Thursday, April 12, 2007


I need a boyfriend. I've been lonely for too long again. Monday I dreamed I hooked up with Alex (the really good kisser). It was very pleasurable, and we had a great time. Wednesday I dreamed about Sergio. I went to a little artsy performance of some sort, and Sergio was in the audience on the other side of the aisle. He came over and apologized for not getting back to me (I haven't heard from him, after three attempts to hang out again - so I'm figuring that friendship is not going to happen).

The pervasive sense of rejection in dating, job hunting, and condo buyers is getting me down. I need a change, and I can't really do anything about people not wanting me, my job services, or my condo. I put myself out there. So, as a minor attempt at taking control over changes in my life, I buzzed my hair short. Really short.

Tomorrow I head to Vegas for my friend's wedding. It should be a great time, and I plan to have a lot of fun. I hear Vegas isn't really a gay town, so I'm not expecting to meet anyone, but if I get a chance to make out with some cutie, you bet I'll be taking advantage of that!

1 comment:

Irma said...


YOU ROCK. can't wait to see what you look like with the new haircut. . . mwa.