also made a comment later referencing the fact that she never did anything with him. On my way out after turning in my drawer, I stopped to flirt for a few minutes, then went home. He gave me a free hotdog.
Saturday morning I got up, got ready, ate the hotdog, and headed into Boston for the Pride parade. Nish was in the parade, and said he’d meet me afterwards at the block party by City Hall. He gave me Denison’s number, but he said he’d be about an hour. I called my friend Peter, but he was at a party, and said he’d meet me at the block party by Fritz. I called my friend Kenny (whom I met through Peter), and he said he was on his way, and would meet me to watch the parade over by Fritz (Kenny never showed up, and I didn’t find Peter). I watched the whole parade by myself, took a few pictures. Typical parade. Not terribly exciting. There were a bunch of Obama supporters in it, but he didn’t come (no surprise); there was no McCain entry in the parade (no surprise). There was a FTM in boydrag as Jesus. The hotties were on the Manhunt and Bacardi floats. Bacardi and Jaegermeister were both in the parade, but neither handed out samples, though I got some CD-rom from Cirque du Soleil. After the parade, I started heading towards downtown. I happened to bump into Mateus, so visited with him for a while as we headed down. Eventually met up with Nish at the City Hall party, then found his friend John, and then found Denison. Nish, John, and I headed to Fajitas & Ritas for a little bite to eat, but Denison was waiting for Jean to show up. Well, Jean never showed, so Denison joined us a little late. The food was not that good, and the service was really slow.
Denison and I headed to the Fritz party, as Nish went to shower and change at Samir’s house. Samir (yes, he’s from India) has apparently been Nish’s BF for a month now, and this was the first I was hearing of it, as well. At the party, we bumped into Jean and a bunch of their friends. I saw a couple other friends, as well, including Mateus, Diego (reformed eywww-troll-guy, who smiled and said hi), Puerto Rican Bottom Boy (see last Christmas / New Year time frame), some Worcester people, Brad’s friend Cory, and a couple familiar looking Brazilian hotties. Nish showed up right after Denison left to go to work, so I was hanging out with Nish. As we were leaving, I bumped into Rico who was also talking to that John I had been trying to get a phone number from at my club, but he hasn’t been in since saying he would stop in to see me. I said I still work Friday nights, so he should stop in, just to say hi to me. Said hi to Rico, who was with different friends, and again no ring. They must have broken up right after Memorial Day. From there, Nish and I went back to Samir’s and I showered and changed, as did Nish. I met Samir; nice guy, doctor, nice place. Nish isn’t sure if he ‘feels anything’ for Samir. Everyone is laying odds on October as when Nish and Mark get back together again. The three of us headed to a south-Asian group party, “Masala”. Lots more non-Asians there than I was expecting. Lots more cuties than I was expecting, as well. We bumped into Nish’s friends Derrick and Ben, whom I had met at Nish’s 30th BD party. Derrick is my type, but Ben is his long time BF, so off limits. Nish and I left early to head down to the Wang Center to go see Chris Rock perform.
Denison works for the Wang, kind of manages it, actually, and got us in for free. The show was great, he was very funny. Nish complained about all the pussy jokes, but really, what else would you expect. We left the Wang about 12:10 and headed across the street to the Roxy, for a night at Epic. I bumped into Roxy, the guy I had met months ago at my club, and never heard from, even though he gave me his number, and claimed to be very interested. He told us Epic was ‘sold out’ and they were only letting in people who pre-bought tickets. I chatted with him briefly, said he should call me, he said yea definitely, then he left, and I assumed he’ll never call. We started to leave, figuring we’d check at Rise what their cover was that night – rumor was $50. Denison happened to call, and Nish told him what was going on, so Denison came over, talked to the bouncers, and got us comp’ed in. So, not only did we get in when others couldn’t, but we didn’t have to pay. And Epic was charging $30 that night. Nothing special, but Junior Vasquez was DJ. And he sucked. The music was horrible. Too many of those “dramatic pauses” where the music stops for a while so everyone goes wild when it resumes. Only it was like 3 times per song, and the pauses were too long. I hate those anyway, and if I owned my own club I would forbid the DJ’s to ever do that. He also had a lot of really screechy vocals, weak bass lines, lame song choices, and not enough energy. Nish said he was just glad we didn’t actually pay for this. While at Epic, we bumped into Christian, from Memorial weekend, who then tracked down Narinn, and rubbed his hand stamp off onto Narinn’s hand so he could get in. Meanwhile Nish found Sergio, and assumed he’d be there with Mark and Chuck, and whoever else, so went over to say hi. He was not with any of them, but we said hi. It was rather awkward. He liked my head buzzed, and rubbed it a couple times. I said thank you, and Nish said I had a strained-looking smile. I had met Sergio on a dance floor, so it just triggered too much for me. Also bumped into weird-looks guy from Memorial weekend; smiled and waved, he gave me a quick glance, and then moved on.
