Friday, May 31, 2013
I hate my job. I hate it more and more as the weeks go by. Partly because it is tedious, the pay is lousy, the benefits are worse, the commute is brutal, but mostly because it is the same job at the same pay I had in 1998 right out of college.
So, Russell's friend Amee that said she would review my resume and help out has not gotten back to me. The awesome job I was perfect for in San Diego through USAJOBS sent me a denial notice due to incomplete application, though it lists my application status, still, as "complete". And I got a call from a recruiter - as a result of applying for a job "in Boston" - who said I was not qualified to be a Quality Manager (despite the years of running quality departments and the MBA) and should consider taking a step back before seeking advancement. I honestly can not think of how on earth I could possibly sink any lower. It is quite depressing, really. Infuriating.
I honestly don't know how to try anything else. I do not understand why my career path is so awful. I should not be in an entry-level menial job as I near 40 and have three college degrees.

Friday, April 19, 2013
Monday was the bombing at the Boston Marathon. I was at work (in Woburn), and the Brazilians were fine, too. Today I headed into work and the radio was non-stop news coverage of the manhunt for the suspect. It was two brothers who then started a shoot-out last night by MIT, and one was killed. The city is on lock-down as they hunt down the other one. I was again at work. Nauber on Fridays works at Bertucci's (across the street from where the shooting had been) and Cheesecake Factory (a couple blocks over), but everything was closed, so he had the day off. I am very glad he didn't head into Cambridge today.
Tomorrow we fly out to visit my family in NM. There are increased security measures at Logan Airport, so it will take a little longer, but hopefully it is an uneventful trip.

Friday, March 22, 2013
Work absolutely sucks. Everybody is dispirited. I am still applying for things, and still getting no love at all from any company out there. I even sent out some Quality position applications, and those fell into the bottomless void.
Nauber came back from his Florida vacation this week, and has been all sweet and lovey. They apparently didn't spend the whole time sitting on the beach, so it would have actually been fun to go along. They hit up the Keys, Miami, Ft Lauderdale, and Orlando in addition to the Tampa visit. St Patricks Day at Downtown Disney is apparently quite fun!
(Yes, this one is Brazilian)

Friday, March 08, 2013
Take Me Away
Another big winter storm this weekend. Started Thursday and kind of ruined Friday. Should actually be nice out over the weekend, though.
Nauber, meanwhile, is in Florida on vacation. I took him and Darrell to the airport Wednesday evening. There was a cop (statie) sitting around a corner inside the airport express HOV tunnel. A deserted exressway tunnel that takes people to the airport with (apparently) a 35-mph limit. Goddammit.
And every week my job just sucks worse and worse. Nobody I apply at ever contacts me, though, so I have no idea how long it will take to escape. I need a vacation!

Friday, February 22, 2013
Last Friday I went to the dentist and had my upper two wisdom teeth extracted. He did an awesome job! The bleeding stopped after about two hours, and the pain was gone by morning (possibly mid-night, but I was asleep then). Have been trying to baby the edges of my mouth, though have found food bits caught back there.
Today at work was Marco's last day (hipsterish little Italian guy, married, but seemed kinda bi) so a bunch of us went to a local pub to drink eat and hang out. A couple days ago we teased Marco that if his last paycheck bounced after he moved to Missouri, he'd be screwed. Well, Thursday they handed out backup checks and announced last week's paychecks will bounce. Today there were no paychecks handed out for this week, and (hush) the HR lady said some of the backup checks would bounce. Everyone is digging out resumes. I have been applying since last fall, though not too many look feasible and interesting, and none of them ever call me back. I need to get out of there, but I have been trying unsuccessfully. At least I'm not living paycheck to paycheck and can weather a little turbulence.

