Friday, October 28, 2005


Tuesday night, around 10:30, there was a knock at my door. It was Ronny. Bearing flowers. He said he was miserable without me, so decided that for as long as I am in town, he would like to still be with me. He admitted that the whole grandstanding declaration back on Sunday was more of an attempt at keeping me from leaving. The flowers have this little battery powered fiber-optic spray in them, so the bouquet blinks with red light.
Wednesday night he came over, as well. We ended up discussing the 'situation' a little more. He said that he realizes that he loves me too much to demand that I do what he wants. He wants to remain friends even after I leave, and that some day he would like me to come visit in Brazil.
I am perfectly happy to stay friends. I want to know how his life happens. And, let's be honest, who would turn down an invitation to hang out in Brazil!!
He did ask I would stay in town until his birthday. (End of February) I told him that I was not planning on staying into 2006. He mentioned that I don't go out with friends on Friday nights anymore, and that it is OK with him if I do. I told him that was more a result of Nish getting back together with his ex, because Nish was who I was usually hanging out with on Friday nights, and now that doesn't really happen anymore. The apology aspect of the comment caught my attention, though. It seems as though he is blaming things on little errors he may have made, like getting mad at me for hanging out with friends while he was at work. (long story - apparently pre-dates my blog...)

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