Friday afternoon I got a message that I had another showing at 9:30 Saturday morning. Crap. I hate getting up early on weekends. So, cleaned the place up a little (was doing laundry already, anyway), then headed off to work.
Patrick was decorating (Christmas in July theme), and Eddie was getting ready. Ron came in about 8:45. We did not realize at the time, but he unlocked the front door on his way in. So before we were ready, some guy wandered in, and said the Pride Committee was coming in at 9. Quick call to Tim, and yeah he knew but didn't mention. He said to let them in free. We also had a camera crew coming down for the show Split Ends on the Style network. In other words, it was a little crazy. Gays, drag queens, camera crews, and two drunk co-owners, while the staff is wearing santa or elf hats, and I'm handing out little plastic red or green leis. Hotdog guy said hi, asked if I wanted anything. But otherwise, no cuties, no luck. I was getting up early, anyway, so I just rushed home after we closed.
In the morning, I headed off to the gym. At one point, I came up to a red light. I was taking a right, so I started to check for traffic, and was about to start turning, when Mr. Impatient McFucktard behind me starts honking his horn. I take the right, which leads into a rotary. The exit out of the rotary happened to have a crosswalk across it, which was occupied by a mother with her infant child. I stopped. Impatient McFucktard was apparently taking the same street, and started honking at me for stopping. There was a baby stroller RIGHT in front my car at that exact point in time. As I turned to give him a withering WTF look, some guy in another car waiting to take that street out of the rotary saw what was happening and starting bitching out Impatient McFucktard. He went to a lot of trouble to pass me right after we got going, but then drove really slow, so I ended up passing him. Then I get to the gym, and get on an elliptical, and this woman, we'll call her DAFC (dumb-a$$ fu*&ing c...), gets on one of the exercycles. Mind you the entire row of exercycles is empty, but she gets on the one right smack dab in front of the industrial fan they have to help circulate the air during the summer. Then decides it's too breezy, and turns off the fan. This was enough to earn the DAFC label, but then she did less than 5 minutes on the cycle, and left. Did not bother to turn back on the fan. DAFC!!
That afternoon I stopped at the mall in town to pick up the Amelie soundtrack for Jim; on Wednesday, at his birthday dinner, one of the songs from that soundtrack played over the soundsystem. It was a French-themed restaurant, so it made sense. He liked the song, but did not know it, and had not heard of the movie. I thought it would be a very nice gesture. Well, the record store went out of business, and BestBuy has crap for CD selections. Take a walk through the CD area, then wander over to the DVD area. You'll immediately notice the anemic CD levels. So, they did not have it. I tried World, and Soundtrack, and New Age. Couldn't find anything by the guy. And they wonder why Amazon was so successful. Type in Amelie, and Poof there it is!
Picked up Ronny later, we headed over by Brad. Cris was at his sister's, so just the three of us went to dinner, then watched Boy Culture at Brad's house. There were two REALLY cute guys at the chinese buffet place. Brad guessed Armenian. Ronny mentioned that Junior left. Is already back home in Brazil. Just up and left, without telling anyone. After the movie, Brad went to bed, and I dropped Ronny at home so he could go to sleep. I headed over to the club. Nobody cute, so I chatted with Danielle all night, and wandered over to flirt with hotdog guy for a bit. The trailer trash hotdog people are still playing the little turf war game, so our HD guy is further down the street. I noticed he has added "Danny's B-I-G pickle" to the menu, so had to make innuendo about having some of that. He made a reference to being distracted by boobs, so I backed off a little bit. Bi or not, once they start talking breasts, that means they're not in THAT mood. Maybe another night...
Sunday I called Denison. Left a message; breezy and friendly; let's meet up sometime. We'll see if he ever calls back. Called Luther to see if he'd want to grab dinner or watch a movie. Talked to Ronny again, asked if he wanted to come over and catch up on Project Runway. He said he had plans but would call after dinner. He never called. I did get a text from Luther's phone: "Fuck off". I had a feeling it was Keniah. Ended up watching TV all night. Nobody ever called back. Saw Unbreakable on SciFi (not bad). And Picture Perfect on Style (ending pissed me off). It wasn't a bad movie until the final scene. It is a romcom, so there's nothing surprising at all at any point, but the fact that Jennifer Aniston's character RUINED some poor woman's wedding went completely unnoticed; if I were that bride, I'd have Killed her on the spot, not applauded.
Monday morning I emailed Luther at work. I was 99% sure the text was from his ex, but on the 1% chance it was from Luther, I decided to make it somewhat generic. "I got your text. Not sure why you would be so angry. Hope it was a misunderstanding." He wrote back that he had no idea what I was talking about, followed shortly by another email saying he checked his phone, and NO that was not written by him. Suggested we meet up this week for dinner sometime.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Friday, July 25, 2008
On the off chance you've been waiting for my Parade selections to darken up a bit, I have the perfect photo. I found this pic this week, and this guy looks EXACTLY like the hottie I was cruising (with Chris's help) at the Boatslip back on the 4th of July weekend. Exactly. Like, may be even the same sunglasses.

Thursday, July 24, 2008
Random invite
As you may recall, the other day Narinn left his keys in my car (and his belt, apparently - I didn't ask why he took his belt of in my car). This past weekend they went on a camping trip, so I told him to call when they got back. He called Monday night as they were driving home, and asked when I was coming down to Providence. I suggested Wednesday night. He said sure. I said I'd call when I got home from work Wednesday afternoon.
Wednesday afternoon, I got home from work, and gave Narinn a call. He was on his way home, and asked if I was still coming over that night. I said yes. He asked what I had planned. I said I didn't really have anything specific planned. He said it was Jim's (his BF) BDay, and they were meeting up with some friends, and then going to dinner. I was kind of like, ohhhh, uhhh, ok. He then asked if I wanted to come along. I said I didn't want to intrude. He said that was nonsense, it was just a bunch of friends having drinks and going to dinner. I said OK.