After they closed, we hung outside the Wang for Denison to finish up. Rise was confirmed at $50, so we all decided not to go. We stopped at a pizza place, then headed home. Narinn stayed at a friend’s place, Nish went back to Samir’s, and Denison and I went back to his place. We just went to sleep, and that was that. But later on, something went Bump In The Night. I won’t give the personal details, but let’s just say he needs A/C. Sunday morning was slow, and relaxed. It was 50’s and raining, so not a good day for the Stuart St block party. We just hung out for a while, Denison made lunch. I got a phone call from Russell, who happened to be wandering around Boston with his GF, and stumbled upon a rainbow of festivity on Stuart St. He would have gone in if not for the cover ($10), just for the fun of it. It’s just as well, there really is nothing there other than drinking and hanging out with friends. About 5:30, the weather was a little bit nicer, so we decided to go to the block party ourselves. Nish and Narinn were already there. Then Jean and their friend Eve joined, as well. Saw Mateus again; said hello. Saw my friend Kevin (Junior’s ex). I even saw the cute guy that randomly ran up and kissed me that one night at Epic; waved and said hi, as did he. Tracy Young was spinning, and several dancers were gyrating in their briefs. My favorite was the Brazilian one – naturally. The music was really good, and we danced the most at that party. Narinn’s foot was feeling better, so he was able to dance, more, too (a forklift ran over his foot at work a week earlier). Denison and I were dancing together quite a bit, though still presenting a level of interaction that was not noticeably different than before. Jean and Eve were dancing, and Denison grabbed me to go over to where they were, which ended up being right next to Mateus and his friends (several of which were very damn cute). At one point, I caught a glimpse of Mateus looking at me dancing with Denison, with a mildly jealous look. Nish expects that will trigger him to give me a call. Bumped into Roxy again, so said Hi.
The plan was to head to Fritz (and go inside the bar) after the block party to watch the Celtics game. Since I have no interest, I was going to take that opportunity to go home. Too many people, however, decided that they were hungry, wanted food, and I was not allowed to leave. While we were standing there deciding what to do, and wait for Eve and his BF Ricardo to run to the ATM, Narinn’s incessant flirting brought the attention of two New Hampshirites in town for the festivities. I heard one of them speaking Portuguese, so when they came over to talk to us, and he said I was cute, and I said he was cute, and he said “Really?”, I replied in Portuguese that Eu gosto dos Brasilieros. His name was something like Marcelini, and we kissed a few times before we headed to Fritz. I told him I work at my club job on Fri nights, and he said he’d come down. Implied that he’d enjoy staying at my place. When our group got to Fritz, the bickering began, and we ended up at Club Café instead. There, I bumped into Cory again, with his friend Dave. The seven of us got a table, and Dension, Narinn, and I sat on the end, didn’t order anything, but ended up getting kind of intertwined with legs and arms on each other. Narinn was getting very flirty with me, but he’s a huge flirt, and it never goes anywhere, since he has a BF (with a gorgeous house, as I mentioned before). He was rubbing his hand down my chest and stomach, saying stuff along the lines of “oooh” and “nice”. Since I’m way fatter than either he or his BF, it made me a little embarrassed. He indicated further toward my crotch and said “what’s down there?” to which I replied that what was in back was more important. He didn’t get it, so I whispered in his ear that I am a bottom. He seemed to like hearing that. Flirting for the fun of it, with no intentions, is something I’ve never been good at, while Narinn would randomly say “Hi Cutie” to people we passed on the street. So, again, I didn’t take it seriously. After a little bit, the three of us decided to just each go home, so we headed out. As soon as we left, they announced they wanted to stop for food in Chinatown. The food at Club Café isn’t all that great, so I understand. We went to Pho Pasteur for Vietnamese food; Denison insisted I have some of his chicken. We left there, Denison jumped on the T to go home, and I drove Narinn over to where he was parked, then went home, myself. Next week is Providence, and I jokingly said we’re all going to stay at Narinn’s house, but I think that turned into a reality. As we separated, Denison gave me a nice kiss goodnight, and what appeared to be the ‘call-me’ gesture.
