Nauber and I are "fighting". I was getting a little tired of his "did you brush your teeth?" every single time I went to kiss him. And Monday, I had JUST brushed my teeth, went to kiss him, he asked, I said I just did, and his response was "so you didn't brush your teeth the whole time before that - ewwww" and wouldn't kiss me. I got a little PO'ed and said he was just making excuses.
This morning I took a shower and brushed my teeth while he was having breakfast. He still would not even acknowledge me. So, I was right. I was just an excuse.
What to do about it, though? He is a bit childish, selfish, and arrogant. And I'm tired of having to "chase" him all the time. But I think confrontation will be better than stand-off. Even though he won't concede.
So, here's a pretty distraction: