Friday night at the club was slow, again. Nothing exciting. Nobody exciting. Daemian is cutting back on hours, as is Carl. Adam quit. Next week's schedule has me on for Saturday, not Friday. I did say "one night a week" so he is keeping to that requirement. The needs have changed, tho, so I am more needed on Sat. No Gayme night this month for me...
But I didn't work Saturday this weekend, so I was able to meet up with Nish and PAR-TAYYYY! He picked me up Sat afternoon, and we headed into Boston. Met up with his friend Daniel, who I discovered is a kissy person with everyone. We had a quick dinner at CPK, then went to Fritz to watch - gag - basketball. Apparently there's like a championship or something going on, and the local team is doing well, or something like that. My take on it was "the Detroit players are cuter than the Boston ones". Fritz is also not my normal type of crowd, but there were a couple cute guys there. One latino-looking one showed up. Nish was sure the guy is a bottom, so he became known as Latino Bottom. Mateus also showed up, was hanging out with some flabby older white guy. I said hello, then ignored him.
When the game ended we headed over to the Roxy, for another night at Epic. Had another great night. Good dancing, cute guys. I saw Mateus again, but he was with a hunky younger white guy this time, and they were kinda making out. So, I didn't bother saying hello. Latino Bottom was there, too. I had a chance to say hello. He just gave me this Weird look. He kept looking at me throughout the night, but it was always these strange, confused looks. Nish noticed them, as well, and we were both perplexed as to what he was thinking. There was also this tall broad-shouldered muscley black guy on the dance floor that I tried being flirty with, but he didn't respond. Later, Nish's friends Dennison and Manny showed up. Turns out Manny is friends with hunky black guy, so I mentioned I thought he was hot. Turns out, he is from NYC and has a BF. Typical. Then met up with Jean Louis. Dennison's housemate / landlord. Jean tried to 'introduce' me to a friend of his, but I wasn't interested in that one. Another tall muscley black guy on the other side of the club turned out to be Jean's friend, too, but he was not interested in me. A latino-ish friend of his, though, was, and took my number. Said his name was Juno, and was going to call on Sunday. Still have not heard from him. He was dancing with a third tall muscley black guy that I liked, and this seemed to be tossing glances my way, but it ended up being too late, and we all left. If Juno remembers who that is in his phone, I may meet them again sometime.
Nish's semi-broken-up BF Mark was there with his friend Chuck and some girl he knows. Mark ended up leaving early so she could go home, but Nish was rather nervous about bumping into Mark. I told him say-hello: yes, hug-hello: yes, make-out-with: no, have-sex-with: no, dilemmas solved, stop obsessing. He followed all the advice except the stop obsessing one.
After Epic, Dennison came along with Nish and I to Rise. We bumped into Chuck, and even saw Latino Bottom. I waved hello, and he gave me a weird look and walked away. I do not know if he was on something, but he was WAY beyond mixed signals, into the pure static category. There was also this hunky 40-ish businessman type there, who also was ripped and cute and hot when he pulled off his shirt, and there with like 5 other late 30's to 40 ripped hot guys. They were all white boys. I seem to be one of the few that ends up in mixed crowds all the time. But 40-ish businessman guy was a total dead ringer for the sales guy at work that I totally have a crush on. I've never seen the sales guy shirtless, but they are about the same height and build, and have the exact same face and hair (that I could tell in the fairly dim-lit club). I doubt it was him, but next time I see the sales, maybe he'll ask if I was in Boston last weekend...
At one point I sat next to Dennison, and we kind of rubbed legs against each other. Nish has suggested getting the two of us together in the past, which I have been a little hesitant about. I was not sure why, but he just didn't spark my interest. Muscley black guy - should be my type, but wasn't working for me. I did realize why - over the course of the weekend. He is out of my league, and intimidates me. For purely physical reasons. Works out a lot, and eats well, and has like 0.002% body fat. I'm probably pushing 15% right now. ("Need to lose 10 pounds" has been uttered for so long now it's more of a background music.) He has no problem taking off his shirt in public. I would never...
But, we were sitting on the couch at Rise, and Nish stops by to inform us that he will be over in the lounge dance area with Chuck. As soon as he disappears around the corner, Dennison asks if I want to go upstairs to dance (the thump-thump-thump dance floor). I, of course, say yes. As soon as we get on the dance floor, he grabs me, pulls me in, and we do more of a coupley grindy cheek-to-cheek dancing. He has an ass like rock. Literally, like rock. It was tight and round and very very firm. Touching his body just made me more self-conscious, but he was holding me, and didn't seem to convulse or retch at any point.