Drove down to Providence, the traffic on 95 was awful, so I was a few minutes later than expected. Ring the doorbell (holding the housekey in my hand...). Narinn eventually comes and opens the door. They had been napping. It was 5:30. They were supposed to be at the friend's place at 6. I come in, Narinn parks me in front of the TV, and then goes upstairs to get ready. About 6, Jim comes down and says Narinn's not ready yet, but he (as guest of honor) really should head over, and asks if that's OK if I wait there for Narinn and head over with him when he's ready. I said sure. Jim left. Shortly after that, Narinn comes downstairs in a cute little black pair of underwear and asks me to rub the vitamin E oil on his back. (I believe that makes the 4th time I've applied E to him, and I've only known him 2 months.) Then he gets dressed, and we head over. The party was at Rebecca's house, so I knew the host already. That made me feel more comfortable. Jim's best friend John was there already. Those four had been the ones on the camping trip last weekend. Rebecca's Argentinian girlfriend Mara was there, as well. Then Jim's friend Elizabeth showed up. That was it. A rather tight-knit group that had a fair amount of history together. But they were so nice and I didn't feel awkward at all.
We went to Louie Fuller for dinner. The food was less than expected. The framboise was good, some dishes were way oversauced, and the pasta was underdone, the risotto overdone. Not as special as they were promising. At one point, Jim put his hands on my shoulders and thanked me for coming. That was sweet. I had been feeling a teensy bit like an interloper, but that made me feel better. After dinner we headed back to Rebecca's and John brought out a strawberry cheesecake that he had made. They all raved, but it was a little too powerbar-ish for my tastes. Yes, yes, I realize there is a definite connection between me being the fattie in the room, and them eating desserts that taste like the box. (Well, that may be slightly unfair, since it was made from scratch.)
We nestled in on the couch for a while, and Jim and I even intertwined a bit. Rebecca started to as well, then decided she didn't know me well enough, and pulled away. That's OK, Jim's cuter! Narinn started to suggest going out. None of them were interested, and I would have if I hadn't had to be at work in the morning. Rebecca left Thursday for a week vacation, and Jim and Narinn are leaving Saturday for a week, as well. They all just got back from a 5-day trip this past Monday. I SO need a new job.
John at one point asked how I met Narinn. It's rather surprising how quickly I've entered their world. I'm glad I got a chance to spend time with Jim, too. I am looking forward to more fun weekends in the future thanks to them!
Wednesday afternoon, I got home from work, and gave Narinn a call. He was on his way home, and asked if I was still coming over that night. I said yes. He asked what I had planned. I said I didn't really have anything specific planned. He said it was Jim's (his BF) BDay, and they were meeting up with some friends, and then going to dinner. I was kind of like, ohhhh, uhhh, ok. He then asked if I wanted to come along. I said I didn't want to intrude. He said that was nonsense, it was just a bunch of friends having drinks and going to dinner. I said OK.
Drove down to Providence, the traffic on 95 was awful, so I was a few minutes later than expected. Ring the doorbell (holding the housekey in my hand...). Narinn eventually comes and opens the door. They had been napping. It was 5:30. They were supposed to be at the friend's place at 6. I come in, Narinn parks me in front of the TV, and then goes upstairs to get ready. About 6, Jim comes down and says Narinn's not ready yet, but he (as guest of honor) really should head over, and asks if that's OK if I wait there for Narinn and head over with him when he's ready. I said sure. Jim left. Shortly after that, Narinn comes downstairs in a cute little black pair of underwear and asks me to rub the vitamin E oil on his back. (I believe that makes the 4th time I've applied E to him, and I've only known him 2 months.) Then he gets dressed, and we head over. The party was at Rebecca's house, so I knew the host already. That made me feel more comfortable. Jim's best friend John was there already. Those four had been the ones on the camping trip last weekend. Rebecca's Argentinian girlfriend Mara was there, as well. Then Jim's friend Elizabeth showed up. That was it. A rather tight-knit group that had a fair amount of history together. But they were so nice and I didn't feel awkward at all.
We went to Louie Fuller for dinner. The food was less than expected. The framboise was good, some dishes were way oversauced, and the pasta was underdone, the risotto overdone. Not as special as they were promising. At one point, Jim put his hands on my shoulders and thanked me for coming. That was sweet. I had been feeling a teensy bit like an interloper, but that made me feel better. After dinner we headed back to Rebecca's and John brought out a strawberry cheesecake that he had made. They all raved, but it was a little too powerbar-ish for my tastes. Yes, yes, I realize there is a definite connection between me being the fattie in the room, and them eating desserts that taste like the box. (Well, that may be slightly unfair, since it was made from scratch.)
We nestled in on the couch for a while, and Jim and I even intertwined a bit. Rebecca started to as well, then decided she didn't know me well enough, and pulled away. That's OK, Jim's cuter! Narinn started to suggest going out. None of them were interested, and I would have if I hadn't had to be at work in the morning. Rebecca left Thursday for a week vacation, and Jim and Narinn are leaving Saturday for a week, as well. They all just got back from a 5-day trip this past Monday. I SO need a new job.
John at one point asked how I met Narinn. It's rather surprising how quickly I've entered their world. I'm glad I got a chance to spend time with Jim, too. I am looking forward to more fun weekends in the future thanks to them!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Blog link
So, the other manhunt guy sent me a link to the blog he thought I was writing. It is not me. I should be so lucky!! It is a fun blog, though, so I'll pass along the link.
Davey Wavey
Davey Wavey
Monday, July 21, 2008
Close to Home
Well, none of the Manhunt people showed up Friday night. The hotdog guy wan't there, either.
Saturday I met up with Eddie, and we went to see Hellboy 2. Not recommended - wait for DVD. The creatures were quite elaborate, but it was one of those movies where every exciting scene made it into the preview trailer.
Then we grabbed a quick dinner and headed back to see Journey to the Center of the Earth - in 3D! That one I liked. Fun. The 3D was cool, even if they did a couple blatant "ooohh, aahhhhh" shots.