Friday, February 08, 2013
Winter storm Nemo is raging outside right now. They actually let us out at noon from work today, so I made it home well before any problems. With a 2' forecast for snow, though, I figure I will need a shovel at some point, but they are all out at the shopping center across the street. Hopefully I'll be able to get the car out by Monday morning...
And if I got all this right, the guy below just won a Super Bowl!
Friday, January 18, 2013
Bye Ronny
Ronny's brother Ronny went back to Brazil this week. His room doesn't look any different (clothes on the bed, alarm clock, etc.). And Ronny immediately picked a fight that night. Mentioned how he's definitely moving out in spring. Nauber and I are both just horrible people, you know. He refuses to acknowledge his fault in anything.
Friday, January 04, 2013
Christmas was nice. Saw my newest nieces for the first time, and the raging succubus kept her ire in check for most of a whole evening. She waited until the pizza dip was gone to go berserk. I ate too much, as always.
New Years was a bit of a bust. We had no real plans, so headed to Mohegan Sun. Nothing terribly special in terms of NYE, and our Vegas trip was so recent that the casino itself paled in comparison to an astonishing degree. I doubt there will be much demand for Connecticut casinos again.
Plus, Ronny invited himself along last minute, screwing up my perfect plan to make Darrell drive. So, after working all day, and driving out there, and spending the night at the casino, I had to drive at 2:30am back to the hotel. My eyes were about to fall out by the time I was able to peel the contacts off. Then he demanded we go to Toys R Us, but his GPS sent us to Blackstone Valley mall instead. So he got all pissy that I wouldn't take him back to Auburn. He is still not speaking to me because I am a lousy friend. Try to be nice, and...
Friday, December 21, 2012
Merry Christmas
I leave in the morning to go home for Christmas. I didn't go last year due to lack of money from extended unemployment. I will meet the dog for the first time, and probably my nieces. There is still a chance the succubus will back out, but Here's hoping!
Friday, December 07, 2012
Last weekend we went to Vegas. I booked Palms for our hotel - I do not recommend it. In addition to being a little on the sucky side of meh, it is also a ways off the strip. I did rent a car knowing it was a bit of a hike. Having a car meant going to Hoover Dam was possible. They begged for Grand Canyon but that was just WAY too far.
Overall we had a great trip! Saw Zarkana (cirque du soleil); I didn't like it. Boring'er than usual and a bunch of flubs by the performers. We saw Jubilee. It is NOT what I was expecting. It is so over the top uber gay you would not believe it! And considering they flaunt topless women as the attraction, you better believe there's some insane WTF going on! While Nauber was seeing Shania Twain, I was going to go play blackjack at TI, but ended up wandering with Ronninho. He's such a nice guy. And quite cute. Mostly we talked about how bad his brother has gotten. Ronny spent most of the trip on Grindr looking for hook-ups.
They all want to go back again. And I enjoyed it enough to consider it!
Friday, November 23, 2012
Turkey Day
Another Thanksgiving finished, another fridge full of leftovers. And the turkey came out Fabulous, again. Crispy golden skin, moist tender meat, no leftover stuffing. I am still having trouble mastering the gravy, though. I think I dumped in too much flour this year; it got a bit doughy.
And Cheesecake Factory pumpkin pecan cheesecake!! A dessert I didn't make, but OMG nom nom nom...
Ronny and Ronninho hid out in his room of course. Shaun and Ian brought a friend, Crystal, whom Shaun met at school (BC). Nauber's CF coworker Jason and Bertucci coworker Renato came. Liliane brought her BF Orlando. Mykael and Patrick brought Sailor along. Nauber and Ian were both making "I want one" noises... Sadly, Lisa and Aonghus did not stop by with little Lena.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
I Got Nothin'
Still not much going on. But Thanksgiving is coming. And our trip to Vegas is coming. And Christmas...
Friday, October 26, 2012
Oh hey!
Goodness, it has already been a month since my last post. Sorry. It's just been kinda boring. Work still sucks, and there isn't really anything out there that looks both interesting and achievable.
I did find out last night that when Nauber's mother was here (14 months ago) she told him that he should stay in the US instead of going back to Brazil because it is better here. Now why had I not heard that sooner?? The getting a puppy or baby talk has been ramping a little, too. He also said that if I were able to afford it, he would stay home and be "the wife". Oh dear Lord in heaven...
Friday, September 28, 2012
Nauber is being more boyfriend-ish again. His asshole phases are never permanent, they just irk me while they play out.
Otherwise nothing really interesting or new going on.
Friday, September 14, 2012
Nauber's been an ass all week. And work sucks. And the deranged Ismael is lurking around again - gee, thanks Ronny. Life is not happy right now. October may bring new beginnings; it is 6 months at my current job and an acceptable time to start hunting again. Ronny noticed my Mood. Didn't CARE per se, but at least that is a step above Nauber's insensitivity.
Friday, September 07, 2012
Right on Time
It is Nauber and my four year anniversary. So, of course, he is being an insufferable ass right now. Sometimes his selfishness crosses that line between cute and infuriating. Strange how that usually coincides with my birthday or some other significant time.
Friday, August 24, 2012
Work seems to be fraying. The department is about to fall apart. I wanted to be the one to leave, but at this rate it may have imploded before I have my six months in.
And I've been sort of binge-eating again. My weight loss has ground to a halt. I'm at an OK point right now, but still have like 15 pounds to lose. Grazing through the kitchen is a bad habit, and it has to stop.
Friday, August 17, 2012
With the Quality Manager gone at work, there is a void. They hired some guy to be the new QM, based on the fact that he could program the CMM. Except he can't. So he needs training in that. And he can't use Excel. So he needs training in that. What kind of manager at any company can't use Excel? And he said he can't start until after Labor Day because his son is having surgery, but then let it slip that he'll be at the cape and then on a camping trip in Yellowstone. There is a discouraged air brewing that does not bode well. I want to the first to bail, but it may be a race...
Friday, August 03, 2012
Yes, I know: I have been delinquent. No real excuse either. Just not on the computer much these days. And it isn't even because of the Olympics...
Saturday, July 14, 2012
It's been warm. Fighting with Nauber over the A/C settings is a standard summer practice that will last until about late September.
Otherwise, not much goin' on...
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