Thursday, September 21, 2006


It is official - I need to go ona diet. I had a dream last night that I was a 'contestant' on VH-1's Celebrity Fit Club. Now, I realize that as thin as their definition of celebrity may be, I still do not count as one. But the fact that my subconscious mind placed me in a weight-loss competition means that something has gone horribly awry.
So, to follow the main technique of televised weight loss, I will announce my starting weight and track the progress. (Amy's tantric reading is more fun to follow along with, but I gotta start somewhere.) I weight myself at work. The scales are calibrated every six months for accuracy. I weight myself (obviously) fully dressed. This is not a problem since I'm looking at the delta, not the absolute. Today I stepped on the scale to read 171 pounds. My goal is 160. Doesn't sound too bad. But it has been my goal for almost two years, and I am practically unchanged.
Here we go...

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