Headed over to Brad's house after, with Ronny. We hung out for a while there. Andre is back from Brazil, and was telling some stories about the clubs in Rio. Naked go-go boys, and bathhouse area, and hotties for rent. To the locals, it's very expensive, but for dollars, it works out to a night at Epic at the Roxy. Then I headed over to the club. Brad and Cris joined me there. Danced a little, drank a little, visited a little. Bumped into Luther and Keniah. Said hi. Luther had on a shirt that said "Let's Makeout" in a 70's style rainbow font. I said I liked the shirt (because I want to makeout with him), and he said he liked me. A while later, we ended up dancing for a little bit. Keniah joined. Seemed fine. Then Luther left the dancefloor. Keniah followed, but turned to me as he walked away, flipped me off with both hands and uttered "Fuck you"! I was not exactly sure why... They left very very soon after that. Whatever.
The "I fantasize about you" guy was there. He said hi. Not my type. The hottie Lebanese guy was there, too. I said hi, but he was too shy or something to come talk to me. 'Rico' was there, too. I said hi, but he wasn't terribly responsive.
Visited with Brad. He was chatting with Diego (former Ewww-troll guy). He was friendly, and even would brush against me or put his hand on my shoulder. I met his boyfriend (also Brazilian). They left. Brad and Cris left soon after. I decided I may as well go home, too. It was about 1:30. I said goodnight to Eddie, then headed toward the door. Saw Luther come back in. I said something about him dropping off Keniah, and he said something about 'his trick taking him home'. He wouldn't kiss because he had "hotdog breath", but he hadn't eaten one. He apparently got in a fight with Keniah, bought a hotdog, took a bite, chewed it up, and spit it all over him. He said the fight was because Keniah had hooked up with someone. I asked why he cared, if they were broken up. He said it was because he hooked up with Joe (the friend I've known most of the while I've lived here, who introduced me to Luther and Keniah). I laughed. He asked why I laughed. I said because Joe is married. He was not aware of that tidbit. He then decided to cause trouble (both Joe and his hubby were on duty that night) and went over to talk to Joe, muttering something along the lines of 'you don't cross ME'. I decided to head over and chat with Danielle while that went on.
At the end of the night, I caught back up with him, and I decided to offer to let him come over to my place. He said sure. Then asked about a top. I said we could check manhunt when we got to my place. We walked in the door, and I turned the computer on, then went to pee. He then went to pee. When he came out of the bathroom, we started making out in the hallway, then on the hallway floor. After about 25 minutes, we went the extra 15 feet to the bed. Never ended up opening manhunt. We spent the entire night messing around for a while, then sleeping a bit, then messing around, the sleeping, then messing around, etc. Whenever I would mention in the past that I liked him, he would respond with "what would we do?" because we are both bottoms. Well, let's just say I figured out some things to do, and he liked. He really liked. After 69'ing for a while, he said "woah, THAT was different" and I said "yeah, I've never done it that way before either" but it worked!! At one point he said "why have we waited so long to do this?" I stopped and looked at him. He gave that "yea I know" smile, and I reminded him that he kept turning me down. He was kind enough to leave 'marks' behind that were low enough on the neck to be covered by any shirt.
I dropped him off at his car, then went to Target and the grocery store. Brad called, so I headed over to his house, and a couple of us met up and played some games. We took a break to go see the afternoon showing of Batman, Dark Knight. It is very good, and the Joker is superbly done. If it hadn't been for all the media attention, I would not have even recognized Heath Ledger in there, but he did an excellent job. Of course, the scene where he comments how pretty Rachel is (played now by Maggie Gyllenhal), all I could think was "well, you slept with her brother..." (Relax, relax, it's just a Brokeback Mountain reference.)
Saturday I met up with Eddie, and we went to see Hellboy 2. Not recommended - wait for DVD. The creatures were quite elaborate, but it was one of those movies where every exciting scene made it into the preview trailer.
Then we grabbed a quick dinner and headed back to see Journey to the Center of the Earth - in 3D! That one I liked. Fun. The 3D was cool, even if they did a couple blatant "ooohh, aahhhhh" shots.
Headed over to Brad's house after, with Ronny. We hung out for a while there. Andre is back from Brazil, and was telling some stories about the clubs in Rio. Naked go-go boys, and bathhouse area, and hotties for rent. To the locals, it's very expensive, but for dollars, it works out to a night at Epic at the Roxy. Then I headed over to the club. Brad and Cris joined me there. Danced a little, drank a little, visited a little. Bumped into Luther and Keniah. Said hi. Luther had on a shirt that said "Let's Makeout" in a 70's style rainbow font. I said I liked the shirt (because I want to makeout with him), and he said he liked me. A while later, we ended up dancing for a little bit. Keniah joined. Seemed fine. Then Luther left the dancefloor. Keniah followed, but turned to me as he walked away, flipped me off with both hands and uttered "Fuck you"! I was not exactly sure why... They left very very soon after that. Whatever.
The "I fantasize about you" guy was there. He said hi. Not my type. The hottie Lebanese guy was there, too. I said hi, but he was too shy or something to come talk to me. 'Rico' was there, too. I said hi, but he wasn't terribly responsive.
Visited with Brad. He was chatting with Diego (former Ewww-troll guy). He was friendly, and even would brush against me or put his hand on my shoulder. I met his boyfriend (also Brazilian). They left. Brad and Cris left soon after. I decided I may as well go home, too. It was about 1:30. I said goodnight to Eddie, then headed toward the door. Saw Luther come back in. I said something about him dropping off Keniah, and he said something about 'his trick taking him home'. He wouldn't kiss because he had "hotdog breath", but he hadn't eaten one. He apparently got in a fight with Keniah, bought a hotdog, took a bite, chewed it up, and spit it all over him. He said the fight was because Keniah had hooked up with someone. I asked why he cared, if they were broken up. He said it was because he hooked up with Joe (the friend I've known most of the while I've lived here, who introduced me to Luther and Keniah). I laughed. He asked why I laughed. I said because Joe is married. He was not aware of that tidbit. He then decided to cause trouble (both Joe and his hubby were on duty that night) and went over to talk to Joe, muttering something along the lines of 'you don't cross ME'. I decided to head over and chat with Danielle while that went on.
