There are a couple cuties at work, all Hispanic, of course. One of them (we'll call "O") is about 20, looks like a black/latino blend, and is quite yummy. Always wears tight little wife-beaters underneath big, baggy T-shirts, and I am always wishing the baggy one (well, OK, both, but realistically, the baggy one) would come off. Thursday it did! Feelin' the Vapors! I had to remind myself not to stare. And today O was wearing his Rimstars shirt again. I guess it's a basketball term, but always brings something else to mind. If he is a star at it, it must feel REAL good!
Friday night I was at work again. John did not come in. This tight little black kid (24yo, I think) whom I have had my eye on came in, a little flushed. He claims to have already been drinking, but when I put on the wristband, he was noticeably warm. That does not seem like a common effect of light drinking. It may have had a pharmacological source, but I said he must have been dancing already. He said no, but he wanted to dance, and that it would be better if I joined him. I gave an appreciative smile, and said maybe later. He left early, and I didn’t notice when. Dammit! Marcelo was there, as well (Mister I’ll-call-you-tomorrow). As everyone was heading out at the end of the night, he stopped to say he was surprised I was still here. I asked what he meant. He thought I’d be in California. I again replied, “What?!?” His ‘friend’ told him I’d be in California. He motioned to the dance floor, which still contained Cris. I said I had plans to eventually move there, but it wasn’t happening any time soon. Marcelo claimed he didn’t call me because he thought I was leaving for California immediately, but he would call now that he knows I’m still around. I said I’d believe him when he actually called. He said he Promised he would call ‘tomorrow’. As of today (Monday), still no call. The thought crossed my mind that the sudden switch to just-friends from Junior may have had the same source. It would make sense that Ronny would bring the moving-west story up, since it factored in our split (to a degree that depends on who tells the story). I don’t Think he would purposely sabotage an attempt of mine, but he could easily have wandered into that topic during general discussion.
Then on Saturday, I asked the security guy if he’d spoken with John this past week. Apparently, Avalon in Boston closed on Saturday. I am not sure if it is a temporary/remodeling close, or a permanently shuttered close. But since it was the last night, ever, and Saturday was gay night, it was a big draw. We were unusually slow that night, which may or may not have been related. John was one of the revelers in Boston that night. I told sec-guy to remind John next time they speak that he still owes me breakfast! There was also a dancer brought in on Saturday. Very attractive, and he even spoke with me. I do not know if it was just the habit of a tip-earning worker, or if he was actually interested, but I flirted somewhat mildly. In retrospect, I may have been too timid. He went out of his way to tell me he was nervous about going back to his car after closing. Three times. I thought about offering to escort him, but the annoying voice of doubt that always gets in the way convinced me he would say “Oh no, no. That’s OK, I’ll be fine” anyway. So, I didn’t say anything. Afterwards, the rational side of my brain reprimanded the moron side of my brain for creating a guaranteed No in the name of avoiding a possible No. One of the things I need to work on! Losing 5 pounds is another. Dancer was in great shape, and wouldn’t want a fattie!
Sunday I planned to go to the gym (lose 5 pounds!). When I got up, there was a message from Ronny asking if I wanted to go to IHOP. It was now noon; he had called around 10:30. I called back, and he had already eaten. He then asked if I was going to Andre’s farewell party. (I think I wrote before about another Brazilian that mentioned in the same conversation that he is leaving the country, and would be interested in me if he were single. That’s Andre.) It had slipped my mind, but I did want to go. So, I skipped the gym to spend the day grazing on grilled meats and fatty side dishes (I’ve never met a Brazilian who cared about fat content). It did strike me as a perfect opportunity to bring my camera. I let Ronny use it. He was happy to be taking pictures all day (Cris was probably jealous), and I got some nice pics of most of the regulars in my blog tales. He snapped about 160 pictures. Sadly, Carlos was not there, and still no sign of Mateus.
But to start with, as requested, here is me. The buzzcut is gettin' shaggy already...

That is Kevin on my left (Junior's ex). And another one of me, this time with Cris on my right.

This one is of Ronny, my ex (on your right), and Andre (his party) on your left

Here is a nice one of Junior - sigh -

There were a couple straight (or bi??) cuties there, known as blue-shirt guy, green-shirt guy, and black-shirt guy. The pic of the blue-shirt guy also includes (L to R) Brad (Cris's BF), Marcio, and another of Junior

After we finished eating (profusely), they cleared the tables off the garage floor and turned up the music, so people started dancing. Rick (Andre's BF) was not up for dancing - and was doing a lot of cleaning up - but Andre dragged him onto the dance floor at one point. The whole crowd - about 90% straight - started applauding. It was one of those moments that makes you feel proud of the progress we've made!

To top it all off, I'll include a little video of the dancing. Blue-shirt guy was trying to hang out with the gay guys all night, and after seeing him on the dance floor, we are expecting him to come out soon! The green-shirt guy almost bumped into me, which would have been fun. And there's a cameo by Cris towards the end. Enjoy!