Friday, May 30, 2008


Well, work sucked this week. An employee of mine quit. To move to Florida. The guy I had met on Manhunt never wrote back to my email asking about meeting up for dinner. I also included my phone number, and he didn't call. And I was reminded last night that the guy from Epic who took my number never called, either.

Why is it that every single attempt in any format always falls apart?? I am cursed...

I need a hottie to sweep me off my feet and break the trend! How about this one:

1 comment:

Daemian said...

Sorry to have reminded you of the guy from Epic. Maybe you should go after a different type.

Ooh ooh ooh.... I have an idea.. I will put on a buff suit, pick you up off your feet and take you out somewhere nice. At least it would some of what you like. no I won't sleep with you. :P