At the end of the night, I caught back up with him, and I decided to offer to let him come over to my place. He said sure. Then asked about a top. I said we could check manhunt when we got to my place. We walked in the door, and I turned the computer on, then went to pee. He then went to pee. When he came out of the bathroom, we started making out in the hallway, then on the hallway floor. After about 25 minutes, we went the extra 15 feet to the bed. Never ended up opening manhunt. We spent the entire night messing around for a while, then sleeping a bit, then messing around, the sleeping, then messing around, etc. Whenever I would mention in the past that I liked him, he would respond with "what would we do?" because we are both bottoms. Well, let's just say I figured out some things to do, and he liked. He really liked. After 69'ing for a while, he said "woah, THAT was different" and I said "yeah, I've never done it that way before either" but it worked!! At one point he said "why have we waited so long to do this?" I stopped and looked at him. He gave that "yea I know" smile, and I reminded him that he kept turning me down. He was kind enough to leave 'marks' behind that were low enough on the neck to be covered by any shirt.
I dropped him off at his car, then went to Target and the grocery store. Brad called, so I headed over to his house, and a couple of us met up and played some games. We took a break to go see the afternoon showing of Batman, Dark Knight. It is very good, and the Joker is superbly done. If it hadn't been for all the media attention, I would not have even recognized Heath Ledger in there, but he did an excellent job. Of course, the scene where he comments how pretty Rachel is (played now by Maggie Gyllenhal), all I could think was "well, you slept with her brother..." (Relax, relax, it's just a Brokeback Mountain reference.)
Friday, July 18, 2008
If you recall, a long time ago, I bumped into a little hottie from Boston at the club, and I joined Manhunt as a means to contact him. That failed miserably, but I have maintained a passing interest in the site. Mostly, I log in, check messages, and log back out. Often times, that brief appearance is enough to catch some attention, which will lead to a couple winks or messages, which is why I log in to check messages in the first place. Nothing has happened with anyone from the site. The closest I've gotten in the usual messages-for-a-couple-weeks until the let's-meet-up moment, at which point they disappear never to be heard from again. It happens to me ALL the time. In person, on traditional dating sites, and apparently through hook-up sites, as well. You would think a let's-have-sex-now oriented site would be less prone to the prolonged fruitless work I keep experiencing.
Anyway, this week, I got a message from some guy "you're the door guy at the club, right?" I said yes, and he wrote back that he fantasizes about me "all the time". I wrote back "uhhhhh thanks" and he said he meant it in a good way, not a creepy way. I just did an LOL back, and he said he will say hi tonight at the club. His profile says bottom/vers, and only shows a penis picture, so I am not holding much hope or anticipation. There was also a latino-looking guy who winked at me, and I winked back. He said he's 'gonna get' me at the club. I'm not sure what he's intending, but he looks cute in the profile... Apparently, he recognized me.
I also got a message asking if I'm the guy with the chatty blog. I'm not sure he had the right one in mind, but since I use the same ID on both accounts, it is possible. (Leave a comment, if you are the one who asked!!) He said I must hear that a lot, which implies I have an actual "audience" - probably drawn by the Friday hottie postings. If you are reading this, and have never commented, please feel free to say Hi sometime!
And just to keep you coming back for more, here's the next Hottie on Parade!
Anyway, this week, I got a message from some guy "you're the door guy at the club, right?" I said yes, and he wrote back that he fantasizes about me "all the time". I wrote back "uhhhhh thanks" and he said he meant it in a good way, not a creepy way. I just did an LOL back, and he said he will say hi tonight at the club. His profile says bottom/vers, and only shows a penis picture, so I am not holding much hope or anticipation. There was also a latino-looking guy who winked at me, and I winked back. He said he's 'gonna get' me at the club. I'm not sure what he's intending, but he looks cute in the profile... Apparently, he recognized me.
I also got a message asking if I'm the guy with the chatty blog. I'm not sure he had the right one in mind, but since I use the same ID on both accounts, it is possible. (Leave a comment, if you are the one who asked!!) He said I must hear that a lot, which implies I have an actual "audience" - probably drawn by the Friday hottie postings. If you are reading this, and have never commented, please feel free to say Hi sometime!
And just to keep you coming back for more, here's the next Hottie on Parade!

Monday, July 14, 2008
As usual, my weekend started out by sitting at the front door at the club. Cris showed up, Junior came in, and Ronny brought a (female) co-worker. Junior was flirty. Cris was dancing like a madman. The hotdog guy stopped by with a fried dough, and asked if I wanted "a piece of this". I did a little elevator-eyes, and said of course I wanted a piece of that. So he ripped me off a chunk of the fried dough... The rest he gave to Eddie (bartender, and manager on duty) in exchange for a drink. Eddie didn't eat any of the dough, however.
Saturday I had breakfast at IHOP with Ronny. The peach praline pancakes are pretty good! He had to go into work for a couple hours, then we met up again, and headed to Providence. There we met up with Brad and Cris, and Brad's friend from like 15 years ago, Keith. We had dinner at Fire & Ice. My friend Narinn was planning to meet up with us later, and he had mentioned there would be a waterfire that night. Sadly, he was wrong. But there was a music festival, and we had a nice time hanging out down by the river, anyway.
After joining up with Narinn and his friend David, we headed to Alley Cat, then Dark Lady, then Mirabar. (Gay dive bar, drag club, and dance club respectively) Narinn kind of re-hurt his foot, so wasn't dancing much. Keith is what is known as a Rice Queen, and was practically drooling on Narinn all night. Narinn of course took his shirt off at Mirabar, and Keith nearly hyperventilated. Unfortunately, Keith was rather unattractive, and not terribly exciting to be around. But he was trying. I asked Brad if Keith was aware that Narinn is unavailable, and he said No.