All of a sudden, I notice Chuck and Nish are dancing behind us. Now I also felt awkward. Like we were doing something "wrong" or that Nish would be offended. I don't know, I overthink everything. So, we eventually drifted a little apart into more typical stances. Nobody said anything though. We left somewhere around 4:15, and went to Dennison's place to crash. Nish pulled an aerobed out his trunk, and inflated that. On the drive into Boston, it sounded like Nish was offering me the aerobed, but once we got to that point, he kind of quickly said he'd sleep on the aerobed and let me sleep in Dennison's bed. Well, I slept under different covers than he did, so we never even touched (he has a full, which was a little cramped). Nish was sleeping at the foot of the bed, so nothing would have ever happened anyway, but I was not sure what all the "signals" of the evening were pointing to.
In the morning, Dennison made breakfast (veggie omelette and sourdough toast, with yogurt, fresh fruit, and cooked oatmeal - I passed on the oatmeal, mostly because there was plenty else to eat), we chatted with Jean briefly as he whirlwinded his way out to the door to go to NYC. Then we each got ready, and headed to Providence. Bummed around for a while, had dinner (Cheesecake Factory - no dessert), then went to Dennison's friend Arren's place. Chilled there, for a while, washed up and changed. They turned on basketball again. This time it was west coast teams. My take was "San Antonio has cuter players than LA". Arren and his BF Jim have this HUGE gorgeous house. The bathroom is about the size of my condo. There is a shower, and a separate tub. The tub had it's own stage, and was backlit. Very gay. In the Better Homes and Gardens kind of way. Arren and Dennison went to pick up his friend Christian, while Nish and I visited with Jim. Jim opened a bottle of prosecco, the boys arrived, we chatted a little more, then headed out to the Military Ball at Therapy.
Arren is Cambodian, and built like a martial arts film star. Christian is El Salvadoran, and quite cute. Jim stayed home, so it was just the five of us. We were the UN delegation at the Military Ball... Walk in, and see Latino Bottom! Again, I said hello, he gave me a Weird look, and then I just basically ignored him all night. There were a lot of hot guys there. A good number of military outfits, but mostly camo cargo shorts and tanks. Arren was being rather flirty with me, which again, I was surprised by, and self-conscious of. He was more in the 1% body fat range, not quite as sharp as Dennison, but very cover-model, with a shaved head and really cute. We were sitting on the couch at one point, and he was a little touchy. He liked my nose, and even grabbed my arm. I quickly pointed out my arms were not nearly as nice as his, but he was still appreciative, and said I should give him a call to hang out in Providence sometime. I know Nish has his number, but he didn't actually give it to me, so I'm just assuming he was being flirty for the fun of it. Dennison had been less aggressive than the night before, but still grabbed me to dance with him a few times. At one point I sat next to him, and put my arm on his leg, but he was rather unresponsive. But when I was sitting with Arren, he came up. I smiled at him, and he just kind of looked at me, then at Arren, then walked away. He told Nish he made out with some guy in the back corner. I was just chatting with Arren, and didn't think anything of it - he is taken, and also out of my league - but Dennison's reaction just seemed a little jealous.
Again, it was around 4:15 when we left. I made a light-hearted offer to let Dennison stay at my place (in reference to avoiding Nish's cat), and then let it drift on its own. When we got back, and Nish dropped me off, Dennison gave me a kiss good-night (it was dawn already, but you know), and they left.
I got some sleep, woke up, ran to the store, got some supplies, and tossed together a quick chocolate-cherry cheesecake. Eddie came over, and we headed to Lady Sabrina's for a cook-out. Lady S was also having a birthday this weekend, so the BF was trying to throw a surprise party, but it kind of fell apart, and Troy (Sabrina's public alter ego) found out. There was a ton of food, and a yummy birthday cake. The family and the gays kind of self-segregated, but it was still a fun time. One of the queenie little twinks grabbed one of the straight women's phone when it chirped, and ended up have a rather raunchy phone-sex conversation with the woman's dad. That ended up being too much fun, so they called her brother and repeated the performance. It was hysterically funny, but a little twisted. Her mother was there with her, and they both thought it was funny. The brother admitted to trying to have drunken sex with the sister once. Yeah, maybe more than a little twisted. Sabrina is a huge Wonder Woman fan. Has lots of art and collectibles. Some of them were truly impressive. Has an outfit, too, though he said it doesn't fit these days. Played Gauntlet on the PS3 for a little while, then headed home.
While I was out all weekend, I got an email from the geeky engineer manhunt guy. He himself isn't an engineer, though he worked for a railroad. I will see about meeting up with him sometime, soon. I also should talk to Nish about Dennison, and see if there was anything going on, or if it was all my imagination.