In some regards, it was an even better weekend than Memorial Day, though most of it was a result of everyone I met that time. It was a little strange how many random “blast from the past” people I bumped into. But I had a great time, and am looking forward to spending next weekend with many of the same friends down in Providence!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
This weekend was my nephew's high school graduation, and I went to Wisconsin for it. Got to see my aunts and uncles, and a couple cousins. It was a very nice trip and I'm glad I went. My mother got all misty again dropping me off at the airport this afternoon.
The flight in was uneventful, and on time. There was one really cute guy on the flight. Totally gay. Cute, great shape, fabulous outfit - Diesel jeans, Guess T, and expensive looking leather sandals. Had a silver wedding band on, so he's already got a husband. Flew Midwest Airlines - wide leather seats, fresh chocolate chip cookies, very comfortable way to fly. Also took like 15 seconds to check in. Service!!
Stopped at Culver's on the way to my sister's place. A midwest institution that you can't find here. Frozen custard and butterburger, check! Saturday was the party - tons and tons of food. Particularly a grape salad that tasted like caramel apples; I got the recipe! My sister's husband bought a new hunting dog that morning - a 7-week-old black lab; SO adorable, even he couldn't insist on keeping the puppy outside. Storms rolled through, so it kept some people away, and made those of there huddle inside or under the tent. The hail and tornadoes did pass us by to the south, though, so we missed the worst of it. My aunt was trying to watch the Belmont Stakes race, but the ABC affiliate was doing emergency weather report for like the entire two hours the storm was raging through the area, so she missed it (they broadcast it later, but it was too late by then). My brother showed up, and his wife proved to everyone there she is a horrible mother; nearly killed the son she actually pays attention to. She gave the daughter (from my brother's first wide) a hug at one point, but was seen making an "ick" face and flicking her hands like they were dirty after she turned around.
Sunday was the ceremony. Drawn out affair with some stupid slide show of "memories" for the graduating class. And the salutatorian speech was all about her most embarrassing moments. Like anybody cared... I told my nephew he was welcome to visit any time he liked. My sister was never informed about the gay thing, and she is total country-mouse to my city-mouse. She hunts, wears camo, shops WalMart and Cabela's, listens to country, and drives a 3/4-ton Chevy pickup. It would be culture shock for my nephew to visit me, but he was very interested in coming. He doesn't know what he wants to do, and it mostly looking for ways to escape his mother's control. My brother came to the ceremony, but about five minutes in, he decided to leave (his wife was about to literally strangle the son, and my sister blew a fuse, so they started heading out the door). He tried to grab his daughter. Since he lost custody last month when he chose to move to Wisconsin, without proper approvals from his ex-wife, or the courts, the daughter was strictly under her grandparents' guardianship, while on this trip with the permission of her mother. So, my brother was not allowed to take her. He blamed my father for "ruining his family". My parents went outside with them to keep the distraction to a minimum for the rest of the gymnasium full of people. They left, in a huff, and were not heard from again. The entire ceremony (150 grads) was white, except for two hispanic families, one interracial, and an asian. The asian kid didn't even have honor cords, though, so they must send the B students to the midwest. You could tell the BMOC right off the bat. He was really cute, too. The photo of him in the tiresome montage was of him wearing just his football pants. Got quite a reaction from the crowd!
Went back to my sister's, and we grilled brats, since the thunderstorms subsided again. They were yummy! Hung out for a while, then played some games, my nephew went off to visit other friends.