Around 1am, Narinn and David mentioned leaving, grabbing a bite to eat, and would meet us (Ronny and me) back at the house. Someone mentioned hanging out, so there was discussion about whether or not Brad/Cris/Keith would visit Narinn's place, too, and whether we were all going to stop for breakfast. In the end, the four of us were heading back (sans diner), and those three were going back into Mirabar. Ronny and I climb into Narinn's back seat (BMW convertible, seats 4), they get in, we are about to head out, and Keith knocks on the window. He asks if we are still doing breakfast. Narinn says no, we're just heading home. Keith kind of invites himself along, and Narinn kind of stammers, and gives in. We squeeze him into the backseat. As we pull away, I see Brad and Cris standing at the street corner, yet. I'm guessing they weren't going back inside. At that point, I felt bad about ditching them, though it was technically Keith that ditched them. I asked him if Brad at least had a copy of the room key for the hotel they were staying at. He said yes. I didn't bother asking how he intended to get back to the hotel himself.
Narinn drops Ronny and me back at my car, then I head over to his house. When we get there, Keith and David are on the porch, so we go inside to drop off our bags. I stop in the kitchen and say hello to Narinn. He's a little weirded out by the whole thing, and was trying to figure out what to serve to eat. Ronny and I were both adamant that he did not need to feed us. He said he felt bad, and I said no need, it was Keith's own fault. We chat for a little while, then David and Narinn both want to go to sleep. Narinn gets David situated, while I call a cab. Narinn did not feel comfortable letting a stranger stay over (Ronny was OK cuz he was with me), and didn't have the room anyway. Narinn lives a couple miles out of the downtown area, so I figured it would be 20 minutes or so for a cab to come. Wrong. It was 45 minutes. Narinn stayed up with him, simply because he wasn't going to leave Keith there unattended, and I stayed with them as well, just to keep Narinn 'safe'. Keith was probably cursing me in his mind, but I knew Narinn appreciated having me there. Keith would have been better off maintaining a little class and dignity that night, though. Narinn did not come away with a good impression.
In the morning, Cris called early to say they were heading home already - Brad wanted to get a lot of yardwork done on Sunday. David headed out, too, because he had things to take care of. Ronny and I got ready, and went to breakfast with Narinn. While I was getting ready, Narinn repeated his bathroom performance I described with Denison the other week. I got in the shower, and he came in the bathroom (clear shower curtain). I was a little uncomfortable, but at the same time, I had this cool comfort of knowing he considered me a friend in a similar manner to someone he has known for years. Breakfast choice #1 didn't pan out due to extensive wait. Breakfast choice #2 had no wait, but for apparent good reason. The food was mediocre to poor. We met up with Rebecca for breakfast, Narinn's "lesbian friend". She was the sporty-dyke type. Lean and tomboyish, ate scrambled egg whites for breakfast, and was taking her bicycle in for repair afterwards. They started making plans - asked if I wanted to come along to Foxwoods casino. I had to take Ronny home that afternoon, because he had a date that evening. I didn't much want to go to a casino at that point, and doubt Narinn really did, either, since he was complaining all night about how little cash he had.
So, we headed home, and they went to the gym, then to rent a movie and chill at her place. As I was getting close to home, Narinn called. He accidentally left his keys in my car. He had a spare house key, but was worried about the car key. His spare for the car didn't work on the door. He called a little later to say he worked on the door for a while, and finally managed to get it open, so he could wait a couple days for me to bring the keys back.
Never heard from Denison this past week. Nish was off hanging out with Manny. I'm guessing it was the Manny we were both interested in. If things go well for them, then he was obviously not my type anyway (top vs bottom). When I talk to Nish, I may gently probe what he knows about Denison's mindset. I still like him, and wish we could still have a little something; if nothing else, at least friends.
Saturday I had breakfast at IHOP with Ronny. The peach praline pancakes are pretty good! He had to go into work for a couple hours, then we met up again, and headed to Providence. There we met up with Brad and Cris, and Brad's friend from like 15 years ago, Keith. We had dinner at Fire & Ice. My friend Narinn was planning to meet up with us later, and he had mentioned there would be a waterfire that night. Sadly, he was wrong. But there was a music festival, and we had a nice time hanging out down by the river, anyway.
After joining up with Narinn and his friend David, we headed to Alley Cat, then Dark Lady, then Mirabar. (Gay dive bar, drag club, and dance club respectively) Narinn kind of re-hurt his foot, so wasn't dancing much. Keith is what is known as a Rice Queen, and was practically drooling on Narinn all night. Narinn of course took his shirt off at Mirabar, and Keith nearly hyperventilated. Unfortunately, Keith was rather unattractive, and not terribly exciting to be around. But he was trying. I asked Brad if Keith was aware that Narinn is unavailable, and he said No.
Around 1am, Narinn and David mentioned leaving, grabbing a bite to eat, and would meet us (Ronny and me) back at the house. Someone mentioned hanging out, so there was discussion about whether or not Brad/Cris/Keith would visit Narinn's place, too, and whether we were all going to stop for breakfast. In the end, the four of us were heading back (sans diner), and those three were going back into Mirabar. Ronny and I climb into Narinn's back seat (BMW convertible, seats 4), they get in, we are about to head out, and Keith knocks on the window. He asks if we are still doing breakfast. Narinn says no, we're just heading home. Keith kind of invites himself along, and Narinn kind of stammers, and gives in. We squeeze him into the backseat. As we pull away, I see Brad and Cris standing at the street corner, yet. I'm guessing they weren't going back inside. At that point, I felt bad about ditching them, though it was technically Keith that ditched them. I asked him if Brad at least had a copy of the room key for the hotel they were staying at. He said yes. I didn't bother asking how he intended to get back to the hotel himself.
