My friend Daemian came up to visit again. He had a great time, learned a few things, and even cried, but I will leave him to tell his own tales. See the link on the right hand list.
Wednesday night I made pumpkin cheesecake, glazed apple pie (think Hostess Fruit Pie), and fudge brownies. Though, they were more like brownie-flavored fudge. Daemian came in on the bus, so I picked him up. He had UPS'ed over a CASE of wine, so I unpacked those, and put the whites in the fridge. We went to the club that night and hung out for a little bit. Danced a wee bit, as well. Confirmed plans with Carl, who was making the feast the next day.
Thursday we headed over to Miss Kitty's house. Carl did most of the cooking, with Kitty contributing meatballs and lasagna. Carl made a beautiful ham, a glorious turkey draped in bacon (which kept it OH so moist), candied yams, roasted-garlic mashed potatoes (Insert sound of Homer Simpson drooling), and both a fruit & chocolate fondue, and a bread and cheese fondue. He made his own cranberry sauce, and had a few other sides and rolls... It was a great meal, but dessert stole the show, as always! They were all very fond of the pumpkin cheesecake! Later that evening, Carl and Mattie had to go to work, so the party broke up. D and I went back to my place. The fact that he had not seen Moulin Rouge had come up in conversation, and Carl was adamant that we correct that error. (Daemian likes adamant demands!) So, we watched Moulin Rouge. Nosed around my Playstation games a little after that.
Friday we had tentative plans to head over to Brad's house to play some games. He had other possibilities floating around, so we ended up with a little time to kill. I ended up at Best Buy and walked out with a Playstation3 and several games. Love it! Need the
Burnout series to hit the next gen, now! We started a game of Civ (board game version), but quit around midnight. D and I headed to the club again. The owner was there, slightly drunk, and was a little PO'ed at me, cuz they were short-staffed. Nobody asked me to work that night, though he had mentioned in earshot that they would be short-staffed. Not my problem, really... We had a good time there, and I danced a lot with the Brazilians. Junior and Leo were there. I was a little flirty with Leo, which made Junior a little more touchy-feely with me. I told Leo I wanted to kiss him, and he said I had already kissed his friend, meaning Marcelo. I protested that I was working that night, and just got a kiss 'hello' from Marcelo, and wanted a REAL kiss from Leo, as in "twenty minutes"! He gave a 'damn, Gina' look, and said something about not wanting people to think he was trampy. I pushed gently the rest of the night, and on their way out, Leo gave me a couple really good kisses. After grabbing their coats, he turned to give me one last mini make-out session. HOT!
Saturday morning I made a banana bread (we may be reaching 6 digits on the calorie count by now!!) and we headed back over to Brad's house to finish the game. I lost - miserably. I always lose once it turns to dice rolls. We headed over to
5&Diner for burgers. Then Brad headed to a HS reunion, and D and I picked up Ronny and Cris and headed to Best Buy. Ronny wanted a flat-panel TV, and was all excited about a $450 32" one. Daemian and I both vetoed that idea when we saw it. No-name chinese import TV with no picture resolution data on the box. No display model, either. He ended up with a 26" Magnavox with built-in DVD. Very nice picture, and reasonably priced. Fits well in Ronny's bedroom, too. (He can now watch Project Runway at home; that was his objective.) He also bought an iPod to send to his nephew, and I picked up a BluRay to try out my new PS3's video player. "300" Even on my analog TV (it IS a Sony Trinitron, however) it looked impressive. Daemian wants me to buy a LCD from him. I'm contemplating... Went to the club again that night. Cris and Brad were there, as were Rick and Andrej. Apparently Andrej is leaving this Wednesday for Brazil, and still sat sulking in the corner. I danced for a little while, then saw Marcelo. Had the usual 'why didn't you call' and 'I want to kiss you' comments, that went nowhere. Later, he was sitting on the couches, with his friends (a couple). I decided to sit next to him. He put his arm around me, though still declined kissing. He said he doesn't like to kiss unless it's his boyfriend. I said if he would call me back I might be! Even his friends were trying to get him to kiss me, but he said he was too tired. We ended up cuddled on the couch for the rest of the night. Mostly I was in his arms *heeheee*, but for a while he was in my lap, and I rubbed his back. Really nice hands, great arms, good legs. I slid my hand a little 'too' far into his crotch when he let me feel his leg! When they turned the lights on, we got up off the couch. I had to stand behind the support column because I was a little too excited. He stood behind me, and started grinding his crotch into my ass. *giggle* I did finally get a kiss, too. A couple minutes' worth! But he had to leave.
Sunday, D and I went to brunch. Headed to Block5 again. (See the
Halloween post.) His first real brunch experience. (Bad homo!) The food was excellent, and the waiter was yummy, too. The staff wears 'pajama'-ish clothes for brunch, so he had on flannel pj pants and a T-shirt. Nice butt. He was the only one wearing a server's apron, so I'm guessing he has a big bulge, too! I dropped Daemian off at the bus station a little later, and Ronny called. His computer died, and he needed my help again. I gave a quick call to Marcelo before heading over, but he didn't pick up, and has not returned my message. Mr. I'll-call-you-tomorrow strikes again! Ronny and I watched the two episodes of Project Runway I had recorded, and I got his computer up and running again. It ended up being a later night than expected. I had even offered to have the roomies come over to my place to watch "300" but they were not interested in heading outside. Junior has not seen it yet (he took two Tylenol PM the night he went to see it at the theater, and slept through most of it), so I made sure to mention that he can come over whenever he needs to watch it!