Monday I went with my sister to the cheese factory, and bought fresh cheese curds and string cheese. Just made that morning! String cheese that fresh tastes like cream, and pulls into string very nicely. It is SO much better than what you can get at the grocery store. Then we went out for lunch, and I got to have fried cheese curds. Think mozzarella sticks made with chunks of cheddar - SO yummy! On the way back, we drove past a road called Mulletview Drive. Do you see why I left?? Then we had lemon poppyseed cake, and started a bonfire. Made s'mores and "pudgy pies". My nephew grossed out my little niece with slugs and spittle bugs, and grandpa toasted an earthworm over the fire. Nobody actually ate it, though.
On the flight back, there were a bunch of hotties on this flight. I think they were heading to campus. Young looking. One had a gym bag as his carry on that mentioned his high school wrestling team. He was SO cute! There was one cutie closer to my age that was on crutches. Who did I get stuck sitting next to, but some prissy little co-ed. At least she didn't try talking to me. It was 100 degress out when I got back to Massachusetts.
Only three days left of work this week. Hopefully it doesn't all suck too much!
The flight in was uneventful, and on time. There was one really cute guy on the flight. Totally gay. Cute, great shape, fabulous outfit - Diesel jeans, Guess T, and expensive looking leather sandals. Had a silver wedding band on, so he's already got a husband. Flew Midwest Airlines - wide leather seats, fresh chocolate chip cookies, very comfortable way to fly. Also took like 15 seconds to check in. Service!!
Stopped at Culver's on the way to my sister's place. A midwest institution that you can't find here. Frozen custard and butterburger, check! Saturday was the party - tons and tons of food. Particularly a grape salad that tasted like caramel apples; I got the recipe! My sister's husband bought a new hunting dog that morning - a 7-week-old black lab; SO adorable, even he couldn't insist on keeping the puppy outside. Storms rolled through, so it kept some people away, and made those of there huddle inside or under the tent. The hail and tornadoes did pass us by to the south, though, so we missed the worst of it. My aunt was trying to watch the Belmont Stakes race, but the ABC affiliate was doing emergency weather report for like the entire two hours the storm was raging through the area, so she missed it (they broadcast it later, but it was too late by then). My brother showed up, and his wife proved to everyone there she is a horrible mother; nearly killed the son she actually pays attention to. She gave the daughter (from my brother's first wide) a hug at one point, but was seen making an "ick" face and flicking her hands like they were dirty after she turned around.
Sunday was the ceremony. Drawn out affair with some stupid slide show of "memories" for the graduating class. And the salutatorian speech was all about her most embarrassing moments. Like anybody cared... I told my nephew he was welcome to visit any time he liked. My sister was never informed about the gay thing, and she is total country-mouse to my city-mouse. She hunts, wears camo, shops WalMart and Cabela's, listens to country, and drives a 3/4-ton Chevy pickup. It would be culture shock for my nephew to visit me, but he was very interested in coming. He doesn't know what he wants to do, and it mostly looking for ways to escape his mother's control. My brother came to the ceremony, but about five minutes in, he decided to leave (his wife was about to literally strangle the son, and my sister blew a fuse, so they started heading out the door). He tried to grab his daughter. Since he lost custody last month when he chose to move to Wisconsin, without proper approvals from his ex-wife, or the courts, the daughter was strictly under her grandparents' guardianship, while on this trip with the permission of her mother. So, my brother was not allowed to take her. He blamed my father for "ruining his family". My parents went outside with them to keep the distraction to a minimum for the rest of the gymnasium full of people. They left, in a huff, and were not heard from again. The entire ceremony (150 grads) was white, except for two hispanic families, one interracial, and an asian. The asian kid didn't even have honor cords, though, so they must send the B students to the midwest. You could tell the BMOC right off the bat. He was really cute, too. The photo of him in the tiresome montage was of him wearing just his football pants. Got quite a reaction from the crowd!
Went back to my sister's, and we grilled brats, since the thunderstorms subsided again. They were yummy! Hung out for a while, then played some games, my nephew went off to visit other friends.