Narinn drops Ronny and me back at my car, then I head over to his house. When we get there, Keith and David are on the porch, so we go inside to drop off our bags. I stop in the kitchen and say hello to Narinn. He's a little weirded out by the whole thing, and was trying to figure out what to serve to eat. Ronny and I were both adamant that he did not need to feed us. He said he felt bad, and I said no need, it was Keith's own fault. We chat for a little while, then David and Narinn both want to go to sleep. Narinn gets David situated, while I call a cab. Narinn did not feel comfortable letting a stranger stay over (Ronny was OK cuz he was with me), and didn't have the room anyway. Narinn lives a couple miles out of the downtown area, so I figured it would be 20 minutes or so for a cab to come. Wrong. It was 45 minutes. Narinn stayed up with him, simply because he wasn't going to leave Keith there unattended, and I stayed with them as well, just to keep Narinn 'safe'. Keith was probably cursing me in his mind, but I knew Narinn appreciated having me there. Keith would have been better off maintaining a little class and dignity that night, though. Narinn did not come away with a good impression.
In the morning, Cris called early to say they were heading home already - Brad wanted to get a lot of yardwork done on Sunday. David headed out, too, because he had things to take care of. Ronny and I got ready, and went to breakfast with Narinn. While I was getting ready, Narinn repeated his bathroom performance I described with Denison the other week. I got in the shower, and he came in the bathroom (clear shower curtain). I was a little uncomfortable, but at the same time, I had this cool comfort of knowing he considered me a friend in a similar manner to someone he has known for years. Breakfast choice #1 didn't pan out due to extensive wait. Breakfast choice #2 had no wait, but for apparent good reason. The food was mediocre to poor. We met up with Rebecca for breakfast, Narinn's "lesbian friend". She was the sporty-dyke type. Lean and tomboyish, ate scrambled egg whites for breakfast, and was taking her bicycle in for repair afterwards. They started making plans - asked if I wanted to come along to Foxwoods casino. I had to take Ronny home that afternoon, because he had a date that evening. I didn't much want to go to a casino at that point, and doubt Narinn really did, either, since he was complaining all night about how little cash he had.
So, we headed home, and they went to the gym, then to rent a movie and chill at her place. As I was getting close to home, Narinn called. He accidentally left his keys in my car. He had a spare house key, but was worried about the car key. His spare for the car didn't work on the door. He called a little later to say he worked on the door for a while, and finally managed to get it open, so he could wait a couple days for me to bring the keys back.
Never heard from Denison this past week. Nish was off hanging out with Manny. I'm guessing it was the Manny we were both interested in. If things go well for them, then he was obviously not my type anyway (top vs bottom). When I talk to Nish, I may gently probe what he knows about Denison's mindset. I still like him, and wish we could still have a little something; if nothing else, at least friends.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Update on the previously mentioned Brazilian Gay Porn Star. Goes by Luke Hass. His "filmography" can be seen at the following link. It is a porn site, so be careful where you are when you click! I can not confirm the Brazilian heritage, it's just something I 'sense' - and it was more noticeable in person. (I think he was cuter in person, too.)
Speaking of porn, they are now starting to come out in Bluray. I had to buy one! It looks ... like you're there.
Speaking of porn, they are now starting to come out in Bluray. I had to buy one! It looks ... like you're there.
Monday, July 07, 2008
As usual, the four days of forced vacation were boring as hell. Wednesday evening I called Denison to see what was going on for the weekend. He didn't call back. I got a 'feeling' that he was going to go to PTown without me. Thursday I called about 1pm (he said he was leaving work at noon). He called back that night to say he was going to PTown. Let me emphasize the part about "he was". I asked where he was staying, and he said "with some friends". No invite. And what friends would he be staying with that I haven't met, yet? Shortly after my tense conversation with him, I called Narrin to see where he was staying in PTown. Left a message.
That night I caught up with Nish, and we stopped in at the towny dive/bear bar. Bumped into Luther and Keniah, hanging out now as just friends. Luther was telling me I had no chance unless I found a top to do us in a 3way. Met up with Nish's friends Manny and Manny. Manny 1 was rather cute. I ended up being rather flirty, but he was heading home. So, Nish and I stopped at the club, which was having a foam party. He went in, I stayed dry.
Friday (7/4) I had lunch with Nish. He was going to Boston that night for the fireworks with some friends, and then planning to take the ferry to PTown in the morning. He was staying with Denison. Apparently, he had just spoken to him, and found out D was going to PT, so N chewed him out, and forced D to invite him to crash at his place. Turns out Denison had booked the place a while ago. So, last weekend, when D said he didn't know what his plans were, and he'd let me know when he figured something out, he was lying. I understand we haven't known each other that long, and he may want to party more freely in PTown. I would have had no problem letting him roam free. But to string me along and lie about it really gets me upset. Then Nish tells me that HE was interested in Manny 1, and I was getting in the way the night before and making things awkward. I said I had NO idea, and he should have told me. He agreed he should have mentioned something quietly, back when the flirting started up.
After lunch, I met up with Brad and Cris. Brad's friend Rick came along, too. We went to the theater to see Get Smart, but it was sold out, so we ended up at The Hulk. It was much better than we were expecting, even though we'd heard it was better than expected already. Cris loved the first part of the movie that is set in Rio de Janeiro. After Hulk, we went for dinner. I wasn't hungry, and Brad had an Applebee's gift certificate to use up, so that's where we went. I ordered the grilled chicken and spinach salad (250 calories, according to the menu), and was surprised by how tasty it was. I had not had a pleasant experience at an Applebee's in a while. After eating we went to Rick's place, to play a game, and hang out. We ended up watching the Boston fireworks on TV. Ronny came over for a while to visit with us, as well. I broke the news that I am listing again. Brad seemed a little sad, but Ronny was very sad. I got a phone call from Narrin. He was just layin' low that night, but suggested we go out to one of the Providence clubs on Saturday. I said yes, and said I would call Saturday afternoon to set details.
