Thursday, November 01, 2007

Bad News

I got my bill today for internet service from the cable company. Back in August, I got a bill for two months that said I was PAST DUE for August. Now, I NEVER miss paying a bill, so I could not believe this to be true, but was unable to prove otherwise. So, I sent in two month's worth. In September, I never got a bill at all. This was strange, so I pulled up the account, and it said I had $0 balance, and was paid until November. I assumed this meant the morons found the July payment they thought I missed, so doubling up in August put me a month ahead. Today's bill again says I am PAST DUE. I do now know if they f&#^'ed up September or both or everything, or what the bloody hell is going on. I will just send in a double payment, and let it go. Next month I am going to send them money, whether they ask for it not!

Other bad news today, the hottie at work, referred previously as "O" has gone to boot camp. Army. It's kinda sad... I hope he comes back alive.


Daemian said...

I think most billing departments have gone to hiring chimps to do the work. I had the same thing happen with my student loans. They had been taking money every month and then I get a call saying they had not seen a dime. Lucky for me HSBC has all transactions on their website. I can just go, find the transactions and print em out. So not only was I able to prove I had paid, I was justified when I called the lady and her supervisor "fucking idiots who couldn't find their assholes if I was fucking them in it!". I know I can be a bitch but c'mon not thousands of my dollars, papa bear ovah here don't play dat.

Sucks when hotties bounce in unexpected ways. I am sure he will be ok and will come back safe. But while he is gone... great opportunity to use a fill in hottie.

Not me boo boo... I got a man. :P

Anonymous said...

Just Pay the dam thing and lets play wow. Hey anyone for BM. I'll tank it LOL.