Monday I went with my sister to the cheese factory, and bought fresh cheese curds and string cheese. Just made that morning! String cheese that fresh tastes like cream, and pulls into string very nicely. It is SO much better than what you can get at the grocery store. Then we went out for lunch, and I got to have fried cheese curds. Think mozzarella sticks made with chunks of cheddar - SO yummy! On the way back, we drove past a road called Mulletview Drive. Do you see why I left?? Then we had lemon poppyseed cake, and started a bonfire. Made s'mores and "pudgy pies". My nephew grossed out my little niece with slugs and spittle bugs, and grandpa toasted an earthworm over the fire. Nobody actually ate it, though.
On the flight back, there were a bunch of hotties on this flight. I think they were heading to campus. Young looking. One had a gym bag as his carry on that mentioned his high school wrestling team. He was SO cute! There was one cutie closer to my age that was on crutches. Who did I get stuck sitting next to, but some prissy little co-ed. At least she didn't try talking to me. It was 100 degress out when I got back to Massachusetts.
Only three days left of work this week. Hopefully it doesn't all suck too much!
Friday, June 06, 2008
I am flying out this afternoon to go home to Wisconsin for my nephew's high school graduation. It has been several years since I have been in WI, and have not seen any of the extended family since then. I've even only seen my sister and her kids once in that time, as well.
It will be a family-intensive weekend. I will be driven around by my father, and staying in my sister's house. I tried to be gracious and get myself a hotel room, but they would have nothing with that. It doesn't help that the nearest hotel would be like 15 miles away. I grew up in the rural part of the state.
So, since this will be the last hot guy I will lay eyes upon until Tuesday night, I better pick a juicy one!
It will be a family-intensive weekend. I will be driven around by my father, and staying in my sister's house. I tried to be gracious and get myself a hotel room, but they would have nothing with that. It doesn't help that the nearest hotel would be like 15 miles away. I grew up in the rural part of the state.
So, since this will be the last hot guy I will lay eyes upon until Tuesday night, I better pick a juicy one!

Monday, June 02, 2008
Due to a schedule adjustment, I had Friday night off from work. I met up with Daemian for dinner and a little shopping. I got a call from Brad to see if I wanted to join them at the 8pm showing of Indiana Jones. I said Yes! Daemian was upset, cuz he had to work that night, so would not be able to join.
Ronny ended up making it to the theater, as well, as did Brad's tenant Cory, with his friend Dave, and BF (don't remember the name). It was a fun movie, and I enjoyed it, but kind of like the Star Wars movies, it felt empty somehow in comparison to the originals. They resorted to Guy-getting-hit-in-the-balls. We waited all this time for a sequel, and they can't come up with anything better? Wasn't the writer's strike over with?? And boy did they go to a LOT of trouble to set up the sequels...
After the movie, I ended up at Brad's house. The three of us watched Shortbus - he'd DVR'ed it off the sundance channel. Now that movie surprised us by how good it was! It starts off with a hot gay guy jerking off and attempting autofellatio (ended up as a sweet kiss), so we of course were hooked, but it actually had substantive characters and a real plot. I do recommend it, for those who haven't already seen it.
I stopped in at the club on my way home. The hotdog vendor was right outside the club. He has been rather flirty with me, so I took a chance. Having mildly flirted that night, I wrote my number down and put it in my pocket. As he was about to start packing up (i.e. I waited until there weren't a bunch of people around), I asked him "If I give you my number, would you call?" He said "No". Pause... Then he followed up with "I'm a solitary guy." Solitary?? I asked him to call me, not move in together!! Whatever. I played calm, and said I was working Saturday, so would see him tomorrow.
Saturday, just as I was getting in my car from the gym, I got a call from Eddie. He was going to see Sex and the City with Lady Sabrina, and asked if I'd want to join. I said Yes! I really liked the movie. I keep reading reviews that are quite critical of it, but I always get defensive and disagree with their complaints. So, that proves I must have liked it!! Spoiler alert: The one thing I didn't like was how quickly she said yes at the end. I mean after not speaking for that long, I would take more than 5 minutes to get over it.
After the movie, we did a little shopping, and I bought a stack of Blurays. Then had dinner. Then went to work! I had not told anyone about trying to connect with hotdog guy, so they did not realize the implication when I heard tell that Katie gave him her number and he called her that night to come over, and she said No. (Katie being one of the former staff member's faghag, and was being referred to that night as "short and fat".) Solitary guy my ass... But he was all smiles and waves and gave me a free fried dough. I was pleasant and mildly flirty.