Saturday afternoon about 3ish, I called Narrin, left a message. He called back at 4 and said "Let's go to PTown!" I decided what the hell, so got ready, threw a change of clothes in a bag, and headed over to his place. His BF was still recuperating from a bad case of strep, so just the two of us headed east. Got to PTown about 8:30 Saturday night. Walked around a bit. Bumped into a couple people he knew. Then I bumped into AJ! He was visiting from St Louis. I said he should have called me if he was going to be in MA! I asked where he was staying that night (we were expecting to drive back that same night, but looking for options), but he was at a hotel in Hyannis with another friend already. Then Nish came running up. He was having dinner with Denison and the two Manny's, and saw us walk past, so came up to say hi. Asked why we were mad at him (didn't call to say we were there). I teased that they didn't want us there, why should we announce our arrival. Later, Narrin complained about Nish being too much DRAMA, and said he doesn't really like hanging out with him that much. He also pointed out that Denison didn't come along to say hello. I said I had already figured it was because of me. I am guessing it was awkward for him to go to the trouble of saying hi to someone he had specifically ditched. Narrin and I had dinner, then wandered some more. Saw John Waters riding around on a bicycle. I pondered where he could be heading; Narrin had no idea who he is. Bumped into Nish's ex Mark and his friend Chuck. We followed them to the Crown & Anchor, then lost them. We headed over to A-House, and bumped into a bunch of people Narrin knows from when he lived in Boston and PTown. His friend John offered to let us crash, but was already rather intoxicated. Narrin spent most of the night flirting with him, so he wouldn't ditch us or forget about us. Saw the Manny's, danced briefly with them, then saw Nish & Denison, so went to say hi. D was very reserved, so I basically ignored him the rest of the night. AJ was there, and getting tipsy. Said we should totally move to CA together, but he's loving living in the midwest because the people are so nice there. He's also apparently shifted his bi-ratio. Still will have sex with girls, but now prefers guys, instead of the other way around.
We stopped at Spiritus and bought John pizza, then went to his place, and started getting ready for bed. Narrin decided to sleep in John's room instead of on the sofa-sleeper with me. I said I had no reason to have a problem with that, but I better not hear any strange noises! (The BF told me to keep an eye on him! It helps that he is very easy on the eyes...) John kind of rushed us out of the house in the morning, so we went and had breakfast. I saw the Brazilian porn guy that was go-go dancing at Boston pride come in to the restaurant with some friends for breakfast, too. Then Narrin saw his friend Chris (fellow Cambodian), so he was chatting with us. Nish showed up just as we were finishing up, so we headed out. Denison was still getting ready, so we were going to wait and say hi, but Nish wandered off, so Narrin decided Screw It, and we went our own way.
Walked a little, shopped a little, met up with Chris at the Boatslip. I said I needed some SPF30 if we were going to be sunning. Narrin didn't believe me, so we just went to the sundeck. I stayed under a patio umbrella the whole time. Chris stayed at the table with me, as well, and we cruised the guys wandering around. Narrin trotted off for a while, then we saw Nish/Denison/Manny's. Denison ignored me, so I ignored back. They all headed to the beach. We headed back to Chris's place to chill out for a while. Grabbed lunch on the way. His roommates came back, and had a few drinks. We visited for a while, then headed back to the Boatslip for the T-dance. Saw Nish and Denison there. Again, Nish said hi, but Denison ignored me. After the party ended (about 7:30) Narrin and I went back to my car, and drove home. Stopped for a little bite to eat at McDonald's (he insisted on McD's), which did not go well, and took a long time. I messed up his order (I'm not familiar with the McD menu, so had a hard time remembering what he all asked for), but he should have just waited a couple minutes before going to the bathroom anyway! By this time my redness was obvious and Narrin was surprised how burned I got since I stayed under the umbrella the whole time. I told him that I was serious about the SPF30!
I didn't get home until midnight because there was a bad accident and a big construction detour on my way home after dropping him off. But I am really glad I went. I had a fun time, met a lot of fun people, and got to know Narrin better. He's a great guy, and we got along very well. He has added me to his close list of friends. And I found out he has a thing for Twix! But he does share.
That night I caught up with Nish, and we stopped in at the towny dive/bear bar. Bumped into Luther and Keniah, hanging out now as just friends. Luther was telling me I had no chance unless I found a top to do us in a 3way. Met up with Nish's friends Manny and Manny. Manny 1 was rather cute. I ended up being rather flirty, but he was heading home. So, Nish and I stopped at the club, which was having a foam party. He went in, I stayed dry.
Friday (7/4) I had lunch with Nish. He was going to Boston that night for the fireworks with some friends, and then planning to take the ferry to PTown in the morning. He was staying with Denison. Apparently, he had just spoken to him, and found out D was going to PT, so N chewed him out, and forced D to invite him to crash at his place. Turns out Denison had booked the place a while ago. So, last weekend, when D said he didn't know what his plans were, and he'd let me know when he figured something out, he was lying. I understand we haven't known each other that long, and he may want to party more freely in PTown. I would have had no problem letting him roam free. But to string me along and lie about it really gets me upset. Then Nish tells me that HE was interested in Manny 1, and I was getting in the way the night before and making things awkward. I said I had NO idea, and he should have told me. He agreed he should have mentioned something quietly, back when the flirting started up.
After lunch, I met up with Brad and Cris. Brad's friend Rick came along, too. We went to the theater to see Get Smart, but it was sold out, so we ended up at The Hulk. It was much better than we were expecting, even though we'd heard it was better than expected already. Cris loved the first part of the movie that is set in Rio de Janeiro. After Hulk, we went for dinner. I wasn't hungry, and Brad had an Applebee's gift certificate to use up, so that's where we went. I ordered the grilled chicken and spinach salad (250 calories, according to the menu), and was surprised by how tasty it was. I had not had a pleasant experience at an Applebee's in a while. After eating we went to Rick's place, to play a game, and hang out. We ended up watching the Boston fireworks on TV. Ronny came over for a while to visit with us, as well. I broke the news that I am listing again. Brad seemed a little sad, but Ronny was very sad. I got a phone call from Narrin. He was just layin' low that night, but suggested we go out to one of the Providence clubs on Saturday. I said yes, and said I would call Saturday afternoon to set details.
