Friday night I worked. Decent night. Not obscenely busy, but enough of a crowd to keep me awake. Moderate tips. No fights. Ronny and Junior came in. Ronny was huggy, as usual. Junior was affectionate, too. Even called me "Love" as they were leaving.
Leonardo came in, as well. He apologized for never calling back this past week. Then said something about his plans for the upcoming weekend, and how he wanted to see me again. He mentioned he had a baby shower to go to that ended at 5, and he'd call after that. I do not know which day he said that was.
Went home as quickly as possible, because I had to get up early and go to my crappy day job in the morning. Issues and drama. The women that work there are always at each others' throats. And it drives me nuts. After getting the hell out of there, I came home, pulled my ingredients list for pumpkin cheesecake (I had gotten a specific request), and ran to the store. Made the cheesecake (actually, two), and met up with Russell for dinner.
He's in the midst of major domestic issues. Let's just say when 911 calls, restraining orders, and eviction notices enter a relationship, it's destined for failure... My heart goes out to him. Even as I say "I told you so"! I really do just hope he makes it out of this without her doing something stupid to ruin his future.
Saturday night I went to the club, had some Valentines candy, complements of the bartenders. A little Stoli ras, too. Then I saw Adam. He dragged me onto the dance floor. We had a good time. He was being rather flirty. I pointed out that I am a bottom. He said no problem, he's versatile. Danger alert - last weekend he claimed to be a big ol' bottom. This may end dramatically. But it was fun to dance with him. He does smoke, too, which is a drawback. Heading back in, I saw Junior. I went up to say hello. He pulled me close, put his arm around me, and gave me a kiss. Then mentioned that he had seen me dancing before. In other words, he saw me with Adam, and got jealous. Why can't he just act on it, already!
Leo didn't call on Saturday.
Sunday I met up with Brad and Cris, Nish and Mark for brunch at Block5. Fabulous! We had the cute waiter I like, again. (His name is Jeremy! Imagine that!) They all wanted me to leave my number for him. I didn't have a pen. And I doubt he's gay. Because things like that don't happen in my world. Well, there was the cruise director, the army captain, and the missed opportunity with the gymnast, but generally speaking...
The 'party' that I made the cheesecake for never ended up happening, so I just brought one over to Daemian's house for him to enjoy. I told him to call Miss Kitty to see if she wanted the other one. He went to the club that night. He was asked to come in to help "carry the drag-queen". I went home and went to sleep.
Leo didn't call on Sunday.
Sunday night I had a fun little dream. It was in "Smallville". Clark Kent (it actually was Tom Welling in my dream, but he was actually Superman, so that's why I say it was in Smallville) had a big party at his house. I was there. Having fun. Met this guy Kevin. Really cute. (Imagine Kevin Bacon and Ryan Phillipe had a son who was now modeling for Abercrombie & Fitch.) Next thing I know, I am in Clark's room, with Kevin, AND Clark. And we start making out. And then clothes come off. And we start doing preliminary stuff. Rubbing and licking and sucking and kissing. Three-way kissing is always fun. Even if it's just my imagination... Then things start heading a little south, but just more licking and sucking and fingering at this point. All of a sudden, Clark flips out. See, he and Kevin used to be dating, and then broke up. So, there was tension there to begin with. But apparently Superman does not do anal before marriage, and he started getting nervous when he felt a finger up there. Which he referred to as "Vienna". (Gay History Lesson: before the S&M terms of top and bottom came into popular use, the predominate terms used were french active/passive (oral) and greek active/passive (anal).) So, apparently in my dream world where Superman is gay, he feels the Austrians were into fingering! The next bit of drama is a little hazy, but next thing I know, I'm sitting there consoling Clark, trying to convince him that I thought he was hot, too, and that I wasn't just into Kevin. Imagine Superman having self-esteem issues. Drama!! That of course killed the mood, so I went to get dressed (Clark was already dressed - he could manage that pretty quickly) and couldn't find my clothes. The dream then turned into a standard embarrassment dream where I'm wandering around what appeared to be a Macy's (Superman had a HUGE walk-in closet back in Kansas!) naked, looking for my clothes.
Then I woke up and had to go to work again. Because I didn't win the lotto this week.