Yesterday was my birthday. Ronny bitched I didn't do the dishes. Nauber asked why I didn't make him a cake. So, as usual, nobody cared enough to think about doing something for me.
Today Nauber and I went for lunch, with Liliani. We tried Summer Shack. Food was meh. Service was meh. Bathroom had no running water. They were out of iced tea and diet coke. We will not be going back.
After we ate, I said I wanted ColdStone. We ended up malling with Nauber. By the time he finished at A/X, Liliani had already left, and he said he didn't have time for ice cream, he had to go to work. I said I'd been saying ColdStone for two hours. He said I don't have a job. (I don't get it, either...) I repeated my complaint from last night that just one day a year it would be nice if he thought about what I wanted instead of making everybody do what he wants all the time. We got ice cream, but he was grumpy the whole time. Not exactly the point...
And it turns out the flavor I vaguely recalled wanting to try was limited time only in May, and no longer available (lemon poppyseed), so I got chocolate hazelnut. Meh.
Tomorrow is Pride. I don't really want to go, but there appears to be little option. I would rather play D&D, but there aren't enough people available - again. It's been three months since we last played. Pride has turned into an excuse for annoying people to get drunk. As I read recently, we've done to Pride what we've done to Christmas (ignore the message and go for the celebrating).
I'm in a funk. The annoying job hunt doesn't help at all. Everytime I see an employed person it reminds me how frustrating it is that nobody wants to hire someone competent enough to get top marks in MBA and MS ME.