Saturday afternoon about 3ish, I called Narrin, left a message. He called back at 4 and said "Let's go to PTown!" I decided what the hell, so got ready, threw a change of clothes in a bag, and headed over to his place. His BF was still recuperating from a bad case of strep, so just the two of us headed east. Got to PTown about 8:30 Saturday night. Walked around a bit. Bumped into a couple people he knew. Then I bumped into AJ! He was visiting from St Louis. I said he should have called me if he was going to be in MA! I asked where he was staying that night (we were expecting to drive back that same night, but looking for options), but he was at a hotel in Hyannis with another friend already. Then Nish came running up. He was having dinner with Denison and the two Manny's, and saw us walk past, so came up to say hi. Asked why we were mad at him (didn't call to say we were there). I teased that they didn't want us there, why should we announce our arrival. Later, Narrin complained about Nish being too much DRAMA, and said he doesn't really like hanging out with him that much. He also pointed out that Denison didn't come along to say hello. I said I had already figured it was because of me. I am guessing it was awkward for him to go to the trouble of saying hi to someone he had specifically ditched. Narrin and I had dinner, then wandered some more. Saw John Waters riding around on a bicycle. I pondered where he could be heading; Narrin had no idea who he is. Bumped into Nish's ex Mark and his friend Chuck. We followed them to the Crown & Anchor, then lost them. We headed over to A-House, and bumped into a bunch of people Narrin knows from when he lived in Boston and PTown. His friend John offered to let us crash, but was already rather intoxicated. Narrin spent most of the night flirting with him, so he wouldn't ditch us or forget about us. Saw the Manny's, danced briefly with them, then saw Nish & Denison, so went to say hi. D was very reserved, so I basically ignored him the rest of the night. AJ was there, and getting tipsy. Said we should totally move to CA together, but he's loving living in the midwest because the people are so nice there. He's also apparently shifted his bi-ratio. Still will have sex with girls, but now prefers guys, instead of the other way around.
We stopped at Spiritus and bought John pizza, then went to his place, and started getting ready for bed. Narrin decided to sleep in John's room instead of on the sofa-sleeper with me. I said I had no reason to have a problem with that, but I better not hear any strange noises! (The BF told me to keep an eye on him! It helps that he is very easy on the eyes...) John kind of rushed us out of the house in the morning, so we went and had breakfast. I saw the Brazilian porn guy that was go-go dancing at Boston pride come in to the restaurant with some friends for breakfast, too. Then Narrin saw his friend Chris (fellow Cambodian), so he was chatting with us. Nish showed up just as we were finishing up, so we headed out. Denison was still getting ready, so we were going to wait and say hi, but Nish wandered off, so Narrin decided Screw It, and we went our own way.
Walked a little, shopped a little, met up with Chris at the Boatslip. I said I needed some SPF30 if we were going to be sunning. Narrin didn't believe me, so we just went to the sundeck. I stayed under a patio umbrella the whole time. Chris stayed at the table with me, as well, and we cruised the guys wandering around. Narrin trotted off for a while, then we saw Nish/Denison/Manny's. Denison ignored me, so I ignored back. They all headed to the beach. We headed back to Chris's place to chill out for a while. Grabbed lunch on the way. His roommates came back, and had a few drinks. We visited for a while, then headed back to the Boatslip for the T-dance. Saw Nish and Denison there. Again, Nish said hi, but Denison ignored me. After the party ended (about 7:30) Narrin and I went back to my car, and drove home. Stopped for a little bite to eat at McDonald's (he insisted on McD's), which did not go well, and took a long time. I messed up his order (I'm not familiar with the McD menu, so had a hard time remembering what he all asked for), but he should have just waited a couple minutes before going to the bathroom anyway! By this time my redness was obvious and Narrin was surprised how burned I got since I stayed under the umbrella the whole time. I told him that I was serious about the SPF30!
I didn't get home until midnight because there was a bad accident and a big construction detour on my way home after dropping him off. But I am really glad I went. I had a fun time, met a lot of fun people, and got to know Narrin better. He's a great guy, and we got along very well. He has added me to his close list of friends. And I found out he has a thing for Twix! But he does share.
Friday, July 04, 2008
My internet is acting up really badly today, so I gotta make this quick...
I got stimulated by the IRS this week. I plan to drop the cash into my savings account. I'll have to pay tax on the interest, but at least I'll make a couple bucks before having to give it back next year. (The last I heard it is an advance on your 2008 refund, so even though they mention like 3 times that it is not income, they neglect to mention it is not yours to keep.)
Also spent most of the week on the couch, as promised. Even got ditched by my friends that went to Ptown for the weekend. In retrospect, it is probably OK, cuz the weather SUCKS this weekend. 60's and rain!!
And, I will be on the MLS again next week. Gotta quit that job, and gotta ditch the mortgage first!
But today is the 4th of July! For a couple more minutes... Watched the Boston fireworks on TV at a friend's house. Nice show. Here a couple more stars and stripes!
I got stimulated by the IRS this week. I plan to drop the cash into my savings account. I'll have to pay tax on the interest, but at least I'll make a couple bucks before having to give it back next year. (The last I heard it is an advance on your 2008 refund, so even though they mention like 3 times that it is not income, they neglect to mention it is not yours to keep.)
Also spent most of the week on the couch, as promised. Even got ditched by my friends that went to Ptown for the weekend. In retrospect, it is probably OK, cuz the weather SUCKS this weekend. 60's and rain!!
And, I will be on the MLS again next week. Gotta quit that job, and gotta ditch the mortgage first!
But today is the 4th of July! For a couple more minutes... Watched the Boston fireworks on TV at a friend's house. Nice show. Here a couple more stars and stripes!

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