Speaking of flirty - Junior was there, as well. He was curiously flirty, again. Giving me looks and such, even waved his butt at me (pants dragged down, but underwear still in place). I of course signaled for him to turn around, so he grabbed his crotch and pretended to undo his pants. I acted gleeful. Tease, tease, tease. Luther and Keniah showed up, too. As they were leaving, Luther went to the trouble of saying the two of them should bring home hotdog guy to play around with. Damn, I just can not catch a break!
Sunday, Ronny, Brad, and Cris met up with me for brunch at IHOP, then we came back to my place. I wow'ed Brad with WoW and Hellgate London on my TV, then we watched Hairspray in Bluray. Brad uttered the phrase at one point "now I want to get Bluray"! Then we played a game, while 300 and Fifth Element played in the background.
I sent another quick message to the manhunt guy that was interested in relationships, and seemed interested in me. Listed my number again "in case he didn't get my last message". Still no response. Ughhhh.
Ronny ended up making it to the theater, as well, as did Brad's tenant Cory, with his friend Dave, and BF (don't remember the name). It was a fun movie, and I enjoyed it, but kind of like the Star Wars movies, it felt empty somehow in comparison to the originals. They resorted to Guy-getting-hit-in-the-balls. We waited all this time for a sequel, and they can't come up with anything better? Wasn't the writer's strike over with?? And boy did they go to a LOT of trouble to set up the sequels...
After the movie, I ended up at Brad's house. The three of us watched Shortbus - he'd DVR'ed it off the sundance channel. Now that movie surprised us by how good it was! It starts off with a hot gay guy jerking off and attempting autofellatio (ended up as a sweet kiss), so we of course were hooked, but it actually had substantive characters and a real plot. I do recommend it, for those who haven't already seen it.
I stopped in at the club on my way home. The hotdog vendor was right outside the club. He has been rather flirty with me, so I took a chance. Having mildly flirted that night, I wrote my number down and put it in my pocket. As he was about to start packing up (i.e. I waited until there weren't a bunch of people around), I asked him "If I give you my number, would you call?" He said "No". Pause... Then he followed up with "I'm a solitary guy." Solitary?? I asked him to call me, not move in together!! Whatever. I played calm, and said I was working Saturday, so would see him tomorrow.
Saturday, just as I was getting in my car from the gym, I got a call from Eddie. He was going to see Sex and the City with Lady Sabrina, and asked if I'd want to join. I said Yes! I really liked the movie. I keep reading reviews that are quite critical of it, but I always get defensive and disagree with their complaints. So, that proves I must have liked it!! Spoiler alert: The one thing I didn't like was how quickly she said yes at the end. I mean after not speaking for that long, I would take more than 5 minutes to get over it.
After the movie, we did a little shopping, and I bought a stack of Blurays. Then had dinner. Then went to work! I had not told anyone about trying to connect with hotdog guy, so they did not realize the implication when I heard tell that Katie gave him her number and he called her that night to come over, and she said No. (Katie being one of the former staff member's faghag, and was being referred to that night as "short and fat".) Solitary guy my ass... But he was all smiles and waves and gave me a free fried dough. I was pleasant and mildly flirty.
Speaking of flirty - Junior was there, as well. He was curiously flirty, again. Giving me looks and such, even waved his butt at me (pants dragged down, but underwear still in place). I of course signaled for him to turn around, so he grabbed his crotch and pretended to undo his pants. I acted gleeful. Tease, tease, tease. Luther and Keniah showed up, too. As they were leaving, Luther went to the trouble of saying the two of them should bring home hotdog guy to play around with. Damn, I just can not catch a break!
Sunday, Ronny, Brad, and Cris met up with me for brunch at IHOP, then we came back to my place. I wow'ed Brad with WoW and Hellgate London on my TV, then we watched Hairspray in Bluray. Brad uttered the phrase at one point "now I want to get Bluray"! Then we played a game, while 300 and Fifth Element played in the background.
I sent another quick message to the manhunt guy that was interested in relationships, and seemed interested in me. Listed my number again "in case he didn't get my last message". Still no response. Ughhhh.
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